American woman married herself

Last month, 36-year-old Nadine Shvaygert from North Dakota, United States played a magnificent wedding. She wore a beautiful blue dress, ordered a huge birthday cake and even invited 45 guests. The only thing at this ceremony was not enough, this is the groom. But, as it turned out, and it was intended: Nadine ostentatiously married itself to prove that full of happiness a man she did not need. A woman has three children and was once a real husband, but after a hard divorce several years she waited in her life appears a man who returns to her joy of life. Meanwhile, she began psychological problems with self-esteem, and she began to attend group therapy. In the end, one of her friend jokingly told her to stop waiting for the perfect man, and instead to marry herself. Oddly enough, Nadine is so excited about the idea that, in spite of all the dissuasion, is already a few months later arranged for herself a real wedding ceremony. Her friends and relatives had no choice but to support it. During the exchange of vows she said: "I, Nadine, promise to enjoy their lives and enjoy the love of a lifetime to afford the favorite." She then put himself on the finger a wedding ring, but in the moment when the groom has to kiss bride asked the guests to send her kisses. After the ceremony, Nadine arranged her honeymoon and flew for a vacation in New Orleans.
It seems that after this ritual, her self-esteem issues resolved without the help of a therapist. "I am very proud of what I did, and now I feel great - says Nadine. - I realized that I was cool and unique person who simply does not fit the generally accepted standards and ideals. "However, it was not the first who dared to commit such an extraordinary act. In the US, like the marriage ceremony there for several years. They are purely symbolic and does not require the presence of a priest. The main objective of the mono-marriages - to help people realize that they themselves are the creators of their happiness and they do not necessarily want someone else to feel like full-fledged.
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Source: drunov.ru/news/ustavshaya_zhdat_svoego_printsa_amerikanka_vyshla_zamuzh_za_samu_sebya/