10 most bizarre and crazy weddings
Some people, tired of the loneliness, and after several unsuccessful attempts to find a soul mate, despair ever to combine the knot. Not wanting to be alone, they choose their spouse in a very unexpected "second half". In this list you will find the ten most bizarre and crazy weddings!
10. The man who sued to marry computer
A soldier veteran contested decision of the court, which forbids him to marry his laptop. Chris Sevier (Chris Sevier) filed a petition with the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals, arguing that if gay couples are allowed to marry, then he, too, should have the right to tie the knot with his MacBook.
Non-professional model, he argues that computers are "the preferred sexual object" to him. (In other words, he gets more pleasure from devices than from real women.)
He tried to marry a device that, according to him, loaded with porn, but authorities Utah denied him this right on the basis of "sexual orientation." However, taking into account the precedents set by following a few stories, he may have his will achieve.
9. The Russian, who married a pizza
Actively looking for the love of his life? This 23-year-old bride from Tomsk has found his soul mate in the pizza. The boy, whose name is not known, this dish married after he got tired of being lonely (though, in the registry office refused to register the marriage).
Eccentric wedding ceremony was held in one of the pizzerias of Tomsk. The bridegroom admitted that he did not have the deep iserёznyh relationship with his "bride," but in any case decided to do it because it will never betray, and he really likes it.
8. A woman who married her cat after parting
ended her last relationship
After a painful breakup, many women think they will never meet his love. But for 48-year-old web designer Barbarella Buchner (Barbarella Buchner) from London looking for another man after breaking 7-year relationship - the last thing she thought, because he believes that has already found happiness, companionship and emotional satisfaction with with their cats.
As incredible as it sounds, Barbarella thinks she has found not one but two native soul in the face, that is, the muzzle of his brothers, cats, Spider (Spider) and Lugosi (Lugosi). Her devotion to them is so strong that ten years later she even married them married during a ceremony online.
In 2004, he decided to issue Barbarella is officially and found a way to marry their cats. She found a website called Marryyourpet, which read a list of rules to be followed by a man married to his pet. (For a start, is not allowed to torture their pet at all times.)
Once approved the application Barbarella, and she made a small contribution in the amount of about 20 pounds, she tied the knot with Lugosi and Spider during a quick online ceremony by clicking on the word "Yes!».
7. The artist, who is married to a stone, saying that he felt under his protection
The artist Tracey Emin (Tracey Emin) admitted that she was married to a stone. Known for her dedication and extraordinary projects, she tied the knot with the ancient stone in France, "seeing in it the protection, rather than something that strikes fear." According to reports, she was married to her father's burial shroud.
The artist also admitted that he no longer has sex, and instead focus only on love and work.
6. A resident of Tokyo, became the first man who married a character from the video game
Anegasaki Nene (Nene Anegasaki) - is a witty beauty with a naive look. She looks boldly-attractive sexy skirts, does not argue, and always appears at the call of a resident of Tokyo, which is why 27-year-old man decided to marry her.
The only difficulty is that it is - a character from Nintendo DS video game called Love Plus ( «Love Plus"). However, this did not stop Sal 9000 - so named the groom - to get married during the ceremony, which witnessed by thousands of Internet users
. The wedding took place in 2009 and became the first union of man and the character of the computer game. Alongside in a white tuxedo, Sal married Nene in front of friends and internet users viewed the ceremony online.
5. A woman who sought sperm donor and married him
A year after Amin Hart (Aminah Hart) gave birth to her daughter Leila (Leila) from an anonymous sperm donor, she sought it because it wanted to her little daughter knew who her father was. Young mother found a donor, they fell in love and were married December 2015.
Born in London, the Australian chose love Scott Anderson (Scott Andersen), because he called himself a happy and healthy man. Hart found Andersen over the Internet, knowing only his name and profession. She got in touch with him through the register of donors for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and send a photo of Leila. The man and the woman had agreed to meet.
Andersen and Hart began to spend more and more time together, and soon they became romantically involved. Hart wrote a book about their love story, "How I met your father» ( «How I Met Your Father»), and now are filming on the book. And if their story - not a romantic comedy, then it is we do not know that
. 4. The woman, changed his name to "perfect creation» (Beautiful Existence), married herself in Paris
This woman will have to blame herself if her last marriage fall apart.
Perfect Creation - a 42-year-old mother of two from Seattle, which officially changed its name Desiree Longeba (Desiree Longabaugh) and spent $ 7000 on it, to marry herself at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, 10 years after a painful divorce <. br>
According to her, she always wanted to tie the knot in Paris and decided that she will be a small ceremony in June 2015 with the participation of the photographer and the three closest friends.
Marriage on itself becomes an unexpected new trend. In 2015 Elebi Yasmin (Yasmin Eleby) of Houston, Texas, was married to herself after a failed attempt to 40 years to find the man of her dreams.
3. A man who got married in Vegas on your smartphone
In Las Vegas it held a lot of fast weddings, but one man made his way to Sin City to say "Yes!" To their smartphone. Aaron Chervenak (Aaron Chervenak), 34-year-old Los Angeles resident, married his mobile phone in a wedding chapel The Little Vegas Chapel in Nevada this year in an attempt to convey their views on increasing the strong attachment of society to smartphones, as well as the dependence from them.
Aaron explained that when he arrived in Vegas, got in touch with representatives of a wedding chapel, to see if they are willing to spend "slightly unconventional ceremony." He was delighted to learn that they will do it without any problems.
His black iPhone, «dressed" in white cover, rose on decorated stand, which was next to him. In this bizarre marriage even attended by several guests.
2. Taets, who married his dead lover during a funeral and a wedding ceremony
A resident of Taiwan, married his girlfriend, who died in a traffic accident, during a funeral and a wedding ceremony.
Chadil "Deffi" Yuenuing (Chadil «Deffy» Yuenying) married his 10-year-old girlfriend Sarina "Anna" Kamsuk (Sarinya «Anne» Kamsook), and has published photos from the ceremony in his Facebook.
According to online resources, they planned to marry, but postponed the wedding because Yuenuing first wanted to finish his studies.
1. A woman who married her horse
In 2014, the Supreme Court of Denmark was forced to recognize the right of 28-year-old defender of animal rights to marry his horse, creating a legal precedent and thereby opening the way for registration of marriages between humans and animals worldwide.
Milan Broskvit (Milanja Broskvit) issued an appeal that she and her husband traded (Thorgen) were victims of speciesism, prejudice, similar to racism or sexism.
"The differences between the two species do not make us different in nature. The relationship between individuals based on group membership, rather than morally irrelevant physical differences. The argument is that membership of the species has no moral significance, "- he appealed to the Supreme Court Broskvit
10. The man who sued to marry computer

A soldier veteran contested decision of the court, which forbids him to marry his laptop. Chris Sevier (Chris Sevier) filed a petition with the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals, arguing that if gay couples are allowed to marry, then he, too, should have the right to tie the knot with his MacBook.
Non-professional model, he argues that computers are "the preferred sexual object" to him. (In other words, he gets more pleasure from devices than from real women.)
He tried to marry a device that, according to him, loaded with porn, but authorities Utah denied him this right on the basis of "sexual orientation." However, taking into account the precedents set by following a few stories, he may have his will achieve.
9. The Russian, who married a pizza

Actively looking for the love of his life? This 23-year-old bride from Tomsk has found his soul mate in the pizza. The boy, whose name is not known, this dish married after he got tired of being lonely (though, in the registry office refused to register the marriage).
Eccentric wedding ceremony was held in one of the pizzerias of Tomsk. The bridegroom admitted that he did not have the deep iserёznyh relationship with his "bride," but in any case decided to do it because it will never betray, and he really likes it.
8. A woman who married her cat after parting
ended her last relationship

After a painful breakup, many women think they will never meet his love. But for 48-year-old web designer Barbarella Buchner (Barbarella Buchner) from London looking for another man after breaking 7-year relationship - the last thing she thought, because he believes that has already found happiness, companionship and emotional satisfaction with with their cats.
As incredible as it sounds, Barbarella thinks she has found not one but two native soul in the face, that is, the muzzle of his brothers, cats, Spider (Spider) and Lugosi (Lugosi). Her devotion to them is so strong that ten years later she even married them married during a ceremony online.
In 2004, he decided to issue Barbarella is officially and found a way to marry their cats. She found a website called Marryyourpet, which read a list of rules to be followed by a man married to his pet. (For a start, is not allowed to torture their pet at all times.)
Once approved the application Barbarella, and she made a small contribution in the amount of about 20 pounds, she tied the knot with Lugosi and Spider during a quick online ceremony by clicking on the word "Yes!».
7. The artist, who is married to a stone, saying that he felt under his protection

The artist Tracey Emin (Tracey Emin) admitted that she was married to a stone. Known for her dedication and extraordinary projects, she tied the knot with the ancient stone in France, "seeing in it the protection, rather than something that strikes fear." According to reports, she was married to her father's burial shroud.
The artist also admitted that he no longer has sex, and instead focus only on love and work.
6. A resident of Tokyo, became the first man who married a character from the video game

Anegasaki Nene (Nene Anegasaki) - is a witty beauty with a naive look. She looks boldly-attractive sexy skirts, does not argue, and always appears at the call of a resident of Tokyo, which is why 27-year-old man decided to marry her.
The only difficulty is that it is - a character from Nintendo DS video game called Love Plus ( «Love Plus"). However, this did not stop Sal 9000 - so named the groom - to get married during the ceremony, which witnessed by thousands of Internet users
. The wedding took place in 2009 and became the first union of man and the character of the computer game. Alongside in a white tuxedo, Sal married Nene in front of friends and internet users viewed the ceremony online.
5. A woman who sought sperm donor and married him

A year after Amin Hart (Aminah Hart) gave birth to her daughter Leila (Leila) from an anonymous sperm donor, she sought it because it wanted to her little daughter knew who her father was. Young mother found a donor, they fell in love and were married December 2015.
Born in London, the Australian chose love Scott Anderson (Scott Andersen), because he called himself a happy and healthy man. Hart found Andersen over the Internet, knowing only his name and profession. She got in touch with him through the register of donors for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and send a photo of Leila. The man and the woman had agreed to meet.
Andersen and Hart began to spend more and more time together, and soon they became romantically involved. Hart wrote a book about their love story, "How I met your father» ( «How I Met Your Father»), and now are filming on the book. And if their story - not a romantic comedy, then it is we do not know that
. 4. The woman, changed his name to "perfect creation» (Beautiful Existence), married herself in Paris

This woman will have to blame herself if her last marriage fall apart.
Perfect Creation - a 42-year-old mother of two from Seattle, which officially changed its name Desiree Longeba (Desiree Longabaugh) and spent $ 7000 on it, to marry herself at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, 10 years after a painful divorce <. br>
According to her, she always wanted to tie the knot in Paris and decided that she will be a small ceremony in June 2015 with the participation of the photographer and the three closest friends.
Marriage on itself becomes an unexpected new trend. In 2015 Elebi Yasmin (Yasmin Eleby) of Houston, Texas, was married to herself after a failed attempt to 40 years to find the man of her dreams.
3. A man who got married in Vegas on your smartphone

In Las Vegas it held a lot of fast weddings, but one man made his way to Sin City to say "Yes!" To their smartphone. Aaron Chervenak (Aaron Chervenak), 34-year-old Los Angeles resident, married his mobile phone in a wedding chapel The Little Vegas Chapel in Nevada this year in an attempt to convey their views on increasing the strong attachment of society to smartphones, as well as the dependence from them.
Aaron explained that when he arrived in Vegas, got in touch with representatives of a wedding chapel, to see if they are willing to spend "slightly unconventional ceremony." He was delighted to learn that they will do it without any problems.
His black iPhone, «dressed" in white cover, rose on decorated stand, which was next to him. In this bizarre marriage even attended by several guests.
2. Taets, who married his dead lover during a funeral and a wedding ceremony

A resident of Taiwan, married his girlfriend, who died in a traffic accident, during a funeral and a wedding ceremony.
Chadil "Deffi" Yuenuing (Chadil «Deffy» Yuenying) married his 10-year-old girlfriend Sarina "Anna" Kamsuk (Sarinya «Anne» Kamsook), and has published photos from the ceremony in his Facebook.
According to online resources, they planned to marry, but postponed the wedding because Yuenuing first wanted to finish his studies.
1. A woman who married her horse

In 2014, the Supreme Court of Denmark was forced to recognize the right of 28-year-old defender of animal rights to marry his horse, creating a legal precedent and thereby opening the way for registration of marriages between humans and animals worldwide.
Milan Broskvit (Milanja Broskvit) issued an appeal that she and her husband traded (Thorgen) were victims of speciesism, prejudice, similar to racism or sexism.
"The differences between the two species do not make us different in nature. The relationship between individuals based on group membership, rather than morally irrelevant physical differences. The argument is that membership of the species has no moral significance, "- he appealed to the Supreme Court Broskvit