Business on balloons
The hardest part of this business to find a customer. Of course, if efficiently maintained, it will likely go into the category of permanent. But at the initial stage to find customers will be very difficult: the market is already divided between the major players. And every company must come up with something original to redirect the client flow in their favor. Eloquence is an important quality of any entrepreneur. But in this business the absence of this gift more than made up for the Internet: the company website says of her possibilities clientele much more than verbal promises to do "everything". Product catalog, available for viewing online, is one of the most effective tools of business promotion. On the second place on popularity — advertising on your own car. Transport is free advertising. But the success after all- a well designed website. First and foremost, focus on Internet advertising, distribution of leaflets.
Now wishing to add to the festive atmosphere of air miracle there are plenty to choose from: helium, multi colored, woven in bunches, in the form of animals — beads can be anything. And to complete the order will take more than a dozen entrepreneurs. Every year on the market aerolog a lot of "serovikov entertainers" as for the eyes condescendingly call each other representatives of the business, and the same "blown away". The reason is the low price threshold of entry into the business and the apparent simplicity of reference. The client usually chooses the ordering catalog. What it could be — arches, garlands and giant balloon-surprise — depends on the type of event. For example, for weddings traditionally have bought hearts, helium balloons, arches. For corporate events — company logo, made out of balls of the corresponding colors, garlands. For children — toys, foil balloons, cartoon.
In order to further consider this type of business, you need to understand what needs to be balloons in your range. The first is to consider their strength. It all depends on what inflate balls: normal with air or helium. Of course, for helium it is necessary that the ball material was more durable. It is also important to have a large selection of balloons of different sizes and shapes. Small and medium are ideal for creating garlands and chains of various shapes. Larger balls can be a Central ornament, it is possible to put an exclusive figure or a personalized logo. And, of course, necessary to solve the problem with the equipment. You will need cylinders with helium and a special pump to inflate balloons quickly and without spending power.
To deliver the balls to the players in the market happens almost every day all year round — people are asking for 20, 30, 50 balls. Rush orders, of course, in the summer — the wedding season (on weekends sometimes cater 8-10 weddings). Fall and winter have to decorate, as a rule, corporate parties, spring and deliver balls-hearts for the lovely ladies. The room for the first steps in this business for sure — at least one room of 20 square meters where you can meet with clients. And later, of course, for reliability and convenience, it would be better to get a bigger apartment — and office, showroom and warehouse — it was close. Another item of expenditure — the car. This can be as a minibus, and pickup truck — only to cylinder fit. And the garlands are inflated already in place — so as not to damage the balls and not to distort the figure during transportation.
The average price of a cylinder of compressed helium$ 35-47, about 500 beads. The profit depends on the popularity market, a lively area, advertising, wholesale is (for various celebrations) or retail, holidays, well, the price, of course. The average mark-up on the ball can be 100% of the costs (plus/minus). The holidays can be implemented several times more than the usual number of balls with a premium of 200 percent or more. Experts in this field estimate the average profitability at the level of 30%. This figure is a minimum. In the period of calendar holidays the profitability goes up dramatically and exceeds 100%. Decoration of one room will cost 200-250 dollars. How many orders you will have time to make to recoup your business largely depends on the skill of the designer-decorator. The more designers, the more effectively they use the materials. And, therefore, net profit will increase. When a customer orders a complicated composition of the balloons, without professional will not do.
You can expand your business, learning related areas. This is logical, as often the client wants a holiday "turnkey" — he simply does not have time and often the desire to do it myself. "The customer may wish to arrange a holiday in one style — tablecloths, chairs decor, flower arrangements, balloons. This is often found at children's parties. Some entrepreneurs in this "gentleman's set" is ready to be included pyrotechnics and even flying on Zeppelin. That the demand for bulbs will always be, you can be sure. The more original the work, the more the client wants. Will offer one work — she'll like, offer other good work — like it too. And so on to infinity". In General, what's wrong for people to invent new festive features? And the beneficial owner, and the people a joy.
Source: /users/147

Now wishing to add to the festive atmosphere of air miracle there are plenty to choose from: helium, multi colored, woven in bunches, in the form of animals — beads can be anything. And to complete the order will take more than a dozen entrepreneurs. Every year on the market aerolog a lot of "serovikov entertainers" as for the eyes condescendingly call each other representatives of the business, and the same "blown away". The reason is the low price threshold of entry into the business and the apparent simplicity of reference. The client usually chooses the ordering catalog. What it could be — arches, garlands and giant balloon-surprise — depends on the type of event. For example, for weddings traditionally have bought hearts, helium balloons, arches. For corporate events — company logo, made out of balls of the corresponding colors, garlands. For children — toys, foil balloons, cartoon.

In order to further consider this type of business, you need to understand what needs to be balloons in your range. The first is to consider their strength. It all depends on what inflate balls: normal with air or helium. Of course, for helium it is necessary that the ball material was more durable. It is also important to have a large selection of balloons of different sizes and shapes. Small and medium are ideal for creating garlands and chains of various shapes. Larger balls can be a Central ornament, it is possible to put an exclusive figure or a personalized logo. And, of course, necessary to solve the problem with the equipment. You will need cylinders with helium and a special pump to inflate balloons quickly and without spending power.

To deliver the balls to the players in the market happens almost every day all year round — people are asking for 20, 30, 50 balls. Rush orders, of course, in the summer — the wedding season (on weekends sometimes cater 8-10 weddings). Fall and winter have to decorate, as a rule, corporate parties, spring and deliver balls-hearts for the lovely ladies. The room for the first steps in this business for sure — at least one room of 20 square meters where you can meet with clients. And later, of course, for reliability and convenience, it would be better to get a bigger apartment — and office, showroom and warehouse — it was close. Another item of expenditure — the car. This can be as a minibus, and pickup truck — only to cylinder fit. And the garlands are inflated already in place — so as not to damage the balls and not to distort the figure during transportation.

The average price of a cylinder of compressed helium$ 35-47, about 500 beads. The profit depends on the popularity market, a lively area, advertising, wholesale is (for various celebrations) or retail, holidays, well, the price, of course. The average mark-up on the ball can be 100% of the costs (plus/minus). The holidays can be implemented several times more than the usual number of balls with a premium of 200 percent or more. Experts in this field estimate the average profitability at the level of 30%. This figure is a minimum. In the period of calendar holidays the profitability goes up dramatically and exceeds 100%. Decoration of one room will cost 200-250 dollars. How many orders you will have time to make to recoup your business largely depends on the skill of the designer-decorator. The more designers, the more effectively they use the materials. And, therefore, net profit will increase. When a customer orders a complicated composition of the balloons, without professional will not do.

You can expand your business, learning related areas. This is logical, as often the client wants a holiday "turnkey" — he simply does not have time and often the desire to do it myself. "The customer may wish to arrange a holiday in one style — tablecloths, chairs decor, flower arrangements, balloons. This is often found at children's parties. Some entrepreneurs in this "gentleman's set" is ready to be included pyrotechnics and even flying on Zeppelin. That the demand for bulbs will always be, you can be sure. The more original the work, the more the client wants. Will offer one work — she'll like, offer other good work — like it too. And so on to infinity". In General, what's wrong for people to invent new festive features? And the beneficial owner, and the people a joy.
Source: /users/147