Beef stroganoff)

beef tenderloin - 700-800gr.
20% cream - 1stakan (250ml)
1 medium onion
¼ cup. cream (20%)
1ch.l starch
tomato sauce - 0, 5, Art. (Original sauce "Satsibeli" I took it, but it can be replaced by any other spicy tomato sauce)
vegetable oil
fresh herbs if desired
Cooking recipe:
1.Vyrezku cut into circles (plastics).
2. slugger, pepper and again repel.
3.Narezaem across the grain into thin strips long.
4. In a large (so that the meat was not closely) pan pour vegetable oil and a good warm up. Fry the meat over high heat.
5. Reduce the heat and add the onion to the meat, cut into small cubes or as you like. Fry together 1-2min., Stirring to. 6.Dobavlyaem meat tomato sauce (if the sauce is thick, dilute it with hot water to 0, 5 v., To liquid sour cream). Add some salt.
7.Tushim under cover at a minimum fire.
8.Krahmal divorce in ¼ cup. cold water, add cream.
9.Vylivaem cream with starch in a small saucepan or skillet and put on a small fire. Stir constantly. When the mass warms up and starts to 'puff', add the sour cream.
Warm up the sauce, stirring constantly ~ 2-3 min.
10.Vlivaem cream sauce into the meat. Stir and simmer (under the cover) stroganoff another 15-20 minutes. Serve warm, if desired sprinkle with fresh herbs.