Up the stairs ... or you need a career woman?
All my adult life I have sought to independence ... When I first got on this path, I did not know the exact definition of the word, but somewhere inside himself knew it delicately bordered by force, self-sufficiency and freedom. Later, there was a clear association with the independence that had by that time become for me a beacon ... career and money! Yes! One day I decided to absolute independence in life I lead is a career and money! In the absence of a large experience and a sufficient number of years behind, I'm taking this decision, and could not think about what in his own shackles chained themselves ...
Career aspirations for many become a real obsession. And get into this trap simple. You are striving for independence, implying that freedom by freedom you often just mean money, because the stereotype is common to all. Are you looking for a good job, because you know what they pay money, and finding a good money you constantly change jobs to a better and well-paid. You ruthlessly leaves behind wonderful friendly staff, and have even looming prospects. You grow and at some point it is perceived by you as a sport, and what is left behind every time faster and faster disappears from your memory ... I think that all of this is fine and good if you are ... men. And if not? If you are a woman, the purpose of which nature itself conceived as completely different than what it is ... so if you need to become a career?
Yes ... today's society is driving women to work. Life does not stand still, and every day presents us with new benefits. The desire to live well, to travel, to give children a good education, to dress, and in addition, loans and retired parents silently pushed to it. Tired of waiting "for the sea weather," Women go to this journey on their own. Men increasingly are not against this turn of events. Having tasted the financial freedom, and enjoy it, woman does not stop and continues to move forward, increasing their steps to the seven-league. And one day, she finds herself at the top of the job ladder, leaving many behind, among them, including men. That's just her jubilation was not to last long, because with time it becomes more tangible for the imbalance between career, financial well-being and family life. Catastrophic shortage of time on this very family life is becoming harder and harder mentally, but getting into the direct dependence on financial freedom, it becomes difficult to agree to a reduction in their income. Each time she has to pay an increasingly high price for such banal human joys, as communication with the child, friends, or even a healthy 8-hour sleep. It falls into the trap, find a way out of that it is no longer possible. But as you know, there is always a way out, and often, not even one. The first - to continue to move forward further, sinking deeper and deeper ... male way. The second - to stop the "race vertical" and return to his place in life ... women!
Initially, any person present in both male and female energies. And depending on what the person is engaged in most of their time, it increasingly developed certain. Woman very nature designed to be a warm, gentle and "cozy". That's what her condition contributes to the development and prosperity of her female energies. And she will not be able to remain so, standing with one foot on the battlefield, and the other in the garden with sunflowers. After all, in the field, it takes the male function, thereby generating a masculine energy. Moving up the career ladder, applying to this effort, both physical and moral, more than anything else contributes to the prosperity of the male energy, because the foundation of the movement inherent competition, competition, competition. And this is the way the men ...
But without taking this into account, women continue to go up, reaching their goals and then engaging in career building, which certainly contributes to elevated masculine energy in it. But, unfortunately, it can not but affect her personal life. And if a woman has had time to get out before the marriage, and even have a child, then to "con" put the time devoted to the family. If she do not have time, then it is likely that she no longer has time to do it in the future. And if turning off this road, in the first case, there is an incentive for which this is done, then the second ... no. The collection of memories, each of us set aside a special place film "Office Romance", which could not be more clearly illustrated all of the above ... The heroine is unhappy, but artistically it hides not only from others but from itself. And having no other alternative in their lives, continue to climb higher and higher, and assert themselves at the expense of it. And so we now see very often ...
In order to get rid of this, you need to realize that women by nature do not need to prove anything to anyone. She did not need to get involved in the competition on a daily basis, thus enhancing its value. The woman simply to be, and it does not support what is immortal deeds. It's just the same, the way men. So what is to complicate their lives, turning everything upside down? And if we talk about spending and effort and energy, it may be better to invest it in her man, inspiring to new achievements and rapid jumps up, and it is necessary that the characteristic masculine spirit? His love and warmth to give him the necessary support and support to accomplish great things? After all, men are waiting for us just that! And it does not matter what a woman's heart on his chest where he finds peace and tranquility, owns senior executives, rather than an art teacher. It's really important to him is the only thing that would have the heart has always been kind and loving. For this alone he would be willing to "lay at her feet the sky ..." And is not worth it to continue to develop the female energy, and at the same time, and femininity? After all, with just one of its natural qualities, women are already able to help this world become a cleaner and more harmonious ...

Career aspirations for many become a real obsession. And get into this trap simple. You are striving for independence, implying that freedom by freedom you often just mean money, because the stereotype is common to all. Are you looking for a good job, because you know what they pay money, and finding a good money you constantly change jobs to a better and well-paid. You ruthlessly leaves behind wonderful friendly staff, and have even looming prospects. You grow and at some point it is perceived by you as a sport, and what is left behind every time faster and faster disappears from your memory ... I think that all of this is fine and good if you are ... men. And if not? If you are a woman, the purpose of which nature itself conceived as completely different than what it is ... so if you need to become a career?

Yes ... today's society is driving women to work. Life does not stand still, and every day presents us with new benefits. The desire to live well, to travel, to give children a good education, to dress, and in addition, loans and retired parents silently pushed to it. Tired of waiting "for the sea weather," Women go to this journey on their own. Men increasingly are not against this turn of events. Having tasted the financial freedom, and enjoy it, woman does not stop and continues to move forward, increasing their steps to the seven-league. And one day, she finds herself at the top of the job ladder, leaving many behind, among them, including men. That's just her jubilation was not to last long, because with time it becomes more tangible for the imbalance between career, financial well-being and family life. Catastrophic shortage of time on this very family life is becoming harder and harder mentally, but getting into the direct dependence on financial freedom, it becomes difficult to agree to a reduction in their income. Each time she has to pay an increasingly high price for such banal human joys, as communication with the child, friends, or even a healthy 8-hour sleep. It falls into the trap, find a way out of that it is no longer possible. But as you know, there is always a way out, and often, not even one. The first - to continue to move forward further, sinking deeper and deeper ... male way. The second - to stop the "race vertical" and return to his place in life ... women!

Initially, any person present in both male and female energies. And depending on what the person is engaged in most of their time, it increasingly developed certain. Woman very nature designed to be a warm, gentle and "cozy". That's what her condition contributes to the development and prosperity of her female energies. And she will not be able to remain so, standing with one foot on the battlefield, and the other in the garden with sunflowers. After all, in the field, it takes the male function, thereby generating a masculine energy. Moving up the career ladder, applying to this effort, both physical and moral, more than anything else contributes to the prosperity of the male energy, because the foundation of the movement inherent competition, competition, competition. And this is the way the men ...
But without taking this into account, women continue to go up, reaching their goals and then engaging in career building, which certainly contributes to elevated masculine energy in it. But, unfortunately, it can not but affect her personal life. And if a woman has had time to get out before the marriage, and even have a child, then to "con" put the time devoted to the family. If she do not have time, then it is likely that she no longer has time to do it in the future. And if turning off this road, in the first case, there is an incentive for which this is done, then the second ... no. The collection of memories, each of us set aside a special place film "Office Romance", which could not be more clearly illustrated all of the above ... The heroine is unhappy, but artistically it hides not only from others but from itself. And having no other alternative in their lives, continue to climb higher and higher, and assert themselves at the expense of it. And so we now see very often ...

In order to get rid of this, you need to realize that women by nature do not need to prove anything to anyone. She did not need to get involved in the competition on a daily basis, thus enhancing its value. The woman simply to be, and it does not support what is immortal deeds. It's just the same, the way men. So what is to complicate their lives, turning everything upside down? And if we talk about spending and effort and energy, it may be better to invest it in her man, inspiring to new achievements and rapid jumps up, and it is necessary that the characteristic masculine spirit? His love and warmth to give him the necessary support and support to accomplish great things? After all, men are waiting for us just that! And it does not matter what a woman's heart on his chest where he finds peace and tranquility, owns senior executives, rather than an art teacher. It's really important to him is the only thing that would have the heart has always been kind and loving. For this alone he would be willing to "lay at her feet the sky ..." And is not worth it to continue to develop the female energy, and at the same time, and femininity? After all, with just one of its natural qualities, women are already able to help this world become a cleaner and more harmonious ...
The second TVC film "Tron: Legacy» (Tron Legacy)
The premiere of the film "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part I "in London