Carrot burgers "Favorite"
So, we need:
1 kg of a large beautiful, delicious, sweet carrot desirable
1 green apple sour medium size
2 tablespoons rice flour
100-150 ml. skim milk
6 pcs. large beautiful dried apricots.
1 large egg
Carrots are clean and three on a fine grater. Lately I've been doing it with the help of a meat grinder with paddle-float, and then an hour before puffed on a float, leaving half fingers cutlets!
On a coarse grater three oshkurennoe apple.
In a saucepan, pour the milk, spread carrot, apple, stir and simmer. At the end add the rice flour gradually, well vymeshivaya. Weight should thicken. If the mass of watery - add more flour. Let cool a little weight, add the egg and knead well. I also add a pinch of cinnamon. Pre-steamed dried apricots cut into small pieces (very convenient to do kitchen scissors, I'm all dried fruits arrive so). All mix, form patties hands, spread them on a baking tray, the laid parchment, or, as I have - silicone mat. In preheated to 180-200 degrees oven for 30 minutes - 40.