A trip to Belarus (10 photos + text)
Severely. I text a lot, but I highly recommend to read - purely for themselves
Many obscure in a strange country,
You can get confused and get lost.
Even goose bumps crawling back,
If you imagine what could happen.
VS Vysotsky.
serni wrote in his diary:
I - a Russian citizen. Of course, this is not my achievement, there is nothing particularly unique, but it's true.
I respect my country, something I dislike, but generally tolerate their country.
At the same time I devoted to his country, I pay taxes, and I think that enjoys the patronage of the state, while abroad. In every country where I was, I necessarily been looking for the embassy / consulate of the country (who is with me traveled - know) and lovingly look at their native flag in a foreign country with a sense of genuine patriotism and understanding that in case of any trouble, I'll protected from arbitrariness.
In addition, I consider myself an intelligent young man (Dovlatov, however, wrote about it quite skeptical - consider themselves to cattle does not happen), it is well-read, non-aggressive and fairly rarely used in real life mate.
The situation described below, it seems to me now, sitting in a comfortable chair of his office, far more unreal than one hundred percent. It just can not be. Neither one of us. However, all described below actually took place to be, it is recorded from my words in the records of several law enforcement agencies and that's what I'll say in court under oath (with the exception of the lyrical digressions, of course).
Freedom: limited.
So, I'm going on Sunday morning in Minsk (arrived a half day for talks and bath). The plans - to bring his friend back home in Minsk, buy fat in sesame - to Moscow. In the car, three men - I, sunday90 and Pasha. 2 Russian citizen and a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, respectively.
Weather nasty, rain cats and dogs. Food quiet, no more than 70 km / h: a strange city and vsesezonka. The congress with the overpass traffic cop slows me down (in Belarus GAI). He says that I exceeded the speed and asks to go to the car. As the rain on the street and generally disgusting, out of the car does not want a cozy, also in violation of its not very hard to believe, so I ask to show me proof that I exceeded. From gaishnaya machine room 2242MN (standing slightly apart), the second policeman handed me a radar, which showed, as if someone was driving 3 minutes ago, at a speed of 98kms / hr. (Yes, I was overtaken by a black jeep).
I disagreed with the violation and asked the inspectors to complete the protocol without me, so I just signed it later. Inspector insisted that I went through in their cars. Regarding our car because their car was:
I sat in the front passenger seat, a senior staff member sat down with me, and the youngest (name had appeared Zveruga) sat behind the wheel and started to draw up a report. Along the way, drawing traffic police sympathetically told me that I need to take away the right from the St. Petersburg traffic police will be (registered there) and the Belarusian outhouse in Russia do not work and they just did not know how I'm going to go to Moscow today. In general, it showed clearly that all problems can be solved by a bribe.
I do not advocate to translate the administrative responsibility for the criminal, therefore, he answered them sharp refusal. In addition, they said that the protocol will write, he does not agree with the report and that the traffic police to extort bribes.
The employees were blue face and they started something to squeal about the slander. After a few seconds the elder grabbed my neck from behind and put his hand left cheek to the headrest, while the younger inflicted several blows in the right temple and jaw edge fist. (Later, I realized that all this was fully coordinated and obviously not the first time the procedure was performed). I started to choke, but still was able to open the passenger door with his right hand and put out his foot to my friends saw that inside that something is wrong. In response to this Zveruga out of the car (behind me continued strong choke), I closed my door and stopped the car with the "witness».
Scared little man got into the car, looked breathless and none can tell me, and listened to the story of how I attacked the traffic police, Zveruge torn left jacket pocket (remember, he sat behind the wheel), and knocked off the radio, began to wave their feet in the car. Little man clicked his tongue, gave his passport details and was gone.
Meanwhile, the car approached my friend sunday90 and convinced the cops that I "calmed down", after which the traffic police have begun to talk about a thousand dollars for which we can take and pass one another right now.
I felt bad, to communicate with the dregs wanted and went to his car, which found that the ignition key is pulled Zveruga.
The picture traces on his neck and abrasions on his temple.
sunday90 continued negotiations with the employees, and then returned and asked to go to the car, to sign the protocol and to disperse. I agreed, was in the car, but in the report wrote that he did not agree, and that does not exceed the traffic police beatings I suffered. Andrew even managed to fit in the report as a witness.
Employees at all offended, said that it was too and that they are taking me to the police department to register for an attack on a traffic police.
The one that was behind, took my SoRTS and keys and went to my car (it later turned out that I forgot to give immobilizer, and he never left). I took Zveruga.
In the Central district police department traffic police started to write the report. Meanwhile, the ambulance arrived, as one of the detainees became ill. I asked to take off my beaten, but ambulance staff have offered to put a beating.
Having to certain conclusions about human rights in this country, I demand of the police department turned off the cell (called me friend, I told him about the staff of emergency, they are all very perenervnichal, they surrounded me and started yelling that I should cut down the cell) and, moreover, on the bench. The only thing that made an employee of Emergency in my attitude - a survey of my hands check for poor availability shots - traffic cops really wanted them revealed.
And then I was taken for a medical examination. Behind the village is the same older, but now he kept his hand on the latch, so I ran out. On the way I asked a number of questions on the subject of how I generally want to develop it. Traffic cops visibly nervous.
In the clinic I was "purged" - 0, 000 ppm. To help in the removal of the beating and the doctors refused, as I wrote in the report about his sobriety.
But he returned to the police department issued arrest me, forced to give up all my things, including shoelaces and belt. Give me a lawyer and take a beating on duty refused, but overall was a good low - and the phone during a traffic gave me to call and did not behave like the rest of the shit in police uniform. But about shit later.
Minutes of seizure:
After removal has taken close to the camera. In the light of the room and took their fingerprints of all fingers and palms, photographed in profile and full face, recorded video sample signature. In general, recorded. Employees of the police department is already free to contact me at "you", wing mat and behaved threateningly. On handprints system is hung and immediately ran to the police for computer scientists.
Then he took the camera, having started simultaneously to the toilet. About a prison toilet will not.
Monkey, which led me - a room 3 meters by two, on each side of the bench centimeters in width 30. The camera lights dim yellow light, dark and dingy. Scratched on the walls of all sorts of labels, often oppositional sense, but mostly just ala "There was Tolia».
In the chamber, two, one "forgot to pay for the ham, which pocketed the" second "friends stole 80 thousand Belarusian rubles and telephone, and they turned menturu - also my friends." From Ham thief stinks both the homeless, the second goes from corner to corner a rapid pace. After some time joined by another thief, and they walked the line, passing communicating. Walk type.
They behaved inmates are quite friendly, told that "there is nothing, but taaaam" carefully explained to me the meaning of all the words I did not understand.
It exists, there also are people, people are satisfied with this world. These people take 15 days as the weekend, they believe that even steal another - that's okay and humanly, they talk obscenities, they look unpleasant, often stinks of them, but the whole world. It is quite normal to discuss that 3 years ago in such a prison was fine, but now there is worse, there is normally memorize the phone numbers of safe places are released, there normally sleep clothed, there is normally the years to sit and do nothing.
Remember: people in the form of a large part of their lives is in this environment. It is alien to them. They are impregnated with it. This affects their psyche.
Meanwhile, I sat in a corner and memorized not take away my ticket from Moscow to TelAviv-Moscow: there is a lot of any test on the rules of the trip. At first Russian, then English version. 5 hours I learned to read on the memory card backwards.
Inmates occasionally asked me strange questions a la "Well, whatever you do something about it in Russia?". "What - that?". "Well, zekami." "Probably OK» ...
In general, I try not to cause class hatred by all possible means.
The most annoying thing for me was that I knew that my friends are now trying to get me in all possible ways: Consulate, prosecutors, CSS and more. That is the fact of care was undoubtedly extremely pleasant, but it is unclear when the shackles fall, open the door and say, "Ostrovsky, out!". In the worst case, I was pleased traffic cops in the dungeons I was to spend six years for assaulting a police officer.
After 5 hours (generally, with respect to time in prison - watch all selected) brought me peredachku: food, water, and a sweater. Food removed from the plastic fork and knife: not allowed. Along the way, pleased that I "sew" disobeying the actions of the police and that a maximum of 25 days, but to me as a Russian, probably give no more than three.
Half of the food I gave inmates, the water had to make a couple of sips before inmates drank from the bottle behind me. He disdained. (Later, I tried the bottle carefully and stick after she drank from all the surrounding monkey, at the time of the collection).
After half an hour: the total collection. All carry the night in some jail time, I do not remember what it's called. The people rejoice: at least will devour. Begin to wear handcuffs. I'm on the verge of hysteria: only attribute this to me is not enough. Handcuffs eventually put only those who "sewed" ugolovka. Immerse yourself in the UAZ, seven to three seats. As someone placed there - no one cares. Shakes terribly. I was asked to sign the printout of my fingers, but the right hand is bad to listen to me after gaishnaya strangulation, besides shaking very badly. In general, not signed.
The car began to ask anyone of us needs a doctor. They warned that those who go to the doctor, do not fall for dinner. From seven to the doctor wanted four. Including I - like all the same to fix their beatings, and time would have to go faster.
In the hospital here and there scurrying people. Free people that can pick up and go to the toilet when they want to take a stroll through the city, have a beer, take a trip to St. Petersburg for the weekend.
We were guarding the convoy. In all the tests - unless accompanied by a policeman. The toilet - too.
People look at us as criminals. Doctors - as people who want to hang.
I have to measure the pressure and took a blood test, an electrocardiogram. At my request, recorded in the presence of help beating. The official refused to remove a beating - not in their competence.
(Information taken from the extract of the reception of the book after the events).
In the hospital, in addition to me, I brought two more boys. They deserve special mention. The story of their sad and sad: in hangover state, they strolled in Minsk near some monument. One of them complained about the life and talking loudly mat. The second (Sasha) saw the offing passing Interior Minister of Belarus (Naumenko, that is). Sasha said, the first thing that would be nice to stop foul language in view of the next interior minister at the first reasonable notice that "for me (beep) to the Minister of Internal Affairs." However, it is the "for beep» was not mutual, the minister paused and a couple of tens of seconds, the guys have a blizzard brave guys from diamonds (Belarusian special police). Perepalo swear on the head, Sasha - the ribs. Both were loaded into a car and taken to the police station. Anyone who perepalo's head was very bad and the hospital did not want to let categorically: TBI. A police rang hysterically higher authorities and say that they have an order from above, in any case both detractors return to prison.
Doctors fought off a man with a head injury, well done.
Sasha was sent to prison, me too. Afterwards we spent the night in a cell I, Sasha and ham person. Ham man was dipping a journalist who used to write many avtoizdaniya and generally was pleasant enough in dealing with the distance to it is more than 2 meters.
At first, we were taken to the police station - said they will spend the night in the monkey. We went there and had begun to doze off (30-cm bench in the clothes, of course), but then we were told that they would take back to the edge of the city, into a temporary jail where we were.
We arrived already at 12 o'clock at night. We were lined up along the wall and started to call one for search.
Drinking concluded very clearly demonstrates the process of the search. First you spread everything out of your pockets. Then a police officer determines that I need the camera and what is not. Adaptol, for example, he decided that I nafig not needed.
Then take off your shoes (they were without laces, of course). Among them are ordered to get insoles. And then the policeman his dirty shoe stepping on the toe of your shoe, leaving an imprint and wrinkling skin. I asked why this is being done, what I've been told that there may be a mobile phone. Ask to look into the shoes - not fate.
The camera is a huge wooden bench. Old-timers called it "a scene." In a corner of the toilet on the rotten boards. And tap. The stench and filth - terrible. The cold - too. Toilet paper, blankets and other things - of course not.
The night was half delirious, beat big tremor. For very cold. How will roll up is not - does not help.
At 7 am - Breakfast served through a window in the door. Half a loaf of bread, an empty oatmeal, tea in an aluminum mug without a handle, more like slop.
At this point, I have included his sense of humor to its fullest, and began to perceive everything around as a definite attraction. So even I tried oatmeal - not like it.
In 9 - loading the cars, in all directions. Build in the hallway, facing the wall, two in a row, hands behind his back. Most of the people terrible and looks like a homeless. Police officers feel completely masters of the situation: who gets kicked his feet, cursing obscenities, laugh, rude.
Roll call. When your name is called you need to answer name and patronymic and turn around.
Loading in progress. Me, Sasha and 19yo boy (robbery) are put in a separate "room" as the most "fresh". A room in a paddy wagon - a half-meter in a half-meter off the bench. The three did not sit virtually: very quickly numb leg. Therefore, half-way stand. It's cold, the windows do not have. You can not talk, but can be quiet. Cellular is also impossible to use, but quietly send sms to friends who are waiting for me from 8-30 in the court. 19yo boy is an experienced young man and tells the order in which we will deliver for the police department. I understand that know the geography of Minsk in order hydrating prisoners on sites. There comes a crystal clear idea: I fucked this geography.
Brought: I started thinking mat.
11 Hours to dovozyat to the police station, from there an hour later transferred to a UAZ and being taken to court.
In court, clean, spacious, walk free men. Suitable friends, they rejoice as a child. It seems that it has been several years since I have not seen them.
Cause to the judge.
Standing at attention should be 2 meters away from the table, it is a policeman and controls. The judge - a young woman.
Ask how many years, where I live, where I work. Requests to tell what happened. I told him. Her final remark killed on the spot:
- You are charged with disorderly conduct. You acknowledge it or not?
- Well, I told you everything! What hooliganism?
- You say acknowledge or not!
Realizing that the only possible penalty if found guilty, I'm guilty guilty. After that, I demand the immediate payment of a fine under escort, but were allowed to ask a friend to run the savings bank.
Penalty eventually discharged only to me. The rest (seven, that is) left for 5 days.
Here I am already free.
Inmates: Ham man, Sasha, I am.
A source
Many obscure in a strange country,
You can get confused and get lost.
Even goose bumps crawling back,
If you imagine what could happen.
VS Vysotsky.
serni wrote in his diary:
I - a Russian citizen. Of course, this is not my achievement, there is nothing particularly unique, but it's true.
I respect my country, something I dislike, but generally tolerate their country.
At the same time I devoted to his country, I pay taxes, and I think that enjoys the patronage of the state, while abroad. In every country where I was, I necessarily been looking for the embassy / consulate of the country (who is with me traveled - know) and lovingly look at their native flag in a foreign country with a sense of genuine patriotism and understanding that in case of any trouble, I'll protected from arbitrariness.
In addition, I consider myself an intelligent young man (Dovlatov, however, wrote about it quite skeptical - consider themselves to cattle does not happen), it is well-read, non-aggressive and fairly rarely used in real life mate.
The situation described below, it seems to me now, sitting in a comfortable chair of his office, far more unreal than one hundred percent. It just can not be. Neither one of us. However, all described below actually took place to be, it is recorded from my words in the records of several law enforcement agencies and that's what I'll say in court under oath (with the exception of the lyrical digressions, of course).

Freedom: limited.
So, I'm going on Sunday morning in Minsk (arrived a half day for talks and bath). The plans - to bring his friend back home in Minsk, buy fat in sesame - to Moscow. In the car, three men - I, sunday90 and Pasha. 2 Russian citizen and a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, respectively.
Weather nasty, rain cats and dogs. Food quiet, no more than 70 km / h: a strange city and vsesezonka. The congress with the overpass traffic cop slows me down (in Belarus GAI). He says that I exceeded the speed and asks to go to the car. As the rain on the street and generally disgusting, out of the car does not want a cozy, also in violation of its not very hard to believe, so I ask to show me proof that I exceeded. From gaishnaya machine room 2242MN (standing slightly apart), the second policeman handed me a radar, which showed, as if someone was driving 3 minutes ago, at a speed of 98kms / hr. (Yes, I was overtaken by a black jeep).
I disagreed with the violation and asked the inspectors to complete the protocol without me, so I just signed it later. Inspector insisted that I went through in their cars. Regarding our car because their car was:

I sat in the front passenger seat, a senior staff member sat down with me, and the youngest (name had appeared Zveruga) sat behind the wheel and started to draw up a report. Along the way, drawing traffic police sympathetically told me that I need to take away the right from the St. Petersburg traffic police will be (registered there) and the Belarusian outhouse in Russia do not work and they just did not know how I'm going to go to Moscow today. In general, it showed clearly that all problems can be solved by a bribe.
I do not advocate to translate the administrative responsibility for the criminal, therefore, he answered them sharp refusal. In addition, they said that the protocol will write, he does not agree with the report and that the traffic police to extort bribes.
The employees were blue face and they started something to squeal about the slander. After a few seconds the elder grabbed my neck from behind and put his hand left cheek to the headrest, while the younger inflicted several blows in the right temple and jaw edge fist. (Later, I realized that all this was fully coordinated and obviously not the first time the procedure was performed). I started to choke, but still was able to open the passenger door with his right hand and put out his foot to my friends saw that inside that something is wrong. In response to this Zveruga out of the car (behind me continued strong choke), I closed my door and stopped the car with the "witness».
Scared little man got into the car, looked breathless and none can tell me, and listened to the story of how I attacked the traffic police, Zveruge torn left jacket pocket (remember, he sat behind the wheel), and knocked off the radio, began to wave their feet in the car. Little man clicked his tongue, gave his passport details and was gone.
Meanwhile, the car approached my friend sunday90 and convinced the cops that I "calmed down", after which the traffic police have begun to talk about a thousand dollars for which we can take and pass one another right now.
I felt bad, to communicate with the dregs wanted and went to his car, which found that the ignition key is pulled Zveruga.
The picture traces on his neck and abrasions on his temple.

sunday90 continued negotiations with the employees, and then returned and asked to go to the car, to sign the protocol and to disperse. I agreed, was in the car, but in the report wrote that he did not agree, and that does not exceed the traffic police beatings I suffered. Andrew even managed to fit in the report as a witness.

Employees at all offended, said that it was too and that they are taking me to the police department to register for an attack on a traffic police.
The one that was behind, took my SoRTS and keys and went to my car (it later turned out that I forgot to give immobilizer, and he never left). I took Zveruga.
In the Central district police department traffic police started to write the report. Meanwhile, the ambulance arrived, as one of the detainees became ill. I asked to take off my beaten, but ambulance staff have offered to put a beating.
Having to certain conclusions about human rights in this country, I demand of the police department turned off the cell (called me friend, I told him about the staff of emergency, they are all very perenervnichal, they surrounded me and started yelling that I should cut down the cell) and, moreover, on the bench. The only thing that made an employee of Emergency in my attitude - a survey of my hands check for poor availability shots - traffic cops really wanted them revealed.
And then I was taken for a medical examination. Behind the village is the same older, but now he kept his hand on the latch, so I ran out. On the way I asked a number of questions on the subject of how I generally want to develop it. Traffic cops visibly nervous.
In the clinic I was "purged" - 0, 000 ppm. To help in the removal of the beating and the doctors refused, as I wrote in the report about his sobriety.
But he returned to the police department issued arrest me, forced to give up all my things, including shoelaces and belt. Give me a lawyer and take a beating on duty refused, but overall was a good low - and the phone during a traffic gave me to call and did not behave like the rest of the shit in police uniform. But about shit later.
Minutes of seizure:

After removal has taken close to the camera. In the light of the room and took their fingerprints of all fingers and palms, photographed in profile and full face, recorded video sample signature. In general, recorded. Employees of the police department is already free to contact me at "you", wing mat and behaved threateningly. On handprints system is hung and immediately ran to the police for computer scientists.
Then he took the camera, having started simultaneously to the toilet. About a prison toilet will not.
Monkey, which led me - a room 3 meters by two, on each side of the bench centimeters in width 30. The camera lights dim yellow light, dark and dingy. Scratched on the walls of all sorts of labels, often oppositional sense, but mostly just ala "There was Tolia».
In the chamber, two, one "forgot to pay for the ham, which pocketed the" second "friends stole 80 thousand Belarusian rubles and telephone, and they turned menturu - also my friends." From Ham thief stinks both the homeless, the second goes from corner to corner a rapid pace. After some time joined by another thief, and they walked the line, passing communicating. Walk type.
They behaved inmates are quite friendly, told that "there is nothing, but taaaam" carefully explained to me the meaning of all the words I did not understand.
It exists, there also are people, people are satisfied with this world. These people take 15 days as the weekend, they believe that even steal another - that's okay and humanly, they talk obscenities, they look unpleasant, often stinks of them, but the whole world. It is quite normal to discuss that 3 years ago in such a prison was fine, but now there is worse, there is normally memorize the phone numbers of safe places are released, there normally sleep clothed, there is normally the years to sit and do nothing.
Remember: people in the form of a large part of their lives is in this environment. It is alien to them. They are impregnated with it. This affects their psyche.
Meanwhile, I sat in a corner and memorized not take away my ticket from Moscow to TelAviv-Moscow: there is a lot of any test on the rules of the trip. At first Russian, then English version. 5 hours I learned to read on the memory card backwards.
Inmates occasionally asked me strange questions a la "Well, whatever you do something about it in Russia?". "What - that?". "Well, zekami." "Probably OK» ...
In general, I try not to cause class hatred by all possible means.
The most annoying thing for me was that I knew that my friends are now trying to get me in all possible ways: Consulate, prosecutors, CSS and more. That is the fact of care was undoubtedly extremely pleasant, but it is unclear when the shackles fall, open the door and say, "Ostrovsky, out!". In the worst case, I was pleased traffic cops in the dungeons I was to spend six years for assaulting a police officer.
After 5 hours (generally, with respect to time in prison - watch all selected) brought me peredachku: food, water, and a sweater. Food removed from the plastic fork and knife: not allowed. Along the way, pleased that I "sew" disobeying the actions of the police and that a maximum of 25 days, but to me as a Russian, probably give no more than three.
Half of the food I gave inmates, the water had to make a couple of sips before inmates drank from the bottle behind me. He disdained. (Later, I tried the bottle carefully and stick after she drank from all the surrounding monkey, at the time of the collection).
After half an hour: the total collection. All carry the night in some jail time, I do not remember what it's called. The people rejoice: at least will devour. Begin to wear handcuffs. I'm on the verge of hysteria: only attribute this to me is not enough. Handcuffs eventually put only those who "sewed" ugolovka. Immerse yourself in the UAZ, seven to three seats. As someone placed there - no one cares. Shakes terribly. I was asked to sign the printout of my fingers, but the right hand is bad to listen to me after gaishnaya strangulation, besides shaking very badly. In general, not signed.
The car began to ask anyone of us needs a doctor. They warned that those who go to the doctor, do not fall for dinner. From seven to the doctor wanted four. Including I - like all the same to fix their beatings, and time would have to go faster.
In the hospital here and there scurrying people. Free people that can pick up and go to the toilet when they want to take a stroll through the city, have a beer, take a trip to St. Petersburg for the weekend.
We were guarding the convoy. In all the tests - unless accompanied by a policeman. The toilet - too.
People look at us as criminals. Doctors - as people who want to hang.
I have to measure the pressure and took a blood test, an electrocardiogram. At my request, recorded in the presence of help beating. The official refused to remove a beating - not in their competence.

(Information taken from the extract of the reception of the book after the events).
In the hospital, in addition to me, I brought two more boys. They deserve special mention. The story of their sad and sad: in hangover state, they strolled in Minsk near some monument. One of them complained about the life and talking loudly mat. The second (Sasha) saw the offing passing Interior Minister of Belarus (Naumenko, that is). Sasha said, the first thing that would be nice to stop foul language in view of the next interior minister at the first reasonable notice that "for me (beep) to the Minister of Internal Affairs." However, it is the "for beep» was not mutual, the minister paused and a couple of tens of seconds, the guys have a blizzard brave guys from diamonds (Belarusian special police). Perepalo swear on the head, Sasha - the ribs. Both were loaded into a car and taken to the police station. Anyone who perepalo's head was very bad and the hospital did not want to let categorically: TBI. A police rang hysterically higher authorities and say that they have an order from above, in any case both detractors return to prison.
Doctors fought off a man with a head injury, well done.
Sasha was sent to prison, me too. Afterwards we spent the night in a cell I, Sasha and ham person. Ham man was dipping a journalist who used to write many avtoizdaniya and generally was pleasant enough in dealing with the distance to it is more than 2 meters.
At first, we were taken to the police station - said they will spend the night in the monkey. We went there and had begun to doze off (30-cm bench in the clothes, of course), but then we were told that they would take back to the edge of the city, into a temporary jail where we were.
We arrived already at 12 o'clock at night. We were lined up along the wall and started to call one for search.
Drinking concluded very clearly demonstrates the process of the search. First you spread everything out of your pockets. Then a police officer determines that I need the camera and what is not. Adaptol, for example, he decided that I nafig not needed.
Then take off your shoes (they were without laces, of course). Among them are ordered to get insoles. And then the policeman his dirty shoe stepping on the toe of your shoe, leaving an imprint and wrinkling skin. I asked why this is being done, what I've been told that there may be a mobile phone. Ask to look into the shoes - not fate.
The camera is a huge wooden bench. Old-timers called it "a scene." In a corner of the toilet on the rotten boards. And tap. The stench and filth - terrible. The cold - too. Toilet paper, blankets and other things - of course not.
The night was half delirious, beat big tremor. For very cold. How will roll up is not - does not help.
At 7 am - Breakfast served through a window in the door. Half a loaf of bread, an empty oatmeal, tea in an aluminum mug without a handle, more like slop.
At this point, I have included his sense of humor to its fullest, and began to perceive everything around as a definite attraction. So even I tried oatmeal - not like it.
In 9 - loading the cars, in all directions. Build in the hallway, facing the wall, two in a row, hands behind his back. Most of the people terrible and looks like a homeless. Police officers feel completely masters of the situation: who gets kicked his feet, cursing obscenities, laugh, rude.
Roll call. When your name is called you need to answer name and patronymic and turn around.
Loading in progress. Me, Sasha and 19yo boy (robbery) are put in a separate "room" as the most "fresh". A room in a paddy wagon - a half-meter in a half-meter off the bench. The three did not sit virtually: very quickly numb leg. Therefore, half-way stand. It's cold, the windows do not have. You can not talk, but can be quiet. Cellular is also impossible to use, but quietly send sms to friends who are waiting for me from 8-30 in the court. 19yo boy is an experienced young man and tells the order in which we will deliver for the police department. I understand that know the geography of Minsk in order hydrating prisoners on sites. There comes a crystal clear idea: I fucked this geography.
Brought: I started thinking mat.
11 Hours to dovozyat to the police station, from there an hour later transferred to a UAZ and being taken to court.
In court, clean, spacious, walk free men. Suitable friends, they rejoice as a child. It seems that it has been several years since I have not seen them.
Cause to the judge.
Standing at attention should be 2 meters away from the table, it is a policeman and controls. The judge - a young woman.
Ask how many years, where I live, where I work. Requests to tell what happened. I told him. Her final remark killed on the spot:
- You are charged with disorderly conduct. You acknowledge it or not?
- Well, I told you everything! What hooliganism?
- You say acknowledge or not!
Realizing that the only possible penalty if found guilty, I'm guilty guilty. After that, I demand the immediate payment of a fine under escort, but were allowed to ask a friend to run the savings bank.
Penalty eventually discharged only to me. The rest (seven, that is) left for 5 days.
Here I am already free.

Inmates: Ham man, Sasha, I am.

A source