Butter spiral cake with prunes and "with gusto"

- Flour - 400 gr. (Approximately),
- Butter - 100 gr.,
- Milk - 150 ml.,
- Fresh yeast - 20 gr.,
- Sugar (if brown, even better) - 60 oz.,
- Egg - 1 pc.
- Mac - 150 gr.,
- Milk - 100 ml.,
- Sugar (if brown, even better) - 50 oz.,
- Prunes - 0, 8-1 kg.,
- Butter (for greasing cake) - 30 oz.,
- Powdered sugar - for sprinkling.
To start activate the yeast. In 50 ml of warm (it was warm, but not hot) milk solution of 20 g of fresh yeast, add 1 tsp sugar (fine), 3 tbsp flour, stir and leave all of twenty minutes.
To prepare the dough combine liquid ingredients, and then gradually add the flour.
In the cup to break one egg, add a pinch of salt, the cooled melted butter, 100 ml of warm milk, sugar, add activated yeast, stir everything. Now gradually add flour, knead the dough. The dough is soft, as a "lobe", and convenient to use.
Cover the bowl with the dough with a napkin, and put them in a warm place, that it "grew" twice. I usually put the dough into a suitable electric oven included 40 degrees.
While the dough is suitable, let us study poppy filling.
For this we need 150 grams of poppy, 100 ml of milk and 50 g of sugar.
Milk bring to the boil, add sugar, stir until it dissolves, add poppy seeds and cook a few minutes, stirring constantly. Post a poppy stuffing cool and scroll through a meat grinder 2-3 times, or grind in a blender.
Drain rinse well under running water, dried, cut and remove the bone popalam.
Coming up roll the dough into a rectangle measuring 30 * 40 cm.
Cut lengthwise into 3 strips of equal width. Into strips evenly spread out poppy stuffing. Edge bands zaschepit to have turned rolls.
Put the rolls seam side down in a greased preliminary form, starting from the middle, in the form of a spiral. Size of the form d = 30 cm.
Between the rolls gently insert halves plums (being careful not to pierce the rolls).
Cake cover with a cloth and leave for half an hour to a little "came».
Plum sprinkle of brown sugar crystals and put bake in pre-heated to 180 degrees. the oven until golden brown crust (about 30 minutes)
5 minutes before baking the cake grease with melted butter (need somewhere 30 g of oil).
Ready cake cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.
If the cake is eaten immediately, store in the refrigerator, covered with cling film.