In Russia, found rock Comics

Norwegian Jan Magne Gerde from the University of Tromso in cooperation with their Russian counterparts found on several islands in the Lake in the Murmansk region Kanozero several petroglyphs. The discovery has increased the number of known petroglyphs in this place from 200 to tysyachi.

"Petroglyphs have been found in four places: on the three islands and a boulder on the shore. From the most ancient petroglyphs - 5 thousand. - 6 thousand. Years "- says Jan Magne Gerde. - "Most of the petroglyphs were covered with moss» .

According to the researchers, it was not the individual drawings, but a series of images united by one story, a kind of komiksy.

So on one of the islands, scientists have found a series of petroglyphs depicting a hunter chasing the bear. Hunter went on the ski mountain, skiing took off, took a few steps and threw a spear at medvedya.

Other petroglyphs depicting elk, boats, people, harpoons and beavers. See also: 50 facts about Russia and Russian eyes of a foreigner. Before the flood people were giants. Which came first: a match or a lighter?
Source: zhelezyaka.com/novosti/arheologiya/na-severe-rossii-naydeny-naskalnye-komiksy-6524/