10 women with famous paintings of whose destinies we did not know
On the picture we first know two things: the author and perhaps the history of the web. But the fates of those who looks at us from the canvas, we know not so much.
Website has decided to tell the women, whose faces are familiar to us, and their stories - no.
Jeanne Samary
Cecilia Gallerani
Zinaida Yusupova
Maria Lopuchin
Giovannina Pacini and Amatsiliya
Simonetta Vespucci
Vera Mamontov
Alexandra Struyskogo
Galina Aderkas
Lisa del Giocondo
Website has decided to tell the women, whose faces are familiar to us, and their stories - no.
Jeanne Samary
Auguste Renoir, "Portrait of the Actress Jeanne Samary" 1877 g of. H3>
Actress Jeanne Samary, though not able to become a star of the scene (she played mostly maids), but her luck at something else: for a while she lived close to the workshop of Renoir, which in 1877-1878 wrote four of her portrait, thus glorifying much more than it could make her acting career. Jeanne played in performances with 18, 25, she married and had three children, then even wrote a children's book. But this charming lady lived, unfortunately, did not last long: 33 years fell ill with typhoid fever and died.
Cecilia Gallerani
Leonardo da Vinci's "Lady with an Ermine»,
1489-1490 gg. H3>
Cecilia Gallerani was a girl from a noble Italian family, who at the age of 10 (!) Years already been engaged. However, when she was 14, for unknown reasons, the engagement was canceled, and Cecilia sent to a convent, where she met (or it was all a trick) with the Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza. Affair began, Cecilia pregnant girl and the Duke settled in his castle, but then it's time to start a dynastic marriage with another woman, which, of course, the presence of his mistress in their home was not pleasant. Then after birth Gallerani Duke took her son, and her married to an impoverished count.
In this marriage Cecilia had four children, held almost the very first in Europe a literary salon, visited the Duke at a party and fun to play with his child from a new lover. Some time later, the husband of Cecilia died, came the war, she lost her welfare and found refuge in the house of the sister of the wife of the Duke - that such wonderful ways it manages to be with people. Gallerani After the war, returned his estate, where he lived until his death at age 63.
Zinaida Yusupova
VA Serov "Portrait of Princess Zinaida Yusupova" 1902 g of. H3>
Russia's richest heiress, the last of the Yusupov, Princess Zinaida was incredibly pretty, and despite the fact that its location sought, among other august persons, she wanted to get married for love. I wish her she realized: the marriage was happy and brought two sons. Yusupov much time and effort spent on charitable activities, and after the revolution, and it has continued in exile. My favorite eldest son was killed in a duel, when the princess was 47 years old, and she hardly suffered this loss. Since the beginning of unrest Yusupov left Petersburg and settled in Rome, and after the death of the wife of the son of the Princess moved to Paris, where he spent the rest of his days.
Maria Lopuchin
VL Borovikovsky "Portrait of MI Lopukhina "1797 g of. H3>
Borovikovsky wrote many portraits of Russian noble family, but this - the most seductive. Maria Lopuchin, a spokeswoman for Count Tolstoy kind is shown here at the tender age of 18 years. The portrait was commissioned by her husband Stepan Avraamovich Lopukhin soon after the wedding. The ease and a little haughty glance seem either normal posture for this portrait of the era of sentimentalism, or signs of melancholy and poetic nature. The fate of the mysterious girl was sad: after only 6 years after the painting Maria died of tuberculosis.
Giovannina Pacini and Amatsiliya
Karl Bryullov "Horsewoman", 1832. H3>
"Horsewoman" Briullov - a brilliant formal portrait, which is luxuriously everything: bright colors, draperies and splendor, and beauty models. It shows two girls who wore the name of Pacini: Senior Dzhovaniny sitting on a horse, the youngest Amatsiliya looks at her from the porch. Picture of Charles Bryullov - its long-term lover - ordered their adoptive mother, Countess Samoilova Julia, one of the most beautiful women in Russia and the successor of the huge state. Grown-up daughters, the Countess ensured a large dowry. But it turned out that the old age, it almost went bankrupt, and then adoptive daughter Giovannina and Amatsiliya exacted through the court Countess promised money and property.
Simonetta Vespucci
Sandro Botticelli, "The Birth of Venus»,
1482-1486 gg. H3>
A famous painting by Botticelli depicts Simonetta Vespucci - the first beauty of the Florentine Renaissance. Simonetta was born into a wealthy family in 16 years was married to Marco Vespucci (relative Amerigo Vespucci, "discovered" America and gave the continent its name). After the wedding, the newlyweds settled in Florence, were adopted at the court of Lorenzo de 'Medici, in those glory years magnificent feasts and receptions.
Beautiful, with a very modest and friendly Simonetta quickly fall in love with the Florentine men. He tried to care for her himself the ruler of Florence, Lorenzo, but actively sought it all, his brother Giuliano. Beauty Simonetta inspired many artists of the time, among them Sandro Botticelli. It is believed that since their meeting a model of Madonnas and Venuses brush Botticelli was just Simonetta. At the age of 23 Simonetta died of consumption, despite the best efforts of the court physicians. After that, the artist depicted his muse only from memory, and in old age willed to be buried next to her, and that was done.
Vera Mamontov
VA Serov, "Girl with Peaches' 1887 g of. H3>
The most famous painting master portrait by Valentin Serov was written in the estate of a wealthy industrialist Savva Mamontov. Every day for two months artist posed his daughter, 12-year-old Faith. The girl grew up and turned into a charming girl, married on mutual love for Alexander Samarin, belonging to a famous noble family. After a honeymoon in Italy the family settled in the town of Bogorodsk, where one of the other three children were born. But suddenly, in December 1907, after only 5 years after the wedding, Vera Savvishna died of pneumonia. She was only 32 years old, and her husband more than never married.
Alexandra Struyskogo
FS Roars, "Portrait Struyskogo" 1772 g of. H3>
This portrait by Rokotoff if the air hints. Alexander Struyskogo was 18 when she was married to a very wealthy widower. Legend has it that the wedding her husband gave her no more nor less than a new church. And all his life he wrote poems to her. Was this marriage is happy, not known for certain, but all those who visited their home, pay attention to how disparate wife. In 24 years of marriage to her husband Alexander bore 18 children, 10 of whom died in infancy. After her husband's death she lived another 40 years, firmly ruled the estate and left the children to a decent condition.
Galina Aderkas
BM Kustodiev, "Merchant's Wife at Tea" 1918 g of. H3>
"Merchant's Wife at Tea" Kustodiev - a real illustration of the bright and well-fed Russia, where fairs, rides and "crunch French bread." Paint a picture was hungry post-revolutionary 1918, when about such abundance could only dream of.
For the merchant in this portrait-painting posed Galina Aderkas - natural Baroness of a kind, leading its history already one of the Livonian Knights of the XVIII century. In Astrakhan Galya Aderkas Kustodiev was a neighbor of the house, from the sixth floor; Woman in the studio resulted in the artist's wife, noticing a colorful model. During this period Aderkas was very young - a student, a freshman medical faculty - and on the outline of her figure looks much thinner. After graduating from university and worked for some time surgeon, she left the profession in the Soviet years sang in the Russian part of the choir participated in the dubbing of movies, got married and began to act in the circus.
Lisa del Giocondo
Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa", 1503-1519 years. H3>
Perhaps one of the most famous and enigmatic portrait of all time - is the famous Mona Lisa painted by the great Leonardo. Among the many theories about who owns the legendary smile, officially in 2005 confirmed the following: the canvas depicts Lisa del Giocondo, wife of the silk merchant Francesco del Giocondo of Florence. Portrait of the artist could be ordered to celebrate the birth of a son and buy a house.
At Lisa and her husband raised five children and, most likely, her marriage was founded on love. When the husband died of the plague, and Lisa also struck by a serious illness, one of the daughters was not afraid to take my mother to myself and come out of it. Mona Lisa recovered and lived for some time with his daughters, who died at age 63.
According to the materials: culture, wikipedia, greatwomen
Photos in the preview: wikipedia
via ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%94%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B0_%D1%81_%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B5%D0%BC#/media/File:Leonardo_da_Vinci_046.jpg
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