"You're married, then not come out yet?" How to answer the faux pas of others

The website offers readers post publication Snob, written by Radmila Jacoway. Like so many women of our country it pariet faux pas of others. So do not ask: the world has changed. First, some do not marry never — became optional. Secondly, there's ethics, there must be ethics. Exception — enemies. If you hate me or the other lonely / free woman, ask:
"Then" and "else" it is important to include in the question to give a special intonation. Not rudeness, and the like, and are interested in a person's life, but the tone (try) it's important to note: you know the answer.
If everything went smoothly, man (woman) would be awkward (she's always awkward when faced with a faux pas). If the person is smart, the next time he (she) will pretend to not know you. Success! No need to thank.
If you are asked "are You married something not out yet?", don't get lost. Many times you answer the question kindly and the truth is enough. Try something new and unexpected. Now, let's practice together.
— You didn't marry?
— Out! (Flirty smile).
Wow! For whom, when (any other question)?
Your husband (smile) — last Thursday (raise eyebrow).
No, it was a joke. Sorry. So it is impossible to say. Let's try again.
— You didn't marry?
— Out! Just didn't tell anyone. Yes, hide (look around). Well, I'm that sort of person is secretive (spread hands): all in itself. You can't trust anyone, one envy around. You (whisper) also don't tell anyone.
— I got married?
— Did not work. (Loudly) no One takes. (Even louder) no Wonder! You know, really (shakes head) very bad character. Besides — (wycliffite) drink! (Ichnites in the direction of a person, go away).
— Not married-that, Radmila?
— Ho-Ho! Kidding! Am I crazy?
— Not married?
— I'm sorry, what?
— I got married, you say?
I don't understand what you mean.
— You didn't marry?
— No, and you?
— So I married.
— Still? I heard the divorce.
Take from the table any liquid, pour it on the floor between you and the interviewee, drawing on the floor of the infinity symbol.
Friends, of course, and I didn't mean it, but if you really believe that before you — not just the curious / indifferent / insensitive because of the different circumstances of people (education, temperament, character, temperament), but shrewd, evil, nasty (and family) answer:
— Did not work. Why? Yeah, I know... I Look at some married people and I don't want to, honestly.
via snob.ru/profile/6900/blog/115914
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