Hello everyone.

I'll tell you how I earned 30,000 rubles for 3 days!

There are several niches (beauty salons and small cafes for example), most of which are in the room playing some kind of hell selection of Stas Mikhailov to the disco '80s or, worse, radio.

The idea is to find at least 10 beauty salons / cafes / restaurants, which you for a modest fee of 3,000 rubles to compile original background music it was their institution plus zapishesh a professional speaker brand jingles and messages about promotions.

I have done three sets of 12 hours of playing time (dynamic playlist, playlist and quiet mix of the first two). + Demo these collections in one night!

On the same night on freelancing, I downloaded the demo of the speaker, which has agreed to 10 jingles for 5000 rubles!

In the morning I phoned about 150 beauty salons and 50 cafes, appointed five meetings on the same day and 7 the next. In the evening, received several orders for 20 000 rubles.

At a meeting I honestly admitted that I have a need for money, so if a customer is ready to order today, I am ready to make a discount of 500 rubles.

As a result, for the first day I had 4 of the order for 2500 rubles and one for 10 000 rubles (4 playlists).

On the second day in a row I received 3 orders for 5,000 rubles, while the rest of the meeting postponed to a later date. & Quot;

Kirill Nikolaev