The pair of acrobats played a wedding in 38 parts of the world. You will be surprised to learn how they did it ...
Quite a few couples can not come to a common denominator: where are all the same to play the long-awaited wedding. Celebrate it with all of you sweep, inviting even great-aunt, second cousin, or to hold a modest ceremony on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, while enjoying the solitude.
gives a brilliant piece of advice: if you are with the future spouse can not decide on the venue for the wedding ceremony, then ... choose and not worth it! Simply play a few weddings in those parts of the world in which it would be desirable (as, of course, enough wallet and enthusiasm). Council considers this complete nonsense? But love is a fantastic couple from Los Angeles, Chita Platt and Ryan Vudiyard think otherwise. After they got engaged a year ago, young people long to decide where to hold the wedding ceremony and in what manner must pass the wedding itself. Then they understood: why deny the pleasure, if it can be in anything not to limit yourself. So the idea to create a website, where the couple shared with the public his mad dream to play a few weddings over the world. People were delighted with the enthusiasm of lovers, we had a special interest in the project and even transferred money to make their dream a reality. Thanks to voluntary donations of all concerned Chita and Ryan was able to celebrate a wedding ... in 38 different parts of the world in just 83 days! This is not a trivial honeymoon ...
First of all, it should be noted that a pair of desperate madmen - professional acrobats, so their wedding pictures - something on the verge of fantasy!
«People spend a lot of money for one day, and then it all goes sharply. We have also continued this happiness again and again! » I>
«We knew that it will be one of the most unusual wedding experiments recently» i>, - share the happy lovers.
«This is exactly what I dreamed of all my life: traveling with his beloved around the world and marry her again and again and again. It's perfect! » I> - admits Ryan.
Thailand (left), a village in the territory of the Masai Mara, Kenya (photo on the right)
Nairobi, Kenya
«Every day, in such circumstances, we learn about each other something new. From this we get closer » i>, - told multiple bride and groom.
Spain (left), India (photo on the right)
It's amazing how this happy pair managed all their wildest imagination to bring to life. Looking at them, you realize that there is a genuine feeling in this world!
Bogotá, Colombia
Madrid, Spain
Couple ready yet time to celebrate a wedding in some little corner of paradise in the world!
Yes, this is still an unusual wedding solution! Ireland, Thailand, India, Spain, Kenya - the geography of a marriage ceremony does not even dream of some monarchs, it is not something that ordinary mortals. However, a pair by example has proved that without much cash you can make your dreams come true. The main thing - to believe and to show a little ingenuity. Impossible!
Rather show of happy wedding fools all their friends and acquaintances.
gives a brilliant piece of advice: if you are with the future spouse can not decide on the venue for the wedding ceremony, then ... choose and not worth it! Simply play a few weddings in those parts of the world in which it would be desirable (as, of course, enough wallet and enthusiasm). Council considers this complete nonsense? But love is a fantastic couple from Los Angeles, Chita Platt and Ryan Vudiyard think otherwise. After they got engaged a year ago, young people long to decide where to hold the wedding ceremony and in what manner must pass the wedding itself. Then they understood: why deny the pleasure, if it can be in anything not to limit yourself. So the idea to create a website, where the couple shared with the public his mad dream to play a few weddings over the world. People were delighted with the enthusiasm of lovers, we had a special interest in the project and even transferred money to make their dream a reality. Thanks to voluntary donations of all concerned Chita and Ryan was able to celebrate a wedding ... in 38 different parts of the world in just 83 days! This is not a trivial honeymoon ...
First of all, it should be noted that a pair of desperate madmen - professional acrobats, so their wedding pictures - something on the verge of fantasy!

«People spend a lot of money for one day, and then it all goes sharply. We have also continued this happiness again and again! » I>

«We knew that it will be one of the most unusual wedding experiments recently» i>, - share the happy lovers.

«This is exactly what I dreamed of all my life: traveling with his beloved around the world and marry her again and again and again. It's perfect! » I> - admits Ryan.

Thailand (left), a village in the territory of the Masai Mara, Kenya (photo on the right)

Nairobi, Kenya
«Every day, in such circumstances, we learn about each other something new. From this we get closer » i>, - told multiple bride and groom.

Spain (left), India (photo on the right)
It's amazing how this happy pair managed all their wildest imagination to bring to life. Looking at them, you realize that there is a genuine feeling in this world!






Bogotá, Colombia

Madrid, Spain

Couple ready yet time to celebrate a wedding in some little corner of paradise in the world!

Yes, this is still an unusual wedding solution! Ireland, Thailand, India, Spain, Kenya - the geography of a marriage ceremony does not even dream of some monarchs, it is not something that ordinary mortals. However, a pair by example has proved that without much cash you can make your dreams come true. The main thing - to believe and to show a little ingenuity. Impossible!
Rather show of happy wedding fools all their friends and acquaintances.
In China, people selling animals in the form of trinkets. The monstrous cruelty!
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