10 stories about modern-day slavery, which will open your eyes to the truth

In fact slavery has not been canceled, it merely altered, and now it looks like this:
1. Credit cards Peter Klyushkin gets 30 thousand rubles a month. He also has several credit cards with a total debt of 100 thousand rubles. For this service the loan on a monthly basis Petya pays banks ten percent of his salary: three thousand
. At the same time gradually repay the loan and to stop paying tribute to Peter moneylenders can not. First, it firmly holds the hook this technique as "minimum payment" if Peter will stop spending money with credit cards, he will have to live for a few months on half salary, which he can not afford
. And secondly, there are so many temptations, so many things-that-can-buy-for-money ... that Peter sees no other option but to continue year after year to feed on its banks fatliquoring trouble.
Fun fact: Peter has long been dreaming of their own business, while the profitability of thirty percent per annum over it would suit. However, to organize an absolutely iron gesheft - pay bank debt and start putting the interest on the loan in his pocket - Peter can not. The matrix does not allow.
< 2. Cars Kohl Piglet loves cars. Before he went on the subway, then I save money for Lada. Who moves to borrow Lancer. Money had to spare, often need to save on the most important, such as a vacation or doctors. But life without your car is no longer Kohl.
He should be given credit for a car, pay for vtyuhat dealer accessories and absurdly expensive insurance. He has to solve a bunch of small problems with parking, with scratches, with the replacement of consumables and warranty repairs. He needs time in the season to change tires, and three times a week to fill yourself full tank.
Kohl, in principle, does not complain. Every single cash injection into the car quite posilen. That's only if Kohl's carefully calculated the cost of ownership of his treasure, he would have found that narrow-eyed chetverokolёsny "friend" month eats a third of his salary and half of his free time.
Could Nick buy a Lancer instead of good old Lada chisel not to bother at all either Hull or rust / scratch or expensive spare parts? To throw the car anywhere, and in order to be repaired for a small price in a good service next to the house, no paper fuss and without queuing?
Probably could. But if you tell Cole that he chose the car is not on the level, Kohl's will not even send you to your advice. Kohl just do the surprised eyes and wagged his finger at his temple.
< 3. Small expenses Bob Zhimobryuhov works plumber on call. There's a thousand, there are two here, five hundred rubles ... a whole would have to get good earnings. However, in a purse Vasya rarely accumulate appreciable amount, he almost always broke.
Because Bob how to make money, so their spending and not counting. Five hundred rubles for a taxi to the house. A thousand rubles for a dinner in the restaurant. Kind of like, work and work ... and there is no money.
If Bob got himself a notebook and started to record all income and expenses, he would have begun to move from the horror hair. Bob would have found something to eat in the restaurant - it's not pathetic thousand at a time, he thought, and fifty thousand a month, six hundred thousand a year. Bob would have seen that the taxi - it is convenient and comfortable, but two months movements shuttles will allow him to buy a new computer, which he wants to have three years
. However, as befits a normal slave Matrix, count money Vasya does not consider it necessary.
< 4. Weddings and birthdays Alice Skotinёnok marries. Alice works assistant manager, her choice - Junior Engineering Technical Support. The budget of the newly created family - forty thousand rubles a month
. Wedding Budget - five hundred thousand
. Why did not Alice quietly sign the registry office and do not go to celebrate the exchange of rings together with her husband in some quiet restaurant? Why it this petrosyanisty toastmaster why it these shameful contests why she this crowd of drunken rednecks, clumsily stamped their feet under the Verka Serduchka?
Why should we get into debt, ruin the parents to feed and water the people who, let's face it, it is able to eat and drink at his own expense? Alice'm not stupid and realizes that if she did not hold a wedding, no one on this and not pay attention to: shrug and forget the next day
. The reasons for lower nowhere annual household income of Alice two. Firstly, because it tells the Matrix in the face of our customs and traditions. Second, Alice wants to stand out in a white dress and Alice believes that the year of two persons - the price is quite normal for some wedding photos
. Of course, the advocates of a naive girl would say now that the wedding is once in a lifetime ... But there are more birthdays, funerals, mark the New Year. How much money will be Alice down annually for those stupid gatherings?
< 5. Alcohol loop Jura Skobleplyuhin periodically looks in the mirror and thinks that it would be necessary, finally, to enroll in a gym: remove the beer belly and cheer muscle weights, dumbbells. But Jura works five days a week, and after work drinks a cup or two of diluted ethanol.
He's not an alcoholic: Jura believes that alcohol in small doses, if not useful, at least not particularly harmful
. However, the work and the alcohol so well structured his time that enroll in a gym he strongly once, and feats of strength after labor feats in the sport is no longer remains.
Acute reason to change the rhythm of his life in the Jura not. Just Jura looks fifteen years older than his age, and all the time feeling a little lousy ... but overall everything is OK. Matrix keeps Yura steel grip. Chance to break from his throat her fingers in the Jura, frankly, a little bit.
< 6. Advertising Lena Vurdalakina cola drinks, smokes Marlboro, Stimorol chews and eats three throat gambugery at McDonald's. From it always smells like Dolce Gabbana, and your iPhone is in the bag Lena from luivitton.
At the same time Lena sure if advertising on it has no effect, and a sick stomach and an empty wallet - it's her own choice
. Predatory snout on TV choir support Lena in her naive fallacy: "You are a free man, darling, you're intelligent and beautiful woman, you are always completely voluntary and independently choose which one of us you dutifully otnesёsh his salary next»
. 7. Expensive items Gleb Scherblyunich not rich enough to buy cheap things. More precisely, he is not rich. Hleb - rogue, and the money he has often not even enough for a cup of steaming coffee in the machine on the floor below his office
. However, saying "you go as far as possible, it is too expensive for me," Hleb can not. Because of this, he always buys things at the sight of that, even in a much more secured by the person's throat immediately merge cold green paws.
Leather jacket price of two salaries? I'm not rich enough to buy cheap things. And do not care that the size and shaped Hleb does not understand, because of what appears in this jacket as a brother fence.
Notebook latest model for a hundred thousand? I'm not rich enough to buy cheap things. I'll take credit for the insane interest will be two years eating porridge with salt and ride a hare on the subway, but I will gather dust on a shelf beautiful silver laptop.
The question is, and what would not be Gleb modestly, and not to buy their own things a little worse, but ten times cheaper?
Yes, everything is simple. Gleb lazy to spend three hours to posravnivat prices and specifications to calculate the pros and cons of the purchase. He cavalierly easier rubanut hand and say, "I have decided, I buy." In addition, despite the worn boots and taped glasses with tape, Gleb somehow embarrassed to inform the seller that he is rogue.
< 8. Repair Claudia Zagrebryuk believes that apartments in Russia are too expensive. God alone knows how much effort it cost her family and this new one-bedroom apartment. Now Claudia makes repairs in the apartment.
Take, for example, the kitchen.
You can go to the hardware store and buy it very cheap cuisine as eight thousand rubles. For this money you get a few poor Klava lockers of chipboard, albeit without any claims on design, but is still able to keep inside the plates and pans.
You can go to the Swedes to IKEA and choose a longer something more decent, well over fifty thousand. Quality, of course, is not a fountain, but if you find a good collector, who will spend a few days perfecting products niggardly Swedes to mind, you get quite a nice even.
You can visit any of our furniture factory and choose from the catalog of the kitchen on request. It is already two hundred thousand, but girlfriend Claudia will be clicked his tongue approvingly when a lighting inside the cabinets and sinusoidal cornice above the dust collection decorative shelves.
You can go to a salon of Italian furniture, and succumb to the modest charm of the bourgeoisie. There are prices for food begin anywhere from one million, but if a little luck, you can grab something from the old collections at a steep discount ...
The question is, what Claudia chlorine with all the richness of choice bought the kitchen for a hundred thousand? This is the annual (!) With her husband salary. Thus any savings in the family is not planned, and so they had to borrow to complete the repair of the winter.
No, I understand, a kitchen - it is important that the kitchen - it's a long time, Italy - is the quality ... But if Claudia could not in any way affect the price of the apartment, it's at least the price of repair was in her power? This is serious, if Claudia spent on repairs than two million and two hundred thousand - that saved three years of work would not be paid for her mental suffering on the type of cheap tiles and thin laminate
9?. Whining Egor Oskopchik constantly tells a familiar story, one simply is surprising. About the crisis. About some politotu rallies. Egor always on edge, he always someone wrong: the boss, the policeman, the popularly elected president of the Russian Federation
. Of course, we live in a free country, and Egor has the right circle of friends obkladyvat genitals anyone ... but Egor constantly suffering because of other people's problems. The habit to climb into other people's problems on a regular basis makes it feel oppressive weakness, aware that somewhere something bad, and he can not change anything.
If Yegor someone explained that our world is not fair, and that the only way to make it better - start with yourself, Yegor, a long time would probably have been on any management position. Brains and hands Egor on-site energy from it and so rushing.
Here are just Egor, unfortunately, prefer to spend their inexhaustible energy not being creative, and on conviction and punishment of people who - according to Yegor - misbehave
. Himself Yegor considers well adapted to human life: he knows how to row and stand my ground, may on occasion even give a face. Friends is looking at Yegor with ill-concealed pity. Since Egor constantly vlyapyvaetsya on level ground in the scandals, the fights, even in some ridiculous courts.
< 10. Lack of sleep Olga Golovolastnaya sleeps six hours a day. Sometimes - for five hours. I woke up, slammed the coffee and let's make a fuss until nightfall.
Another girl would be in its place has long been thought that it is somehow wrong lives. But Olga has for many years does not get enough sleep, and think it has long disaccustomed. When Oli fall free for half an hour, she pours herself another cup of any slops and invigorating ... gets blunt. Watching TV, sticks to the Internet, simply looks osolovevshimi eyes at the wall and rides in a circle empty thoughts.
From the side it seems that is very easy to get out of this vicious circle. You just have to take it a rule to dive under the covers at exactly midnight. A couple of weeks the eight-hour sleep, and Olga will not learn. It will be calm and kind, stop barking at people and begin to keep up with everything.
But ... to the rhythm of the waltz to alter all things to the eleven at night have to do for a non-acidic willpower. And in such an effort Olya sleepy, alas, is not capable of.
Sleepy Olga will spend a few hours every day on all sorts of meaningless nonsense. Due Olga will not go lost daily these twelve hours, and in two. And at eight in the morning - if you want or do not want - it will have to wake up sleepy and hooves to work. Where here to think about some kind of change in activity and the big money. This is because, dreams.
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