A day in the life of the Moscow hipster (64 photos)
Petya Palkin, an artist who works in the genres of pop-Hai (High-pop) and Zhulime Art, talks about one of his day, namely, on the Sabbath, when the site was tested for the new video art on track Uknown song. One day in China (67 photos)
Location - the best city on the planet; object - point favorite in this city; participants - Moscow, me, myself and I, with a capital letter Photographer Anatoly Green and all, and all whom we met along the way.
1. He opened his eyes. Nightlife, nightlife, and the healing power of the sun has not been canceled.
2. Room. In recent years, I have watched closely to achieve the domestic film industry in the formation of an image of Moscow, which have inspired and attracted (as Paris or New York). In this regard, yesterday fell asleep on the 1st short story from the movie "Moscow, I love you," and once again realized that if they wanted to fall in love with Moscow - a problem solved that modern Russian cinema is not what does not work, but -this best to prevent ... It looks like a conspiracy)). We were always optimistic and we know that the time will come and it will come soon and surely when every artist will dream on the ball at least a week, at least an hour to make the Moscow air sip.
3. Yard. Meanwhile, I take the opportunity to revel in the Moscow air without restrictions - charges abruptly coffee Puer-redbulla. Good morning, Rayo-on!
4. Corridor. On the way to klozet traditionally skorogovoryu patter of a series of "skorogovorun skorogovoril, I vyskorogovarival that all patters pereskorogovorit, perevyskorogovorit but zaskorogovorivshis, vyskorogovarival that not all twisters pereskorogovorit not perevyskorogovorit." Cycling Today is my iron horse. Kam'on!
5. Procedures. "In a healthy body, healthy mind, in fact, one of the two!" I bought a brutal Indian red paste, after which the mouth really vulkaniruet. I work with a brush, and I feel that it is not that the teeth, but the character makes stronger.
6. Breakfast. I have a steady morning diet: cereal, raisins, nuts, honey, tea + fresh music. The plan for the day: go to Anatolia (he lives nearby, near Neskuchnyi), taking the path that must be removed and what is not can not be removed, then make a light lunch and continue to shoot with Anatole, then - in the studio, see , what happened. Sasha (director) and said - it is important to understand how the picture will look not in itself, but a hero. Time wagon - Toll waiting for me at 12.
7. Staircase. Rumor flora front of the elevator for 20 years, retroflora. I met a neighbor in the performance of his grandfather, who is also soseded Vladimir Vladimirovich, very smooth and solid production of 35 man-year, respects my hi-pop, especially when Bass is not audible.
8. Yard. We start. Hello, Dolphin! You, of course, in order for 100, though never in my memory did not work for its intended purpose, but still hold your own! Sobyanin soon and will reach to you, and then we can not get out to the area, even in the holiday season, and you reach, we are up to it doberёmsya.
9. Red House. This is - the red house. Red House decided - very much they are properly and in the Moscow cool, do not undermine not pass without thinking about the new apartment.
10. Circus. If Che, Circus - the largest permanent circus in the world! Plus - the place, the architecture, the aura, the first memories of "noses at rezinochkah" sweet wool and binoculars from the wardrobe - for the sake of the past it was possible to walk on lions and clowns every day. How then do not love the Moscow Circus?
11. Avtoportret.
12. On the way to the main building of Moscow State University. The main building of Moscow State University, is the first stop on the way to witness the student loudly Saturday and envy. Keep it up! A healthy individual stands in formation, physical culture and sports in every family!
13. Moscow State University. The number one place in the city. FOREVER End eva. The main building of Moscow State University - is beautiful from any angle, is symbolic in all respects. It's clear why: architects - the main guys who were responsible for the architectural appearance of the country's councils; scale - it is the tallest office building in Moscow (before the construction of "Triumph Palace), height with a spire 240 m .; area - only in Moscow more than 200 tons of hectares without fuss, Gaster and flashing lights, in fact the only part of the city, surviving more than 50 years in its original form (about the stalls on the Sparrow - shhh). (Lok.№1)
14. Matryoshkas. Drive past and do not get this kind of mise en scene - artprestuplenie. Still called "Guess where the tourists?") Do not say, but it is our present and our past, it is Russia that's Mother: If you are Russian, you wear black! Dot. And there is nothing you-happen! But we believe in the victory of the forces of light! In the words of one of the serious minds: a wide variety of colors means that the nation prospers.
15. The potato-chips. It was easy to warm kofe (on the street like two, but the wind does its job), who hit the shot, because the author did not get in the frame kofe). This is the best kind of fast food! Luzhniki! I'm going!
16. The road of good. Energy Center Zhulime "good road" today - a section of the street Kosygin on the Sparrow and down to the third. "The road of good" in the future - a conveyor belt on which it will be possible with the wind "pass" all of Moscow from Butovo to Altufievo. (Lok.№ 2).
17 House of Pioneers. Pioneers - is something on all counts. Please monument Malchish-Kibalchish (in the picture left) is extremely quantum character (strictly faithful to the ideals and always ready to exploit), which was one of many correct orientation of young people since my mom somehow struck a monument to the 50 anniversary Pioneer organization. And rightly so. Monument - yes really! (Lok.№3)
18. The House of Pioneers. Main square. Here is space and space. As usual in the capital in the most unexpected places and in a very great shape. I love Moscow for it. Moscow - a city surprise! (Lok.№3.1)
19. Escalator gallery. Fence. Leaving the horse, climb in a very juicy place - an abandoned escalator gallery on the Sparrow Hills, which helped people climb the street Kosygin from the metro station Lenin Hills, she worked up to 83-year and, in the course, not earn, it is not encouraging, but there are pictures, that is necessary, and it inspires!
20. Escalator gallery. Take up and read patsansky rap at each step - and here's the rub underground rap shield. Nothing more is needed. Subject to the availability of the operator with the eyes, hands and brains, of course. (Lok.№4)
21. Metro bridge. After going to the Luzhniki Metro Bridge. Fasting is not about the fact that I had improved in the city, so not a word about the adventures that must be overcome in order to get on a bicycle in the Luzhniki from Sparrow.
22. Luzhniki. Pool. Facade. Coolest building the pool, a la sports - our religion, made in 1956 in the "classic Soviet-style" under the direction of architect Alexander Vlasov, as well as all other objects Complex Luzhniki. It invigorates and is asking the frame. (Lok.№ 5)
23. Luzhniki. Pool. Pool. In this basin, the most eminent Soviet trained swimmers, including 4-time Olympic champion Vladimir Salnikov! Be sure to make a scene in the pool from all angles and all the fineness, to dizzy! (Lok.№5.1)
24. Luzhniki. Grand Sports Arena. Unexpected frame. I asked a local worker Misha click Misha snapped and, judging by what happened in a previous life Misha clicked for the US as the LIFE and more clicked. Strictly work. (Lok.№5.2)
25. Boring garden. Hard late (+60 minutes), but I can not remove the last green tree in the park. It is - just a symbol of hope, as it is a living illustration of the thesis "no matter how important, how».
26. Boring garden. Nina. Nina did not wait - went to meet him. Hi, Nina! Martisha Hello, hello Porsche, hello Chiara! Nina (aka Nino, she's the wife of Tolley) needs no introduction for those who love dogs and knows a lot about them.
27. Tolley House. What can I say? This is one of those buildings that make up what is called my Moscow that with nothing can not be confused and in which you want to live, to love, to excite and create! Oh shield!
28. Tolley House. Entrance. One of my day could have ended almost before it began, thanks to the watchful eyes of our public services, which are preparing for the winter, change the pipe that's such an original way.
29. Tolley apartment. Corridor. In this house the first thing, of course, the dogs, they take a shower in the rapid projected Anatole Wellcome dog sauna. Nina turned so happy as if she does not wash, and her.
30. Tolley apartment. Hall. As we drove, walked, soup has cooled, and Toll cooled down and stopped zhulimit me for being late.
31. Tolley in the stairwell. The camera in the hands of the maestro, now I can relax a lot. We went out on business. Iron horse iron horse change that will move us in the remaining sites. First stop - Gagarin Square.
32. Gagarin Square. Yuri Gagarin, as Mikhail Kalashnikov Timofeeevich is more than people, a living embodiment of the height of Russian engineering and freely convertible symbols of our homeland, which has long staked out a place in eternity. But on the other hand, as is already possible for them to leave, eprst ?! Officially I declare that the time for new characters and new characters come! (Lok.№6)
33. igumnov house (French Embassy. Residence). Frankly speaking - well settled the French ambassador in Moscow, lives in one of the best areas in one of the most beautiful homes and mustache as go-ritsya not blowing. This handsome house - a magnificent example of pseudo-Russian style of architecture - the former mansion of the merchant Nicholas Igumnova which seems rather a mental brother Alexander Vasilyev than Alexander Mamut. I always knew that loot people with taste - it is always good, especially for our compatriots. Somehow pay a visit to the ambassador to visit and all krasotischu volumetric posted!) (Lok.№7)
34. Sofia embankment. Here she is seen rodnenky, vysotochka on Tinkers.
35. Skyscraper. Pure lokeyshn № 8. 170 m, 26 floors, 540 apartments, a cinema "Illusion" (before closing - the favorite cinema of the city, I wonder what will happen to him after the restoration), etc. etc. Lavrenty Pavlovich, who oversaw the construction, knew a lot about eternal values. As familiar fin, which first saw the building of the Foreign Ministry (we also see it later): "church at the top, as if the longer the largest church in Finland, and the building is the embodiment of the residence of Dracula»))).
36. Skyscraper. Entrance. In principle, this is enough for the entrance of one whole work (many art lies in the mere magic of opening and closing the doors of the elevator on the ground floor and turquoise ceiling a la miniHHS). Next - Eliseevskiy! (Loc. № 8)
37. Yeliseyev. Subject always worked mirrors and mirrors in the interior architect Baranovsky, who reworked the project Kazakova for Eliseev Millionaire, the theme of mirrors working twice. Another podtverzhdёzh-an example of how capital is the people, if the owner of the thread. (Lok.№9)
38. Yeliseyev # 2. Incidentally, look inside, take a little vkusnyashek-zhulimishek, and go to a coffee pauzatsiyu Olenka to her friend William, who lives and works nearby.
39. unscheduled stop. From the series "komments know" and "do not pass by," especially if there is a girlfriend Claudia. I have. Klavushka, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!)
40. Vary Showroom Meyer. Such is krasotischa a person - at work (a man named Olya, Olya great showroom, and very good stylist Olga). One can not look at kofe, especially if it smells lokeyshenom. Next on the plan view from the bridge at HHS on House on the Embankment.
41. Bridge at HHS. Light oblomissimo - favorite "House on the Embankment" all in the woods, but found a good option instead. (Lok.№10)
42. Bridge at HHS # 2. Situation "fisherman fisherman." On the bridge itself are dosёmki neither eat blockbuster blockbuster film about Jack Ryan. Man with remote control very cool style. He runs a helicopter with a camera, and therefore controls all want - the scene will not be willing and votknёt Vertical straight Gundyaevu office ...
43. Dairy Lane. Destruction of old Moscow - a game. But of all the evils we choose the lesser. Among the countless remakes of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov era Dairy Lane - is chistanambavan. In the dairy zavsegda lordirovat nice. This area of the new Europe in the old Moscow. Here we will take off. These frames will be especially look good in contrast with the rest. (Lok.№11)
44. House Stolnik. Just like. Long and hard. Very strong and very solid. Not for nothing is said about Stolnik "the most stylish among Laksheri", and for good reason, he entered the British encyclopedia of modern architecture. I still do not believe that projects such as "Stolnik" can be implemented in Moscow, especially in the early 2000s. It's only the beginning? Whether more will be!
45. The urban estate Stepanova. Courtyard. The two-story building of the former stables of the main manor Stepanova as breathing-time as a living monument of this Moscow when he was "a big village". The rarest preserved house. (Lok.№12)
46. Large Levshinsky 6/2. In addition to the Red Cross in a building inhabited by advertising agency Saatchi and Saatchi, but we are interested in the cross, and it was red, and it was great. (Lok.№13). Then we go to the Smolensky Passage, savor the best view of the city center and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. PS I must confess a little about fakap: Maestro Legchakova and Dr. Chu apartment next door, was not at home, and I did not pre-phoned zabivon as a result - minus a couple of juicy photos from the life of Lords Zhulime. On the other hand, it's a good excuse for another of my day.
47. Smolensky Passage. The minor note in my day - building Smolensky Passage. It can be attributed to "evil and terrible" man in the cap and the Restless nineties, but the shopping center "Smolensk Square", which will soon be drawn to the construction site exactly to the left of it, it is far beyond the permissible in the urban architecture of the capital of the Great Powers, especially given the changes times and mores.
48. White Rabbit. I call it the interior with a capital letter! Authors, bravo! Owners podtverzhdёzh!
49. White Rabbit # 2. It is Denis. He's in charge here. We were late good, and he started the meeting (and a collection of those which want to be present forever: how many men, except for Denis, you can discern the photo?). Denis is very clearly suspicious looks in my direction, but I catch a modicum of good that changes everything, as if to say: do what you want, only to see himself well, I'm busy, okay?
50. White Rabbit # 3. What people in Hollywood! Although where Justine still be at 7 pm on Saturday?) Of course, just by chance I went to see a friend after work).
51. White Rabbit # 4 View of the center, as expected, crazy and simply the best, strictly (Lok.№14). Almost point in the route. Let's go to the studio, where we are waiting for the director. We hope that he will enjoy those fotovovlechi we baked with Tolya.
52. Studio. And where else should videoprodakshen is perfect, nor on Mars?).
53. Studio # 2 Corridor in the studio, if Th)
54. Studio # 3. See what happens. Sasha smiles, then the trick is done. Now we can safely say that day to live as he should live.
55. Studio # 4 in the same room with studio is located amusement Interaktorium Mars Terraforming: Expedition to the future, how do you this situation?
56. The Dome. ENEA - is a topic for another super fast, super even individual posts. But Kosmos pavilion dome, which houses the studio is ... anrial. Like it or not, and when there is excess of the idea of the nation, it is always fat plus art. In place of any sectarian denominations, including the Orthodox Church, I would have seriously thought on the use of space in the sacred order - it's called the "impossible not to think of God" style.
57. Tolley apartment. Before the house, go to Tole, I take the led, Tolia takes a break. All together on site. (In the foreground - Yegor son Tolley and Nina, respectively). Nina looks that we took, and says it's great! It's great when healthy, that there add.
58. Academy of Sciences. I can not go past the 22-storey building of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which is not included in the plan, as it is already used in the previous video «We are not together anymore». Nevertheless, it is one of the most incredible places in Moscow - a kind of portal to move to the other, in a literal sense, measurement, seat of intellect All Russia (The Russian Academy of Sciences, as of July 2008 there were 470 research institutions, more than 55 thousand. researchers, including more than 522 academicians and 822 corresponding members).
59. Metro University. Along the way I remember about that from my labor meal only couscous, and go to the restaurant where you want to eat quickly and just as quickly go to the horizontal, not comme il faut. I use proven option: dorado.

Location - the best city on the planet; object - point favorite in this city; participants - Moscow, me, myself and I, with a capital letter Photographer Anatoly Green and all, and all whom we met along the way.
1. He opened his eyes. Nightlife, nightlife, and the healing power of the sun has not been canceled.

2. Room. In recent years, I have watched closely to achieve the domestic film industry in the formation of an image of Moscow, which have inspired and attracted (as Paris or New York). In this regard, yesterday fell asleep on the 1st short story from the movie "Moscow, I love you," and once again realized that if they wanted to fall in love with Moscow - a problem solved that modern Russian cinema is not what does not work, but -this best to prevent ... It looks like a conspiracy)). We were always optimistic and we know that the time will come and it will come soon and surely when every artist will dream on the ball at least a week, at least an hour to make the Moscow air sip.

3. Yard. Meanwhile, I take the opportunity to revel in the Moscow air without restrictions - charges abruptly coffee Puer-redbulla. Good morning, Rayo-on!

4. Corridor. On the way to klozet traditionally skorogovoryu patter of a series of "skorogovorun skorogovoril, I vyskorogovarival that all patters pereskorogovorit, perevyskorogovorit but zaskorogovorivshis, vyskorogovarival that not all twisters pereskorogovorit not perevyskorogovorit." Cycling Today is my iron horse. Kam'on!

5. Procedures. "In a healthy body, healthy mind, in fact, one of the two!" I bought a brutal Indian red paste, after which the mouth really vulkaniruet. I work with a brush, and I feel that it is not that the teeth, but the character makes stronger.

6. Breakfast. I have a steady morning diet: cereal, raisins, nuts, honey, tea + fresh music. The plan for the day: go to Anatolia (he lives nearby, near Neskuchnyi), taking the path that must be removed and what is not can not be removed, then make a light lunch and continue to shoot with Anatole, then - in the studio, see , what happened. Sasha (director) and said - it is important to understand how the picture will look not in itself, but a hero. Time wagon - Toll waiting for me at 12.

7. Staircase. Rumor flora front of the elevator for 20 years, retroflora. I met a neighbor in the performance of his grandfather, who is also soseded Vladimir Vladimirovich, very smooth and solid production of 35 man-year, respects my hi-pop, especially when Bass is not audible.

8. Yard. We start. Hello, Dolphin! You, of course, in order for 100, though never in my memory did not work for its intended purpose, but still hold your own! Sobyanin soon and will reach to you, and then we can not get out to the area, even in the holiday season, and you reach, we are up to it doberёmsya.

9. Red House. This is - the red house. Red House decided - very much they are properly and in the Moscow cool, do not undermine not pass without thinking about the new apartment.

10. Circus. If Che, Circus - the largest permanent circus in the world! Plus - the place, the architecture, the aura, the first memories of "noses at rezinochkah" sweet wool and binoculars from the wardrobe - for the sake of the past it was possible to walk on lions and clowns every day. How then do not love the Moscow Circus?

11. Avtoportret.

12. On the way to the main building of Moscow State University. The main building of Moscow State University, is the first stop on the way to witness the student loudly Saturday and envy. Keep it up! A healthy individual stands in formation, physical culture and sports in every family!

13. Moscow State University. The number one place in the city. FOREVER End eva. The main building of Moscow State University - is beautiful from any angle, is symbolic in all respects. It's clear why: architects - the main guys who were responsible for the architectural appearance of the country's councils; scale - it is the tallest office building in Moscow (before the construction of "Triumph Palace), height with a spire 240 m .; area - only in Moscow more than 200 tons of hectares without fuss, Gaster and flashing lights, in fact the only part of the city, surviving more than 50 years in its original form (about the stalls on the Sparrow - shhh). (Lok.№1)

14. Matryoshkas. Drive past and do not get this kind of mise en scene - artprestuplenie. Still called "Guess where the tourists?") Do not say, but it is our present and our past, it is Russia that's Mother: If you are Russian, you wear black! Dot. And there is nothing you-happen! But we believe in the victory of the forces of light! In the words of one of the serious minds: a wide variety of colors means that the nation prospers.

15. The potato-chips. It was easy to warm kofe (on the street like two, but the wind does its job), who hit the shot, because the author did not get in the frame kofe). This is the best kind of fast food! Luzhniki! I'm going!

16. The road of good. Energy Center Zhulime "good road" today - a section of the street Kosygin on the Sparrow and down to the third. "The road of good" in the future - a conveyor belt on which it will be possible with the wind "pass" all of Moscow from Butovo to Altufievo. (Lok.№ 2).

17 House of Pioneers. Pioneers - is something on all counts. Please monument Malchish-Kibalchish (in the picture left) is extremely quantum character (strictly faithful to the ideals and always ready to exploit), which was one of many correct orientation of young people since my mom somehow struck a monument to the 50 anniversary Pioneer organization. And rightly so. Monument - yes really! (Lok.№3)

18. The House of Pioneers. Main square. Here is space and space. As usual in the capital in the most unexpected places and in a very great shape. I love Moscow for it. Moscow - a city surprise! (Lok.№3.1)

19. Escalator gallery. Fence. Leaving the horse, climb in a very juicy place - an abandoned escalator gallery on the Sparrow Hills, which helped people climb the street Kosygin from the metro station Lenin Hills, she worked up to 83-year and, in the course, not earn, it is not encouraging, but there are pictures, that is necessary, and it inspires!

20. Escalator gallery. Take up and read patsansky rap at each step - and here's the rub underground rap shield. Nothing more is needed. Subject to the availability of the operator with the eyes, hands and brains, of course. (Lok.№4)

21. Metro bridge. After going to the Luzhniki Metro Bridge. Fasting is not about the fact that I had improved in the city, so not a word about the adventures that must be overcome in order to get on a bicycle in the Luzhniki from Sparrow.

22. Luzhniki. Pool. Facade. Coolest building the pool, a la sports - our religion, made in 1956 in the "classic Soviet-style" under the direction of architect Alexander Vlasov, as well as all other objects Complex Luzhniki. It invigorates and is asking the frame. (Lok.№ 5)

23. Luzhniki. Pool. Pool. In this basin, the most eminent Soviet trained swimmers, including 4-time Olympic champion Vladimir Salnikov! Be sure to make a scene in the pool from all angles and all the fineness, to dizzy! (Lok.№5.1)

24. Luzhniki. Grand Sports Arena. Unexpected frame. I asked a local worker Misha click Misha snapped and, judging by what happened in a previous life Misha clicked for the US as the LIFE and more clicked. Strictly work. (Lok.№5.2)

25. Boring garden. Hard late (+60 minutes), but I can not remove the last green tree in the park. It is - just a symbol of hope, as it is a living illustration of the thesis "no matter how important, how».

26. Boring garden. Nina. Nina did not wait - went to meet him. Hi, Nina! Martisha Hello, hello Porsche, hello Chiara! Nina (aka Nino, she's the wife of Tolley) needs no introduction for those who love dogs and knows a lot about them.

27. Tolley House. What can I say? This is one of those buildings that make up what is called my Moscow that with nothing can not be confused and in which you want to live, to love, to excite and create! Oh shield!

28. Tolley House. Entrance. One of my day could have ended almost before it began, thanks to the watchful eyes of our public services, which are preparing for the winter, change the pipe that's such an original way.

29. Tolley apartment. Corridor. In this house the first thing, of course, the dogs, they take a shower in the rapid projected Anatole Wellcome dog sauna. Nina turned so happy as if she does not wash, and her.

30. Tolley apartment. Hall. As we drove, walked, soup has cooled, and Toll cooled down and stopped zhulimit me for being late.

31. Tolley in the stairwell. The camera in the hands of the maestro, now I can relax a lot. We went out on business. Iron horse iron horse change that will move us in the remaining sites. First stop - Gagarin Square.

32. Gagarin Square. Yuri Gagarin, as Mikhail Kalashnikov Timofeeevich is more than people, a living embodiment of the height of Russian engineering and freely convertible symbols of our homeland, which has long staked out a place in eternity. But on the other hand, as is already possible for them to leave, eprst ?! Officially I declare that the time for new characters and new characters come! (Lok.№6)

33. igumnov house (French Embassy. Residence). Frankly speaking - well settled the French ambassador in Moscow, lives in one of the best areas in one of the most beautiful homes and mustache as go-ritsya not blowing. This handsome house - a magnificent example of pseudo-Russian style of architecture - the former mansion of the merchant Nicholas Igumnova which seems rather a mental brother Alexander Vasilyev than Alexander Mamut. I always knew that loot people with taste - it is always good, especially for our compatriots. Somehow pay a visit to the ambassador to visit and all krasotischu volumetric posted!) (Lok.№7)

34. Sofia embankment. Here she is seen rodnenky, vysotochka on Tinkers.

35. Skyscraper. Pure lokeyshn № 8. 170 m, 26 floors, 540 apartments, a cinema "Illusion" (before closing - the favorite cinema of the city, I wonder what will happen to him after the restoration), etc. etc. Lavrenty Pavlovich, who oversaw the construction, knew a lot about eternal values. As familiar fin, which first saw the building of the Foreign Ministry (we also see it later): "church at the top, as if the longer the largest church in Finland, and the building is the embodiment of the residence of Dracula»))).

36. Skyscraper. Entrance. In principle, this is enough for the entrance of one whole work (many art lies in the mere magic of opening and closing the doors of the elevator on the ground floor and turquoise ceiling a la miniHHS). Next - Eliseevskiy! (Loc. № 8)

37. Yeliseyev. Subject always worked mirrors and mirrors in the interior architect Baranovsky, who reworked the project Kazakova for Eliseev Millionaire, the theme of mirrors working twice. Another podtverzhdёzh-an example of how capital is the people, if the owner of the thread. (Lok.№9)

38. Yeliseyev # 2. Incidentally, look inside, take a little vkusnyashek-zhulimishek, and go to a coffee pauzatsiyu Olenka to her friend William, who lives and works nearby.

39. unscheduled stop. From the series "komments know" and "do not pass by," especially if there is a girlfriend Claudia. I have. Klavushka, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!)

40. Vary Showroom Meyer. Such is krasotischa a person - at work (a man named Olya, Olya great showroom, and very good stylist Olga). One can not look at kofe, especially if it smells lokeyshenom. Next on the plan view from the bridge at HHS on House on the Embankment.

41. Bridge at HHS. Light oblomissimo - favorite "House on the Embankment" all in the woods, but found a good option instead. (Lok.№10)

42. Bridge at HHS # 2. Situation "fisherman fisherman." On the bridge itself are dosёmki neither eat blockbuster blockbuster film about Jack Ryan. Man with remote control very cool style. He runs a helicopter with a camera, and therefore controls all want - the scene will not be willing and votknёt Vertical straight Gundyaevu office ...

43. Dairy Lane. Destruction of old Moscow - a game. But of all the evils we choose the lesser. Among the countless remakes of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov era Dairy Lane - is chistanambavan. In the dairy zavsegda lordirovat nice. This area of the new Europe in the old Moscow. Here we will take off. These frames will be especially look good in contrast with the rest. (Lok.№11)

44. House Stolnik. Just like. Long and hard. Very strong and very solid. Not for nothing is said about Stolnik "the most stylish among Laksheri", and for good reason, he entered the British encyclopedia of modern architecture. I still do not believe that projects such as "Stolnik" can be implemented in Moscow, especially in the early 2000s. It's only the beginning? Whether more will be!

45. The urban estate Stepanova. Courtyard. The two-story building of the former stables of the main manor Stepanova as breathing-time as a living monument of this Moscow when he was "a big village". The rarest preserved house. (Lok.№12)

46. Large Levshinsky 6/2. In addition to the Red Cross in a building inhabited by advertising agency Saatchi and Saatchi, but we are interested in the cross, and it was red, and it was great. (Lok.№13). Then we go to the Smolensky Passage, savor the best view of the city center and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. PS I must confess a little about fakap: Maestro Legchakova and Dr. Chu apartment next door, was not at home, and I did not pre-phoned zabivon as a result - minus a couple of juicy photos from the life of Lords Zhulime. On the other hand, it's a good excuse for another of my day.

47. Smolensky Passage. The minor note in my day - building Smolensky Passage. It can be attributed to "evil and terrible" man in the cap and the Restless nineties, but the shopping center "Smolensk Square", which will soon be drawn to the construction site exactly to the left of it, it is far beyond the permissible in the urban architecture of the capital of the Great Powers, especially given the changes times and mores.

48. White Rabbit. I call it the interior with a capital letter! Authors, bravo! Owners podtverzhdёzh!

49. White Rabbit # 2. It is Denis. He's in charge here. We were late good, and he started the meeting (and a collection of those which want to be present forever: how many men, except for Denis, you can discern the photo?). Denis is very clearly suspicious looks in my direction, but I catch a modicum of good that changes everything, as if to say: do what you want, only to see himself well, I'm busy, okay?

50. White Rabbit # 3. What people in Hollywood! Although where Justine still be at 7 pm on Saturday?) Of course, just by chance I went to see a friend after work).

51. White Rabbit # 4 View of the center, as expected, crazy and simply the best, strictly (Lok.№14). Almost point in the route. Let's go to the studio, where we are waiting for the director. We hope that he will enjoy those fotovovlechi we baked with Tolya.

52. Studio. And where else should videoprodakshen is perfect, nor on Mars?).

53. Studio # 2 Corridor in the studio, if Th)

54. Studio # 3. See what happens. Sasha smiles, then the trick is done. Now we can safely say that day to live as he should live.

55. Studio # 4 in the same room with studio is located amusement Interaktorium Mars Terraforming: Expedition to the future, how do you this situation?

56. The Dome. ENEA - is a topic for another super fast, super even individual posts. But Kosmos pavilion dome, which houses the studio is ... anrial. Like it or not, and when there is excess of the idea of the nation, it is always fat plus art. In place of any sectarian denominations, including the Orthodox Church, I would have seriously thought on the use of space in the sacred order - it's called the "impossible not to think of God" style.

57. Tolley apartment. Before the house, go to Tole, I take the led, Tolia takes a break. All together on site. (In the foreground - Yegor son Tolley and Nina, respectively). Nina looks that we took, and says it's great! It's great when healthy, that there add.

58. Academy of Sciences. I can not go past the 22-storey building of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which is not included in the plan, as it is already used in the previous video «We are not together anymore». Nevertheless, it is one of the most incredible places in Moscow - a kind of portal to move to the other, in a literal sense, measurement, seat of intellect All Russia (The Russian Academy of Sciences, as of July 2008 there were 470 research institutions, more than 55 thousand. researchers, including more than 522 academicians and 822 corresponding members).

59. Metro University. Along the way I remember about that from my labor meal only couscous, and go to the restaurant where you want to eat quickly and just as quickly go to the horizontal, not comme il faut. I use proven option: dorado.