Luxurious dish for New Year's table - Beef "Wellington"!
< Beef "Wellington» - a classic English cuisine. Its origin is attributed to the English commander Arthur Wellesley, who has shown what's what Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815. They say he is very fond of meat, baked with mushrooms in pastry. Its chef, slightly modifying a French recipe, prepared for his general this masterpiece cooking!
How to cook beef "Wellington" The secret of success in the preparation of this dish unconditionally quality meat - it has to be premium beef without a single vein. Properly cooked, the meat will be tender and juicy inside, crunchy dough.
Ingredients 700-800 g of beef tenderloin 400 g mushrooms 6 -8 slices of bacon or Parma ham 500 g of finished puff pastry 1-2 Art. l. not too spicy mustard yolk to lubricate salt and pepper Vegetable oil for frying a handful of flour 40 g butter
Preparation Mushrooms we shall cut finely, finely (you can use a food processor), then fry in butter oil until all moisture is dispersed. Cool. Beef Strip the fat and films, if necessary, wash, dry with paper towel. Fold the thin portion of the tenderloin to the center so as to obtain a cylinder. Stick with string. seasonings and fry the meat on all sides in the strongly heated frying pan in vegetable oil until golden brown. Cool, and then take off all the skin, salt and obmazh mustard Working surface sprinkle with flour, roll out the puff pastry to a thickness of 3 mm. On the formation of the test laid out mushrooms, and on top - the meat. Lay so that after screwing the mushrooms completely cover the meat. Wrap the beef test lap, and the remnants srezh. put meat on a baking sheet seam down, smazh beaten egg yolk. On top of the dish can be decorated with curly stripes of dough residues and also lubricate the yolk. Send in the refrigerator for 15-20 min., And meanwhile turn on the oven and heat it to 200 ° C. Put meat in the oven for 30 min., After allotted time the oven off and leave the dish there for another 15 minutes. with the door ajar. Beef "Wellington" Serve the whole.
Agree, is not so difficult this dish as it may seem at first glance. This classic recipe is perfect for a formal table ... The meat turns juicy, tender and well worth the time and effort. This celebration of the stomach!
On New Year's recipes from the «Website» your festive feast will be able to 100%!

How to cook beef "Wellington" The secret of success in the preparation of this dish unconditionally quality meat - it has to be premium beef without a single vein. Properly cooked, the meat will be tender and juicy inside, crunchy dough.
Ingredients 700-800 g of beef tenderloin 400 g mushrooms 6 -8 slices of bacon or Parma ham 500 g of finished puff pastry 1-2 Art. l. not too spicy mustard yolk to lubricate salt and pepper Vegetable oil for frying a handful of flour 40 g butter
Preparation Mushrooms we shall cut finely, finely (you can use a food processor), then fry in butter oil until all moisture is dispersed. Cool. Beef Strip the fat and films, if necessary, wash, dry with paper towel. Fold the thin portion of the tenderloin to the center so as to obtain a cylinder. Stick with string. seasonings and fry the meat on all sides in the strongly heated frying pan in vegetable oil until golden brown. Cool, and then take off all the skin, salt and obmazh mustard Working surface sprinkle with flour, roll out the puff pastry to a thickness of 3 mm. On the formation of the test laid out mushrooms, and on top - the meat. Lay so that after screwing the mushrooms completely cover the meat. Wrap the beef test lap, and the remnants srezh. put meat on a baking sheet seam down, smazh beaten egg yolk. On top of the dish can be decorated with curly stripes of dough residues and also lubricate the yolk. Send in the refrigerator for 15-20 min., And meanwhile turn on the oven and heat it to 200 ° C. Put meat in the oven for 30 min., After allotted time the oven off and leave the dish there for another 15 minutes. with the door ajar. Beef "Wellington" Serve the whole.
Agree, is not so difficult this dish as it may seem at first glance. This classic recipe is perfect for a formal table ... The meat turns juicy, tender and well worth the time and effort. This celebration of the stomach!
On New Year's recipes from the «Website» your festive feast will be able to 100%!
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