Filet mignon with sauce stroganoff
Beef tenderloin 900 g
Onion 1 clove
2 cloves garlic
White mushrooms 250g
¼ cup brandy
Beef broth 125 ml
Sour cream 175 g
Salt 1 tsp 25
Ground black pepper ¾ teaspoon
How to:
1. Four steak beef vyrezhki (filet mignon), sprinkle with salt and pepper, place on a hot pan with sizzling oil and fry each side for 3 minutes, turning the meat with tongs.
2. While preparing the meat, sauté the onions very thinly sliced (semicircles) and garlic to the pan by adding 1/2 teaspoon of salt. After 3 minutes, there is sprinkle the sliced mushrooms and continue to sauté.
3. After 4 minutes, pour into the pan with the onions and mushrooms and brandy, stirring often, wait until the brandy evaporate. Add the broth and cover the pan lid, leave the fire for 4 minutes.
4. Remove the pan from the heat and place it in the sour cream. All mix thoroughly.
5. When the beef is ready, put minions on plates and pour the sauce. Serve with egg noodles.