Cake with cream protein.
Very tasty and tender cake. To the best of sweet and with a slight tartness. Advise!
You will need:
3 eggs
3/5 Art. flour
2/3 Art. sugar
1 tbsp cocoa
1 orange
2.5 tbsp sugar
90 gr. milk chocolate
1 tbsp milk
Protein cream:
2 protein
100 gr. powdered sugar
Biscuit. To begin with cocoa and sift flour, preferably 2 times. Separate the proteins from the yolks. Pour the egg yolks in a separate bowl and whites in a large container. Beat whites, gradually, still whisking, add to them the sugar, a spoonful. By the time when the sugar is over, the protein mass shall be white in color and quite thick. Next, gradually add the egg yolks, still whisking. When all this is done, put off the mixer and begin the meal. Flour and cocoa add the resulting mass, while gently stirring with a spoon from the bottom up. Then quickly pour the resulting dough in a greased form and put in a pre-heated oven. Bake ~ 25min. when 190-200gradusah. When the cake is prepared, it is impossible to look into the oven! When will the specified time, turn off the oven for about 5 minutes and still has not got a biscuit, again without looking.
Ready biscuit give to stand at least 2 hours (more - the better), so as not rained when cut.
Syrup. Squeeze the juice from the orange, put on a small fire, add sugar and heated to dissolve the sugar. Syrup cool.
Protein cream. In a wide pan heat the water and bring to a boil. In al. Saucepan, smaller start beating whites with sugar on high speed. When the water comes to a boil in a pan first, to reduce the gas, but so that the water continues to boil. Pan with proteins migrate in the first pot, thus creating a water bath. Whipping clockwise 7-8 minutes, cream starts to move away from the wall of the pan, and this means that it is almost ready. Beat 1-2 minutes and remove the pan.