The child, a wife and mother - at the same time! Shocking life of girls from Guatemala.
With the permission of the parents in Guatemala can get married since 14 years. That managed to capture in a photo essay known photographer Stephanie Sinclair, strikes to the core.
The poorer the region, the more spread out there early marriage. But, unfortunately, in most cases, nothing good for the girls it does not end. They are deprived of the chance to get at least some education, and too early pregnancy without proper medical care threatens the life and health of both mother and baby. Moreover the life of these girls are completely in the hands of the older men, for which they are often no more than a servant and a toy.
This girl married at age 11. 34-year-old husband said that the child is not from him and threw it after learning about the pregnancy. Now the 15-year-old girl she educates and provides baby. B>
14-year-old Carmen on the 3rd month of pregnancy. According to the girl, she was in 5th grade and did not want to become pregnant. B>
14-year-old Sulmi at the 9th month. The girl wanted to get married to put on a magnificent white dress. B>
14-year-old Rosario looks at her baby in intensive care for newborns in San Benito.
14-year-old Said the kid who just a month. Girl says that motherhood - a tricky thing, because sometimes a child is sick, and it is difficult to understand why. B>
14-year-old Manuela at Children's Hospital of San Benito with a year-old little daughter named Danny. She married at age 12 and made its way, which took a few hours to learn about family planning. B>
17-year-old Tanya with her mother in law in the hospital of San Benito. She married at 15, now 7 months pregnant. B>
15-year-old Deylin and 17-year-old Rubin look to their child in the intensive care unit for newborns.
16-year-old Saidi at the 9th month of pregnancy. Her husband left for work four months ago, and since then she has of him did not hear anything. B>
Child 14 year old mother was born prematurely and weighed a little more than 1 kilogram.
15-year-old Zoilo with his newborn baby girl. She wants her daughter was educated, as she herself has only 5 classes. B>
A newborn baby of 14-year-old mom in the ICU.
In Guatemala legally marry at 14, but this is often done in the past. As a result, many girls are not old enough to understand that promises them the decision. They marry men older than themselves, that in anything they do not put. Maybe, if the law prohibits early marriage, the fate of these girls would have turned out differently? What a pity that their childhood ends so early and so abruptly.
The poorer the region, the more spread out there early marriage. But, unfortunately, in most cases, nothing good for the girls it does not end. They are deprived of the chance to get at least some education, and too early pregnancy without proper medical care threatens the life and health of both mother and baby. Moreover the life of these girls are completely in the hands of the older men, for which they are often no more than a servant and a toy.
This girl married at age 11. 34-year-old husband said that the child is not from him and threw it after learning about the pregnancy. Now the 15-year-old girl she educates and provides baby. B>
14-year-old Carmen on the 3rd month of pregnancy. According to the girl, she was in 5th grade and did not want to become pregnant. B>

14-year-old Sulmi at the 9th month. The girl wanted to get married to put on a magnificent white dress. B>

14-year-old Rosario looks at her baby in intensive care for newborns in San Benito.

14-year-old Said the kid who just a month. Girl says that motherhood - a tricky thing, because sometimes a child is sick, and it is difficult to understand why. B>

14-year-old Manuela at Children's Hospital of San Benito with a year-old little daughter named Danny. She married at age 12 and made its way, which took a few hours to learn about family planning. B>

17-year-old Tanya with her mother in law in the hospital of San Benito. She married at 15, now 7 months pregnant. B>

15-year-old Deylin and 17-year-old Rubin look to their child in the intensive care unit for newborns.

16-year-old Saidi at the 9th month of pregnancy. Her husband left for work four months ago, and since then she has of him did not hear anything. B>

Child 14 year old mother was born prematurely and weighed a little more than 1 kilogram.

15-year-old Zoilo with his newborn baby girl. She wants her daughter was educated, as she herself has only 5 classes. B>

A newborn baby of 14-year-old mom in the ICU.

In Guatemala legally marry at 14, but this is often done in the past. As a result, many girls are not old enough to understand that promises them the decision. They marry men older than themselves, that in anything they do not put. Maybe, if the law prohibits early marriage, the fate of these girls would have turned out differently? What a pity that their childhood ends so early and so abruptly.
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