The story is about a girl who got stuck in the cold room

A woman working at a meat factory.
Once finished, the woman went to the meat refrigerators to check something. But, unfortunately, the door suddenly closed, and she was inside.
The woman was crying, screaming, beating their feet in the door, but no one came to the rescue, because most of the workers have already gone.
After 5 hours, the guard came and opened the door. The woman was saved by a miracle. She asked him how he thought of coming here, because it is not part of his duties
To which he replied:.
- I've been working at this factory for 35 years, thousands of workers come and go every day. But you're the only one who greeted me in the morning and said good-bye evening. Many people treated me as to invisibility. Today you have greeted me as usual. But in the evening I have not heard your phrase: "Bye, see you tomorrow." That's why I decided to check out the factory. Thanks to you, I felt something meaningful. Do not hear your goodbyes, I realized that something was wrong with you
Moral of the story
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