The triangle of understanding
How to effectively deal with new information? Mnemonist Egor Dubrovin introduces the concept of triangle ADULTS: experience, memory, editing, and tells how to use the triangle to practice:
Fifty five million four thousand five hundred ninety three
"This triangle is named by the first letters of its vertices: impression, retention, and editing. Learning to work with each of them, you can easily achieve understanding of the information in one of two ways.
Let's start with the explanation of these peaks. Top "impression" has two meanings. The first meaning is that the impression is born in very important or very interesting information. For example, the fan of a football club is very impressed with the results of a match, which he missed. People, fascinated by horoscopes, experiencing the impression of a new article known astrologer. Teacher of math is very important Ph. D. work of graduate student.In all these cases, understanding data will be very large.The impression can be called natural.
The second meaning of the name of the top is in the attention directed at information. The more carefully we read, the more impressed we get. Remember the time when you interfere to read a book or watch a movie. In this moment you feel that sense or any other details slip away from your attention. You cease to understand information. On the contrary, when you are heavily immersed in the object of understanding, you better realize due to the strong experience.
Learning to focus on the material and avoid distractions, you can better understand the information, even that which initially you were not impressed. The impression we call artificial. Unfortunately, in our life very few natural impression, so the article will focus on artificial counterpart.
Following the apex of the triangle AD — memorization. Remembering always increases the understanding of information. You can remember the material by any means. The idea of top is that it is possible to remember any information, even that which you don't get any pleasure. In the process of remembering, you will realize that gradually you begin to understand the material. For example, you did not make sense in French. Try to memorize 1000 French words and without linking to anything, and you begin to understand this language.
The third pinnacle — editing. Under edit I understand any information, it will change. It can be writing a summary, retelling, training cheat sheets, writing essays, reviews, criticism, etc. Even just the selection in the main text, the pencil is the edit.
Starting to edit the information, you will increase her understanding. We easily understand that some times told his friend. Remember the anecdote about a teacher who, after the nth retelling himself understood his lecture.
Only highlighting the main points, we are already beginning easier to navigate in the book. A good strategy is to write book reviews or movie. While writing you will start to understand the material much deeper. Students, looking for basically what you can write on the cheat sheet, produce a kind of editing of the information. Someone better, someone less.
Three million nine hundred six thousand one hundred
So we looked at the three vertices of a triangle-understand information ADULTS. Now let's get to the point. I will explain what is the meaning of the opening of the triangle and how it can be used in everyday life.
You have already understood that the more each of the vertices of the triangle, the more likely to understand the information. But that's not all. When we increase one of the vertices, at the same time increasing the other two.
Let's look at this in more detail. Starting to increase the impression, you have to carefully read the material, naturally we come to remember and will be able with more confidence to retell.Try to any important information come from a position of experience.
If we begin even if unconsciously remember information, it instantly increases the impression of it.Of course, once you have memorized 1000 French words, the language became more interesting than before, when we didn't know any of the words. Also increased the top "edit". We can recite these words to each other, to compare them with the Russian words derived from the French, or like writing English.
Starting to edit the material, we involuntarily remember it better and get more experience. Example best editing — intelligence maps, invented by Tony Buzan.Notes in the tree view allows you to not only remember information but also to transform a dull lecture into vivid pictures.
So, we have considered triangle-understand information ADULTS, which can be applied in everyday life. Getting started processing the information that you need to understand, think about this triangle. We will determine which vertices you can use to increase understanding. It may be easier for you to focus or you have the skills of speed memorization. Also you can start to fully edit the material that you need to understand.
Be sure that in case of raising any of these three peaks, you are sure to obtain speedy result. The trump card is that now you consciously begin to manage their training". published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © econet
Source: www.brainhack.me/2015/11/vzr-triangle/
Fifty five million four thousand five hundred ninety three
"This triangle is named by the first letters of its vertices: impression, retention, and editing. Learning to work with each of them, you can easily achieve understanding of the information in one of two ways.
Let's start with the explanation of these peaks. Top "impression" has two meanings. The first meaning is that the impression is born in very important or very interesting information. For example, the fan of a football club is very impressed with the results of a match, which he missed. People, fascinated by horoscopes, experiencing the impression of a new article known astrologer. Teacher of math is very important Ph. D. work of graduate student.In all these cases, understanding data will be very large.The impression can be called natural.
The second meaning of the name of the top is in the attention directed at information. The more carefully we read, the more impressed we get. Remember the time when you interfere to read a book or watch a movie. In this moment you feel that sense or any other details slip away from your attention. You cease to understand information. On the contrary, when you are heavily immersed in the object of understanding, you better realize due to the strong experience.
Learning to focus on the material and avoid distractions, you can better understand the information, even that which initially you were not impressed. The impression we call artificial. Unfortunately, in our life very few natural impression, so the article will focus on artificial counterpart.
Following the apex of the triangle AD — memorization. Remembering always increases the understanding of information. You can remember the material by any means. The idea of top is that it is possible to remember any information, even that which you don't get any pleasure. In the process of remembering, you will realize that gradually you begin to understand the material. For example, you did not make sense in French. Try to memorize 1000 French words and without linking to anything, and you begin to understand this language.
The third pinnacle — editing. Under edit I understand any information, it will change. It can be writing a summary, retelling, training cheat sheets, writing essays, reviews, criticism, etc. Even just the selection in the main text, the pencil is the edit.
Starting to edit the information, you will increase her understanding. We easily understand that some times told his friend. Remember the anecdote about a teacher who, after the nth retelling himself understood his lecture.
Only highlighting the main points, we are already beginning easier to navigate in the book. A good strategy is to write book reviews or movie. While writing you will start to understand the material much deeper. Students, looking for basically what you can write on the cheat sheet, produce a kind of editing of the information. Someone better, someone less.
Three million nine hundred six thousand one hundred
So we looked at the three vertices of a triangle-understand information ADULTS. Now let's get to the point. I will explain what is the meaning of the opening of the triangle and how it can be used in everyday life.
You have already understood that the more each of the vertices of the triangle, the more likely to understand the information. But that's not all. When we increase one of the vertices, at the same time increasing the other two.
Let's look at this in more detail. Starting to increase the impression, you have to carefully read the material, naturally we come to remember and will be able with more confidence to retell.Try to any important information come from a position of experience.
If we begin even if unconsciously remember information, it instantly increases the impression of it.Of course, once you have memorized 1000 French words, the language became more interesting than before, when we didn't know any of the words. Also increased the top "edit". We can recite these words to each other, to compare them with the Russian words derived from the French, or like writing English.
Starting to edit the material, we involuntarily remember it better and get more experience. Example best editing — intelligence maps, invented by Tony Buzan.Notes in the tree view allows you to not only remember information but also to transform a dull lecture into vivid pictures.
So, we have considered triangle-understand information ADULTS, which can be applied in everyday life. Getting started processing the information that you need to understand, think about this triangle. We will determine which vertices you can use to increase understanding. It may be easier for you to focus or you have the skills of speed memorization. Also you can start to fully edit the material that you need to understand.
Be sure that in case of raising any of these three peaks, you are sure to obtain speedy result. The trump card is that now you consciously begin to manage their training". published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © econet
Source: www.brainhack.me/2015/11/vzr-triangle/
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