10 unexpected starring roles
Jim Carrey in "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."
It's a wonderful feeling - to discover that your favorite comedians are also a great dramatic actor. Prior to this role Kerry was widely known for his outrageous scale of humor in the movie "Ace Ventura," "Batman," "Liar, Liar", the list goes on. But in 2004 he really changed the perception of his persona in "The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," where he played a major role with Kate Winslet. Sci-fi drama tells the story of Joel (Carrey) who underwent an unusual procedure to erase his ex-girlfriend from memory. However, Joel once again meets her and realizes his mistake. In an attempt to fight the erasure, Joel desperately looking for ways to hide the memories of being at the mercy of doctors who have no idea that he is awake. The film was a huge commercial success and critical acclaim, and even became a cult.
Justin Timberlake in "Bad Teacher."
This boy band star was transformed into a pretty good actor. After the music video and charismatic roles in "Alpha Doge" and "Time", you can expect that he will play the role of smart guys or heroes, well, or smug typical superstars, as in "The Social Network." But these stereotypes are shattered after a comic movie "Bad Teacher." Timberlake plays awkward, brake type, which a lot of money, but that seems to be totally aware of their status, and it becomes love interest of the protagonist Elizabeth (Cameron Diaz), while he is not a hero, and not any romantic.
Anne Hathaway in "Rachel Getting Married."
Hathaway began her career with leading roles in numerous family comedy. Her first film, "The Princess Diaries" won her some recognition, after which she played a few of the main characters of the same type in a number of films. After more mature roles in "Brokeback Mountain" and "The Devil Wears Prada," she confirmed the presence of large dramatic talent. The trend continued, her roles were, for the most part, pretty lungs. But in 2008 between the "Get Smart" and "Valentine's Day" Hathaway changed everything, when she played the lead role in the independent heavy drama "Rachel Getting Married." Fighting for dependence services * Kim (Hathaway) struggles to spoil the wedding day of her sister, where she must confront the past, dulling the senses to forget. Since Hathaway continues to delight audiences with romantic comedies, but occasionally surprises such roles in "Love and Other seals on *" and "Les Miserables."
Dakota Fanning in "The Runaways."
Being an actor-baby - really a brand, because the audience is very difficult to recognize that the characters will eventually grow. Fanning have not been seizures of sadness associated with her old child persona when she played Cherie Currie in "The Runaways." While Fanning was always able to play mature roles with sufficient grace and plausibility, for all was a shock to see her undressed to the underwear, yelling into the microphone and used heavy * for fur seals. Although the film did not cash due to lack of marketing and the target audience, it has received positive reviews. Even Carrie was happy with the game Fanning, but noted that the film is a lot easier than the real story.
Ellen Page in "Ledenets."
Teenage girls are always a little scary, but the role of Paige Haley is just frightening. Before play in this thriller about revenge, Paige mainly starred in the Canadian television series and television shows. The role of "Ledenets" it has proven ability to handle complex material and filming in the film. In it fourteen Haley with ne * * laznyaet ofila at his home, where he continued to stuff it into * seals and torment. Typical lynching, but without a mechanism superhero and with much more cynicism. Since then, Paige played a role in "X-Men", "Juno" and "Whip It." Critics praised her game in "Ledenets", calling it a convincing, powerful and frightening. Independent film had a limited release and a net profit of $ 6 million worldwide.
Jay Baruchel in "good neighbors."
Canadians were familiar with the works Baruchel, who was born in Ottawa and grew up in Montreal, for a long time. His career began in the late 1990s, when he and Elisha Cuthbert was the leading children's educational series "Popular Mechanics for the children." After the success of the children's program Baruchel continued to play supporting roles in feature films. In 2001 he landed a role in Judd Apatow's comedy series "undecided", and this was the beginning of the career of comedian. Now, he is known for his roles in the pranksters "Knocked Up," "fans" and "bouncers." In 2010 Baruchel landed the role of Victor in the Canadian thriller "Good Neighbors". The film shows the three neighbors in the Montreal apartment that begin to approach the chaos looming threat and the ongoing lethal "fun" in the area. The question is, who is the killer?
Anna Faris of "I give you my year."
In this English film in 2013 Faris drops his habitual seconds * ualnoe / funny role to play timid and awkward love philanthropist. Starting way to fame with "Scary Movie" in 2000, Faris was known only for its outrageous comedic sensibility and the ability to combine amazingly well with her sex appeal. In "I give a year" Faris plays Chloe, a girl who lacks beauty and almost glad to accept the status unlucky in love, until she realizes how unhappy her ex and his new wife. When they finally admit that meant for each other, no one knows how to overcome the obstacle of his wedding vows, and everything in their life gets pretty awkward. Faris very skillfully makes the viewer sympathy; quiet and gentle, as opposed to their past roles.
Brad Pitt in "Burn After Reading."
No se * sualny not attractive - and yet, it - Brad Pitt. Amazing role Pitt Frances McDormand, George Clooney and John Malkovich in the tragicomedy Coen brothers. His character, Chad, is an absolute idiot, who once received on the head when trying to blackmail the CIA information that he does not even have. The plot is full of errors and inconsistencies. Only unbridled laughter gives Chad, behaving like a lost puppy, who is trying to look cool at the same time. He played the role perfectly, and just for this film worth seeing. The rest of the cast is also impressive.
Adam Sandler in "Reign Over."
Although the film was not nominated to any major awards, Sandler game deserves recognition. While Sandler comedy full of very emotional moments, nothing beats the character that he revealed here. The story of old friends Charlie (Sandler) and Alan (Cheadle), who accidentally begin to talk again after the accident in New York City. Shortly after 9/11, it is clear that the emotional health of Charlie is threatened, as he tries to cope with the loss of his wife and daughter in a terrible tragedy. Devastated and disappointed, Charlie finds his friendship with Alan resumed again the desire to be happy. Although some critics have noted his clumsiness, there is certainly something special in this film, highlighted by a brilliant game Sandler.
Vince Vaughn in "Psycho."
Vince Vaughn was supposed to be the most unexpected and inappropriate in the casting for the role of Norman Bates. Unfortunately, his role is not particularly good. The film is a remake of a terrible call, he received two Crimson Award, Worst Remake and Worst Producer. The original masterpiece Anthony Perkins brought cold in every room, which he entered with his misplaced confidence and unpredictable their weight. With this much was due to the appearance, but a huge increase in Vaughan, however, has created quite the opposite effect, so reviews of the movie was so controversial. Today, Vaughn returned to his usual comic roles.
Source: www.therichest.com
It's a wonderful feeling - to discover that your favorite comedians are also a great dramatic actor. Prior to this role Kerry was widely known for his outrageous scale of humor in the movie "Ace Ventura," "Batman," "Liar, Liar", the list goes on. But in 2004 he really changed the perception of his persona in "The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," where he played a major role with Kate Winslet. Sci-fi drama tells the story of Joel (Carrey) who underwent an unusual procedure to erase his ex-girlfriend from memory. However, Joel once again meets her and realizes his mistake. In an attempt to fight the erasure, Joel desperately looking for ways to hide the memories of being at the mercy of doctors who have no idea that he is awake. The film was a huge commercial success and critical acclaim, and even became a cult.

Justin Timberlake in "Bad Teacher."
This boy band star was transformed into a pretty good actor. After the music video and charismatic roles in "Alpha Doge" and "Time", you can expect that he will play the role of smart guys or heroes, well, or smug typical superstars, as in "The Social Network." But these stereotypes are shattered after a comic movie "Bad Teacher." Timberlake plays awkward, brake type, which a lot of money, but that seems to be totally aware of their status, and it becomes love interest of the protagonist Elizabeth (Cameron Diaz), while he is not a hero, and not any romantic.

Anne Hathaway in "Rachel Getting Married."
Hathaway began her career with leading roles in numerous family comedy. Her first film, "The Princess Diaries" won her some recognition, after which she played a few of the main characters of the same type in a number of films. After more mature roles in "Brokeback Mountain" and "The Devil Wears Prada," she confirmed the presence of large dramatic talent. The trend continued, her roles were, for the most part, pretty lungs. But in 2008 between the "Get Smart" and "Valentine's Day" Hathaway changed everything, when she played the lead role in the independent heavy drama "Rachel Getting Married." Fighting for dependence services * Kim (Hathaway) struggles to spoil the wedding day of her sister, where she must confront the past, dulling the senses to forget. Since Hathaway continues to delight audiences with romantic comedies, but occasionally surprises such roles in "Love and Other seals on *" and "Les Miserables."

Dakota Fanning in "The Runaways."
Being an actor-baby - really a brand, because the audience is very difficult to recognize that the characters will eventually grow. Fanning have not been seizures of sadness associated with her old child persona when she played Cherie Currie in "The Runaways." While Fanning was always able to play mature roles with sufficient grace and plausibility, for all was a shock to see her undressed to the underwear, yelling into the microphone and used heavy * for fur seals. Although the film did not cash due to lack of marketing and the target audience, it has received positive reviews. Even Carrie was happy with the game Fanning, but noted that the film is a lot easier than the real story.

Ellen Page in "Ledenets."
Teenage girls are always a little scary, but the role of Paige Haley is just frightening. Before play in this thriller about revenge, Paige mainly starred in the Canadian television series and television shows. The role of "Ledenets" it has proven ability to handle complex material and filming in the film. In it fourteen Haley with ne * * laznyaet ofila at his home, where he continued to stuff it into * seals and torment. Typical lynching, but without a mechanism superhero and with much more cynicism. Since then, Paige played a role in "X-Men", "Juno" and "Whip It." Critics praised her game in "Ledenets", calling it a convincing, powerful and frightening. Independent film had a limited release and a net profit of $ 6 million worldwide.

Jay Baruchel in "good neighbors."
Canadians were familiar with the works Baruchel, who was born in Ottawa and grew up in Montreal, for a long time. His career began in the late 1990s, when he and Elisha Cuthbert was the leading children's educational series "Popular Mechanics for the children." After the success of the children's program Baruchel continued to play supporting roles in feature films. In 2001 he landed a role in Judd Apatow's comedy series "undecided", and this was the beginning of the career of comedian. Now, he is known for his roles in the pranksters "Knocked Up," "fans" and "bouncers." In 2010 Baruchel landed the role of Victor in the Canadian thriller "Good Neighbors". The film shows the three neighbors in the Montreal apartment that begin to approach the chaos looming threat and the ongoing lethal "fun" in the area. The question is, who is the killer?

Anna Faris of "I give you my year."
In this English film in 2013 Faris drops his habitual seconds * ualnoe / funny role to play timid and awkward love philanthropist. Starting way to fame with "Scary Movie" in 2000, Faris was known only for its outrageous comedic sensibility and the ability to combine amazingly well with her sex appeal. In "I give a year" Faris plays Chloe, a girl who lacks beauty and almost glad to accept the status unlucky in love, until she realizes how unhappy her ex and his new wife. When they finally admit that meant for each other, no one knows how to overcome the obstacle of his wedding vows, and everything in their life gets pretty awkward. Faris very skillfully makes the viewer sympathy; quiet and gentle, as opposed to their past roles.

Brad Pitt in "Burn After Reading."
No se * sualny not attractive - and yet, it - Brad Pitt. Amazing role Pitt Frances McDormand, George Clooney and John Malkovich in the tragicomedy Coen brothers. His character, Chad, is an absolute idiot, who once received on the head when trying to blackmail the CIA information that he does not even have. The plot is full of errors and inconsistencies. Only unbridled laughter gives Chad, behaving like a lost puppy, who is trying to look cool at the same time. He played the role perfectly, and just for this film worth seeing. The rest of the cast is also impressive.

Adam Sandler in "Reign Over."
Although the film was not nominated to any major awards, Sandler game deserves recognition. While Sandler comedy full of very emotional moments, nothing beats the character that he revealed here. The story of old friends Charlie (Sandler) and Alan (Cheadle), who accidentally begin to talk again after the accident in New York City. Shortly after 9/11, it is clear that the emotional health of Charlie is threatened, as he tries to cope with the loss of his wife and daughter in a terrible tragedy. Devastated and disappointed, Charlie finds his friendship with Alan resumed again the desire to be happy. Although some critics have noted his clumsiness, there is certainly something special in this film, highlighted by a brilliant game Sandler.

Vince Vaughn in "Psycho."
Vince Vaughn was supposed to be the most unexpected and inappropriate in the casting for the role of Norman Bates. Unfortunately, his role is not particularly good. The film is a remake of a terrible call, he received two Crimson Award, Worst Remake and Worst Producer. The original masterpiece Anthony Perkins brought cold in every room, which he entered with his misplaced confidence and unpredictable their weight. With this much was due to the appearance, but a huge increase in Vaughan, however, has created quite the opposite effect, so reviews of the movie was so controversial. Today, Vaughn returned to his usual comic roles.

Source: www.therichest.com