Personal impressions of the trip to Belarus on Moto
I woke up on Saturday at 10 o'clock in the morning, get up earlier somehow got lazy, going, gone started the ILO and Popper. Total hours left at 11am. True abroad 100km from the city I overcame only closer to 13: 30-14: 00.
MSK - Minsk
150 kilometers from Moscow time was hellish positives and fucking air and road Nitsche so, what is being built in places and some zatyry I easily traveled on mood in general have not affected. Passing by Cuban women as seen in the course of my movement to the left over the field something hells fighting vertuhaya twisted in pairs. Or something like MI-24, but maybe, were far will not say exactly. Stop thinking "pozyrit" on this matter, but decided not to waste time. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the motion by the standards of the MSC and the movement in general, shake cruising 120km \ h, beauty and only. The mood is so fucking long such a rush of endorphins in the plain was not, but the happiness did not last long. 150 kilometers for just, the weather began to deteriorate severely ahead loomed a powerful storm front is still 20 kilometers beginning to drizzle, I stopped pulled dodzhdevig (went the first hipster our country in almost sneakers, this sneaker was doomed) and Popper on. Hells shower was right up to the border, and completely ended immediately after the intersection. Sobsno livnyak and sputum does not bother me, I'm the same lane road 120. I must say is excellent, her 120 shove something sinful, but no longer mogem-s, and these were a great concern for the engine.
Drive process was sad to not be. Tank lacked exactly 200km (actually still stock was at 10-20km, but so as not to dry poured from 195 to 200), while once more stopped to dine all. A little bit short of Smolensk, fed delicious, nourishing, notably much. For not very expensive. Was pleased. After all otkushaniya become significantly warmer and generally cheerful, this ran through the stormy distance with redoubled enthusiasm, but unfortunately at the same rate.
Pass a lot of things and funny and interesting, for example was an interesting town "Myasoedovoz." For me remained a mystery that there eat there anyone who eats and how much that carry.
What I drove up to the border showed that on the side of the booth began to appear with the proposal immediately insured. I was leery Chukchi decided that dick would be with them, zastrahuyachus before the border because they do not have a clue what's there and how. With these thoughts wandered into the booth before the checkpoint, I do not remember the sales as it is called. I have written bamazeyku for motorcycles for 15 days for the 240r. When I gave 250r and said that no change is necessary, I probably saw the most sincere gratitude and surprise over the past few years. Especially the girl with registration dig now fairly long set mk kamputer current and moto there is certainly no well and other shoals and flopping. I thought that I was atypical of some of Moscow's legs did not knock, not hysterical, not gloomy ebalo Storey, although all wet puddle Nateq already in the booth is not cultural. Sobsno distracting from the story, I do not even know whether or not I had to draw this garbage for Belarus, but let us assume that I neebicheski law-abiding guest.
Sliding Tackle Barriers to queue for travel saw a sign, they say how much dough with whom and in what currency. Began peering inquisitively trying to determine how many are with me wants to get a totalitarian dictatorship to oppress tears child. While gazing standing on the sidelines, I was approached by a smiling and rosy Belarusian co this point and said that the bike for free - Welkom, they say. In this case, see what I have for the rooms cost, making sure that the Union has confirmed, however warned that I would be careful with shlakbaumom that would not get on Balde, and he and automatic brake.
Well, I thanked him for konsultuatsiyu, and proceeded to nychku between shlakbaumom and the wall, well, just for motorcycles followed the same -_- While I certainly had to hear some screams, but it was too late to stop the system and yelled screamed infernal siren. Away from sin, after apparently not very legitimate access to the territory of the union state, I stopped and turned to pograntsy that somehow suspicious laughed, saying "What are they doing that?" He waved his hand, saying ezzhaj and still laughing approached the booth and pressed some button and all abated.
Not well, but you do think there may be conductive totalitranye get out of the turret or grab me some Space Marines zapihnet in the truck "Bread" or worse "MYASOEDOVOZ" is the same and will be tortured for what purpose I have illegally entered the territory!
In general and funny, and made himself pometochku that away and hurry on home ebashit not necessary.
Well already started to reap further extremely intrigued, as it is here in totalitarizme it. Immediately drew attention to the fact that if we have to track forest and settlements, there stupidly track and field on both sides. Sobsno on the highway speed limit sign was 100 trucks and 120 cars. As I thought about it a "sign of pain" because scat found in our democracies "120". 110 freeway and one dick fucking yes. Further along the route, all dried up completely, but soon appeared unhealthy tops, apparently afflicted me for illegal border crossing. Such a harsh crosswinds that sometimes feels was more severe than the counter. Therefore, I have my 120 per tilting ILO into the wind, according to this overcoming going right Fur was nothing but attraction. Approaching the wagon need to take in the band left, those crosswind stops and Moto estesno takes in the right, and the output just need to cuddle up close, maybe you get from the air flow and trucks and even a breeze, with totalirizmu. In general play, and believe in God Giraskopichnogo Pantheon. Because my faith is strong and does not tolerate doubt.
150 kilometers to the totalitarian Mordor took off dodzhdevig and TC was hipster "sneakers" and dodzhdevig not tight-fitting legs under him on vymok most nebaluysya, knee naproch to eggs relative. This is all due to the fact that the wagon, puddles, rain and other nyashki. (By the way, passing the local Panikovskyi hello, on the road for 200 km more to Smolensk saw the goose, goose feathers in the rain 90 creepy point each, not verut bitch in Giraskopichnogo God). Decided that look obossantsem not unseemly, will move to dry for a precedent already exists and there is nothing to worry about.
Inexorably approaching Minsk liked the isolation of their scale, powerfully so eversion one track to another kilometer accurately. Monumetalno. I do not know if it was built even more terrible totalitarizme much smaller or lifted, but very comfortable and cool. Just incredibly surprised one board. Indicates the air temperature and the temperature of the asphalt! Ohuet not stand up! Nun urgently such huevin poke here Msc. Although the MSC must be burned with napalm, but more on that later.
In general, drove up to Mordor, the sign says 50 km. Look - the trail. I think Chezane where fucking action game where every fucking darkness construction, shopping centers, etc., etc. Gagne. Nope! 20km - no! I've honestly began to worry. Now I do not remember exactly but it seems somewhere in the 20 just appeared sign supposedly Minsk route to another. I think, yeah! here it is all there-adhesive means. Food - neither of Th. And then bam:
Apparently thought for the day off, I think somewhere in Moscow missed as - of course it is not clear, but managed (by the way I have it in the return line and did not see that there is not accustomed to 8 lanes in one direction and standing firmly ebanisticheskih interchanges). Drove in general to Mordor in 19 hours time Msc, and the traffic is stupid not, well at night we just without what would you still fucking 120 deer darkness overtake. Well, I immediately diminished gas, gas nefig here to failure. Food and think, and how can we go somewhere. We can not, they have the usual - suneshsya in the aisle, and from that cries cries of destruction. Decided prismotretstso. I forgot to write that just over 150km wrote 1% nicks, saying that 150 km, where to drive, give the address - given. I protupila deer and did not cache Yandex maps of Minsk. And while riding propizdil all babosy that have been abandoned, this tormented me doubts about the possibility of replenishment of my account. Doubts were dispel the idea that there is a backup option, they say conductive dough namenyat and stock up in the first kiosk totalitarian media city map on paper. And then began the horrors of the lack of hand market. Passing very decent (by local standards, especially) on Independence Avenue was waiting to see around the metro station Hells fucking with obennikami, blackjack and hookers, n of all that passed - all just stupid subway. Saw the bank stopped, parked (later as I understood) as the asshole on tratuary, maybe there was no availability, popizdil to the bank. There I waited Ajuy.
Schedule of the bank stated very accurately, sorry I do not sfotal, miser charge akkuma, maybe recalled that charge I forgot at home, and whether or not - is not known. In general, almost force majeure has been specified on the label. Estesno Shabbat at 7 pm with a spear did not work. Saw another bank nearby - the same garbage. I think, well, shit, we can for our sold, went up to the booth and see that he not only did not work, but it works graphics tablet about the same content, well Maltz easier. Pidets. Do nehuy where the street do not know. Activate payment on the phone. Yandex bitch warns, saying that traffic attendants standing Doha, I estimate, that on the map there will literally 30KB and shake approx. Map I uploaded the correct location and the correct street, but worth it to me nehuevyh 350r.
Pinned on the street Surganov the club "Yule", where I was waiting to meet. By the way it turned out I had to go in a straight line two more traffic lights. Knowledge - it's expensive.
Then he drove for, repentance sticks in cases greeters stuck in that club concert of local VIA (URL while some found promised send newly burned studio album). While I was tired ter for the case (first round), the concert ended, and when I came back to the club, everyone was going to run for a libation on the occasion of my arrival and not only. Once in the store and exchanged the dough, I was shocked by the local prices. More on that below. Saw katletku "NECVIZH" funny and thought how it will be possible to make a joke, and then pull out the phone to my throat stretched bony stump of totalitarianism in the form of a saleswoman supposedly photograph katletku strategic nizya. (My lulz were not understood, but it was a city Shults and katletka ala in Kiev, but it looked fine). Next was a hell of trash and waste, how I love.
The next day was half of the dialogue on business, and the second half was the idea that old age is not a joy, and how can zhestochayshye torn Recon age just over 8 years -_-. Feeding squirrels and generally wandering and rode around the city in anticipation of understanding otduplyatsya or not, although every ICQ, etc. Skype cries of joy was fucking darkness.
So, while waiting wandered into a totalitarian undemocratic park. The park vodilos ebnutsya how much you can chain protein regime that naprygivali not hesitate to people begging all delicious. Totalitarian proteins were fucking, smooth fur, blyastyuchaya, one can see on the powerful diet of children tiligentov and conscience of the nation and that each protein in the evening before going to bed, stroking personally Lukashenko and gives candy. Began to rush to find someone can trade goodies for protein, so as not to feed them "human flesh", but could not find it. Remained totalitarian proteins do not feed me.
While doing was nehuy, otzavtrakal almost in the center of the city. Otzavtrakal tasty and cheap. Reenactors never otduplilis (fucking alcoholics and adventurers as it turned out after the fact, who sat in travmpunke who totalitarian bullpen), but I was not taken aback and went thump to the familiar local bikers. When traveling in the direction of the point of collection, only turned to the surrounding area and almost naebnulsya the bike by surprise and we can say monstrous impudence local strangler bright and free individuals concurrently watchdog mode - IDPS. He stretched out his bloody hand "gun" radar speed timed move I without speeding, making sure that I could barely food, he turned to me ass lost all interest. Was very disappointing.
Sobsno mk Recon gone on a spree with night and day have difficulties if the first night I spent the night with Plums, the second was a big question. But one of baykeryug said that all garbage supposedly schA we thee a hotel populated. I zakruchinilsya grieved, but he said that there is a hotel and they say everything will be conductive as needed. I began to estimate the scale of the devastation, but just when I put ohuel daily room rate in 300r.
main ambush was that there were places, but they were.
the hotel is not 547 stars of course, but clean, pleasant charm of the Union was fully. Felt as a child. It was very nice.
as advertising, the hotel is on the street Makaenka 12 (at kartodroma) phone (017) 263 76 30 (both dial code 37 do not know). all highly recommend. There are 1, 2 and 3 bed rooms. toilet and shower common, but the purity and sterility just on top. Better to call and book rooms in advance. Women on duty very totalitarian and Union)
Well sobsno pougarat with baykotoy and the next morning went home. But about the city to finish early. Topic general impressions.
Everything is cheap, apparently bony hand dictatorial Lukashenko's regime for trying to cheat to play in a "three-end" as is customary with us, or not interested, has fucked with all totalitarian fool, so much so that there are none. For example Coca Cola 2L worth 38rubley, pivas Heineken (one of the most expensive retail) about 45R, if you take the local (delicious by the way) there 20-25r not on fiscal positions. Zhrachka worth 2-3 times cheaper than in Moscow time, all done by the guests, and not every fucking TU.
People are good, smiling, all on the positive. Even tough bikers, by our standards Cuties and bunnies.
All in Russian. Very great contrast with the same ebnuvsheysya Ukraine in the Ukrainian language.
RB in almost all Russian, except perhaps the names of settlements, road signs and street names - those in Belarusian.
all the press that I have seen in Russian. in general all.
such ebanariuma and rampant "Nezalezhnosti" in Ukraine is not in sight. estesno no absurd situations where the DJ on the radio calling the listener, the listener communicates with him in Russian and Ukrainian on the DJ.
This is very hard contrast between neighbors (Ukraine and Belarus), just incredible. if Ukraine I often Moskal and generally dick and shit (this is not much, but occurs, and if in the central part of at the time, this was not, after the rebellion ponalezlo orange), the RB I each comrade and brother (both in Ukraine in the Crimea and in the east is even better).
On the roads. After the road of hell Msc in Minsk I really ohueval of people politely and gently ride, as people in general, and not as a crowd of evil stupid fag. In this case, there is a very unusual trick. Arrow turning to the right is always on, but turning you must give way to all pedestrians in the PM that can cheerfully huyarit on your green. We can not enter this - poperedavyat and poperederutsya all fuck.
Deuki! Beautiful girls as something more severe than ours. In this dress up well, full blade Baska, we would it look like something that goddamned if (Cobra ebanavty brought the country), all on the positive, smiling, frowning and pathetic to see ebalo and failed.
Advertisement. In Minsk, advertising is, but in my opinion it exactly as much as you need, there is this fucked up as we do, when zasrat signs and other advertising all so much so that the eye just ohuevaet cleaner than from a porn site Hb be hells-clicker.
In general, I really liked. Need to be sure to drive for a week to rest and ottpopyrki.
Forgot an important point. During vykushivaniya breakfast in one institution appeared to me some hysterical asshole who huyami wings and finally the waiter behaved extremely disgusting. By type of fucking hipster rich and at one point he issued a "yes we in Moscow," at this point I stopped chewing delicious salad, swallowed it, got up and walked over to the bastard, but it should be noted that I looked marginally well-biker, gave him on the mountain all that I think of him, if he is not apologize to the waiter and in general all the staff, I dragged him out and he will get such pizdyuley that remain in this beautiful city for a few more months for the treatment of nehuy First behave at a party, and secondly nehuy dishonor my city and all of Russia. Overgrown hipster, clearly representative of the creative class, first tried cheto povyebyvatsya, and when he realized that pizdyuley extremely illusory began to mumble kaie a barely audible apology for that, I noticed that he shouted loudly and apologized quietly and it is not true to apologize need as loud as behaved before. Poizvinyavshis pressure on my part, and it paid off, "went the fuck out of here and do not fall over my eyes, take care of his ill health, smile and be polite satisfied", leaving the tip of course equal to the total bill. After which I once again apologized to staff of the institution, explaining that we assholes in bulk, but not all assholes.
MSK - Minsk

150 kilometers from Moscow time was hellish positives and fucking air and road Nitsche so, what is being built in places and some zatyry I easily traveled on mood in general have not affected. Passing by Cuban women as seen in the course of my movement to the left over the field something hells fighting vertuhaya twisted in pairs. Or something like MI-24, but maybe, were far will not say exactly. Stop thinking "pozyrit" on this matter, but decided not to waste time. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the motion by the standards of the MSC and the movement in general, shake cruising 120km \ h, beauty and only. The mood is so fucking long such a rush of endorphins in the plain was not, but the happiness did not last long. 150 kilometers for just, the weather began to deteriorate severely ahead loomed a powerful storm front is still 20 kilometers beginning to drizzle, I stopped pulled dodzhdevig (went the first hipster our country in almost sneakers, this sneaker was doomed) and Popper on. Hells shower was right up to the border, and completely ended immediately after the intersection. Sobsno livnyak and sputum does not bother me, I'm the same lane road 120. I must say is excellent, her 120 shove something sinful, but no longer mogem-s, and these were a great concern for the engine.
Drive process was sad to not be. Tank lacked exactly 200km (actually still stock was at 10-20km, but so as not to dry poured from 195 to 200), while once more stopped to dine all. A little bit short of Smolensk, fed delicious, nourishing, notably much. For not very expensive. Was pleased. After all otkushaniya become significantly warmer and generally cheerful, this ran through the stormy distance with redoubled enthusiasm, but unfortunately at the same rate.
Pass a lot of things and funny and interesting, for example was an interesting town "Myasoedovoz." For me remained a mystery that there eat there anyone who eats and how much that carry.
What I drove up to the border showed that on the side of the booth began to appear with the proposal immediately insured. I was leery Chukchi decided that dick would be with them, zastrahuyachus before the border because they do not have a clue what's there and how. With these thoughts wandered into the booth before the checkpoint, I do not remember the sales as it is called. I have written bamazeyku for motorcycles for 15 days for the 240r. When I gave 250r and said that no change is necessary, I probably saw the most sincere gratitude and surprise over the past few years. Especially the girl with registration dig now fairly long set mk kamputer current and moto there is certainly no well and other shoals and flopping. I thought that I was atypical of some of Moscow's legs did not knock, not hysterical, not gloomy ebalo Storey, although all wet puddle Nateq already in the booth is not cultural. Sobsno distracting from the story, I do not even know whether or not I had to draw this garbage for Belarus, but let us assume that I neebicheski law-abiding guest.
Sliding Tackle Barriers to queue for travel saw a sign, they say how much dough with whom and in what currency. Began peering inquisitively trying to determine how many are with me wants to get a totalitarian dictatorship to oppress tears child. While gazing standing on the sidelines, I was approached by a smiling and rosy Belarusian co this point and said that the bike for free - Welkom, they say. In this case, see what I have for the rooms cost, making sure that the Union has confirmed, however warned that I would be careful with shlakbaumom that would not get on Balde, and he and automatic brake.
Well, I thanked him for konsultuatsiyu, and proceeded to nychku between shlakbaumom and the wall, well, just for motorcycles followed the same -_- While I certainly had to hear some screams, but it was too late to stop the system and yelled screamed infernal siren. Away from sin, after apparently not very legitimate access to the territory of the union state, I stopped and turned to pograntsy that somehow suspicious laughed, saying "What are they doing that?" He waved his hand, saying ezzhaj and still laughing approached the booth and pressed some button and all abated.
Not well, but you do think there may be conductive totalitranye get out of the turret or grab me some Space Marines zapihnet in the truck "Bread" or worse "MYASOEDOVOZ" is the same and will be tortured for what purpose I have illegally entered the territory!
In general and funny, and made himself pometochku that away and hurry on home ebashit not necessary.
Well already started to reap further extremely intrigued, as it is here in totalitarizme it. Immediately drew attention to the fact that if we have to track forest and settlements, there stupidly track and field on both sides. Sobsno on the highway speed limit sign was 100 trucks and 120 cars. As I thought about it a "sign of pain" because scat found in our democracies "120". 110 freeway and one dick fucking yes. Further along the route, all dried up completely, but soon appeared unhealthy tops, apparently afflicted me for illegal border crossing. Such a harsh crosswinds that sometimes feels was more severe than the counter. Therefore, I have my 120 per tilting ILO into the wind, according to this overcoming going right Fur was nothing but attraction. Approaching the wagon need to take in the band left, those crosswind stops and Moto estesno takes in the right, and the output just need to cuddle up close, maybe you get from the air flow and trucks and even a breeze, with totalirizmu. In general play, and believe in God Giraskopichnogo Pantheon. Because my faith is strong and does not tolerate doubt.
150 kilometers to the totalitarian Mordor took off dodzhdevig and TC was hipster "sneakers" and dodzhdevig not tight-fitting legs under him on vymok most nebaluysya, knee naproch to eggs relative. This is all due to the fact that the wagon, puddles, rain and other nyashki. (By the way, passing the local Panikovskyi hello, on the road for 200 km more to Smolensk saw the goose, goose feathers in the rain 90 creepy point each, not verut bitch in Giraskopichnogo God). Decided that look obossantsem not unseemly, will move to dry for a precedent already exists and there is nothing to worry about.
Inexorably approaching Minsk liked the isolation of their scale, powerfully so eversion one track to another kilometer accurately. Monumetalno. I do not know if it was built even more terrible totalitarizme much smaller or lifted, but very comfortable and cool. Just incredibly surprised one board. Indicates the air temperature and the temperature of the asphalt! Ohuet not stand up! Nun urgently such huevin poke here Msc. Although the MSC must be burned with napalm, but more on that later.
In general, drove up to Mordor, the sign says 50 km. Look - the trail. I think Chezane where fucking action game where every fucking darkness construction, shopping centers, etc., etc. Gagne. Nope! 20km - no! I've honestly began to worry. Now I do not remember exactly but it seems somewhere in the 20 just appeared sign supposedly Minsk route to another. I think, yeah! here it is all there-adhesive means. Food - neither of Th. And then bam:
Apparently thought for the day off, I think somewhere in Moscow missed as - of course it is not clear, but managed (by the way I have it in the return line and did not see that there is not accustomed to 8 lanes in one direction and standing firmly ebanisticheskih interchanges). Drove in general to Mordor in 19 hours time Msc, and the traffic is stupid not, well at night we just without what would you still fucking 120 deer darkness overtake. Well, I immediately diminished gas, gas nefig here to failure. Food and think, and how can we go somewhere. We can not, they have the usual - suneshsya in the aisle, and from that cries cries of destruction. Decided prismotretstso. I forgot to write that just over 150km wrote 1% nicks, saying that 150 km, where to drive, give the address - given. I protupila deer and did not cache Yandex maps of Minsk. And while riding propizdil all babosy that have been abandoned, this tormented me doubts about the possibility of replenishment of my account. Doubts were dispel the idea that there is a backup option, they say conductive dough namenyat and stock up in the first kiosk totalitarian media city map on paper. And then began the horrors of the lack of hand market. Passing very decent (by local standards, especially) on Independence Avenue was waiting to see around the metro station Hells fucking with obennikami, blackjack and hookers, n of all that passed - all just stupid subway. Saw the bank stopped, parked (later as I understood) as the asshole on tratuary, maybe there was no availability, popizdil to the bank. There I waited Ajuy.
Schedule of the bank stated very accurately, sorry I do not sfotal, miser charge akkuma, maybe recalled that charge I forgot at home, and whether or not - is not known. In general, almost force majeure has been specified on the label. Estesno Shabbat at 7 pm with a spear did not work. Saw another bank nearby - the same garbage. I think, well, shit, we can for our sold, went up to the booth and see that he not only did not work, but it works graphics tablet about the same content, well Maltz easier. Pidets. Do nehuy where the street do not know. Activate payment on the phone. Yandex bitch warns, saying that traffic attendants standing Doha, I estimate, that on the map there will literally 30KB and shake approx. Map I uploaded the correct location and the correct street, but worth it to me nehuevyh 350r.
Pinned on the street Surganov the club "Yule", where I was waiting to meet. By the way it turned out I had to go in a straight line two more traffic lights. Knowledge - it's expensive.
Then he drove for, repentance sticks in cases greeters stuck in that club concert of local VIA (URL while some found promised send newly burned studio album). While I was tired ter for the case (first round), the concert ended, and when I came back to the club, everyone was going to run for a libation on the occasion of my arrival and not only. Once in the store and exchanged the dough, I was shocked by the local prices. More on that below. Saw katletku "NECVIZH" funny and thought how it will be possible to make a joke, and then pull out the phone to my throat stretched bony stump of totalitarianism in the form of a saleswoman supposedly photograph katletku strategic nizya. (My lulz were not understood, but it was a city Shults and katletka ala in Kiev, but it looked fine). Next was a hell of trash and waste, how I love.
The next day was half of the dialogue on business, and the second half was the idea that old age is not a joy, and how can zhestochayshye torn Recon age just over 8 years -_-. Feeding squirrels and generally wandering and rode around the city in anticipation of understanding otduplyatsya or not, although every ICQ, etc. Skype cries of joy was fucking darkness.
So, while waiting wandered into a totalitarian undemocratic park. The park vodilos ebnutsya how much you can chain protein regime that naprygivali not hesitate to people begging all delicious. Totalitarian proteins were fucking, smooth fur, blyastyuchaya, one can see on the powerful diet of children tiligentov and conscience of the nation and that each protein in the evening before going to bed, stroking personally Lukashenko and gives candy. Began to rush to find someone can trade goodies for protein, so as not to feed them "human flesh", but could not find it. Remained totalitarian proteins do not feed me.
While doing was nehuy, otzavtrakal almost in the center of the city. Otzavtrakal tasty and cheap. Reenactors never otduplilis (fucking alcoholics and adventurers as it turned out after the fact, who sat in travmpunke who totalitarian bullpen), but I was not taken aback and went thump to the familiar local bikers. When traveling in the direction of the point of collection, only turned to the surrounding area and almost naebnulsya the bike by surprise and we can say monstrous impudence local strangler bright and free individuals concurrently watchdog mode - IDPS. He stretched out his bloody hand "gun" radar speed timed move I without speeding, making sure that I could barely food, he turned to me ass lost all interest. Was very disappointing.
Sobsno mk Recon gone on a spree with night and day have difficulties if the first night I spent the night with Plums, the second was a big question. But one of baykeryug said that all garbage supposedly schA we thee a hotel populated. I zakruchinilsya grieved, but he said that there is a hotel and they say everything will be conductive as needed. I began to estimate the scale of the devastation, but just when I put ohuel daily room rate in 300r.
main ambush was that there were places, but they were.
the hotel is not 547 stars of course, but clean, pleasant charm of the Union was fully. Felt as a child. It was very nice.
as advertising, the hotel is on the street Makaenka 12 (at kartodroma) phone (017) 263 76 30 (both dial code 37 do not know). all highly recommend. There are 1, 2 and 3 bed rooms. toilet and shower common, but the purity and sterility just on top. Better to call and book rooms in advance. Women on duty very totalitarian and Union)
Well sobsno pougarat with baykotoy and the next morning went home. But about the city to finish early. Topic general impressions.
Everything is cheap, apparently bony hand dictatorial Lukashenko's regime for trying to cheat to play in a "three-end" as is customary with us, or not interested, has fucked with all totalitarian fool, so much so that there are none. For example Coca Cola 2L worth 38rubley, pivas Heineken (one of the most expensive retail) about 45R, if you take the local (delicious by the way) there 20-25r not on fiscal positions. Zhrachka worth 2-3 times cheaper than in Moscow time, all done by the guests, and not every fucking TU.
People are good, smiling, all on the positive. Even tough bikers, by our standards Cuties and bunnies.
All in Russian. Very great contrast with the same ebnuvsheysya Ukraine in the Ukrainian language.
RB in almost all Russian, except perhaps the names of settlements, road signs and street names - those in Belarusian.
all the press that I have seen in Russian. in general all.
such ebanariuma and rampant "Nezalezhnosti" in Ukraine is not in sight. estesno no absurd situations where the DJ on the radio calling the listener, the listener communicates with him in Russian and Ukrainian on the DJ.
This is very hard contrast between neighbors (Ukraine and Belarus), just incredible. if Ukraine I often Moskal and generally dick and shit (this is not much, but occurs, and if in the central part of at the time, this was not, after the rebellion ponalezlo orange), the RB I each comrade and brother (both in Ukraine in the Crimea and in the east is even better).
On the roads. After the road of hell Msc in Minsk I really ohueval of people politely and gently ride, as people in general, and not as a crowd of evil stupid fag. In this case, there is a very unusual trick. Arrow turning to the right is always on, but turning you must give way to all pedestrians in the PM that can cheerfully huyarit on your green. We can not enter this - poperedavyat and poperederutsya all fuck.
Deuki! Beautiful girls as something more severe than ours. In this dress up well, full blade Baska, we would it look like something that goddamned if (Cobra ebanavty brought the country), all on the positive, smiling, frowning and pathetic to see ebalo and failed.
Advertisement. In Minsk, advertising is, but in my opinion it exactly as much as you need, there is this fucked up as we do, when zasrat signs and other advertising all so much so that the eye just ohuevaet cleaner than from a porn site Hb be hells-clicker.
In general, I really liked. Need to be sure to drive for a week to rest and ottpopyrki.
Forgot an important point. During vykushivaniya breakfast in one institution appeared to me some hysterical asshole who huyami wings and finally the waiter behaved extremely disgusting. By type of fucking hipster rich and at one point he issued a "yes we in Moscow," at this point I stopped chewing delicious salad, swallowed it, got up and walked over to the bastard, but it should be noted that I looked marginally well-biker, gave him on the mountain all that I think of him, if he is not apologize to the waiter and in general all the staff, I dragged him out and he will get such pizdyuley that remain in this beautiful city for a few more months for the treatment of nehuy First behave at a party, and secondly nehuy dishonor my city and all of Russia. Overgrown hipster, clearly representative of the creative class, first tried cheto povyebyvatsya, and when he realized that pizdyuley extremely illusory began to mumble kaie a barely audible apology for that, I noticed that he shouted loudly and apologized quietly and it is not true to apologize need as loud as behaved before. Poizvinyavshis pressure on my part, and it paid off, "went the fuck out of here and do not fall over my eyes, take care of his ill health, smile and be polite satisfied", leaving the tip of course equal to the total bill. After which I once again apologized to staff of the institution, explaining that we assholes in bulk, but not all assholes.