Beliefs about the truth of the parable

Bought Fool on the market the truth. Fortunately bought, I do not say anything. Dahl for her three stupid questions and even received two cuff delivery - and went.
But it is easy to say - gone! The truth a walk - not so easy. Has anyone tried, he knows. Most of it, however, difficult. Ride it - you will not go, and carry yourself - how far it unesesh?
Hales Fool your truth, toils. And throw a pity. After all, he paid for it.
I got home barely alive.
- Where are you, fool, been? - He attacked his wife.
Fool told her everything as is, only one could not explain: Why is it, this is true, why, how to use it.
The truth lies in the middle of the street, in any gate does not climb, and fool with his wife holding board - like her to be, how to adapt to the economy.
Cool and this way and that, nothing came up. What will you do - there is no place to put the truth!
- Come, - said the wife of a fool - sell your truth. Many do not ask how much will, so, okay. Still no sense of it.
Fool dragged to the market. He became a prominent place, shouting:
- True! True! This truth - flown!
But no it is not swoops.
- Hey, people! - Fool shouts. - Bury the Truth - give cheap!
- No, - responsible people. - We are your truth to anything. We have our own have not bought.
But a Fool Egghead one came. Truth to twist around and asks:
- What, man, truth to sell? But how much do you ask?
- A little bit, quite a bit - happy fool. - I'll give thanks for.
- For thanks? - I started calculating Egghead. - No, it's a little expensive for me.
But there arrived another clever and too began to inquire the price. Ryadilis they ryadilis and decided to buy one truth for two. On that note, agreed.
The truth is cut into two parts. Get two half-truths, and each is easier and more comfortable than a whole was. Such half-truths - just feast for the eyes.
Geniuses go through the bazaar, and all of them are jealous. And then other Geniuses by their example, began tinkering myself half-truths.
Cut Geniuses truth, half-truth stocking.
Now it is much easier to talk to each other.
Where it is necessary to say: "You bastard!" - You can say, "you have a hard character." Nahal be called mischievous liar - a dreamer.
And even our Fool's now no fool does not call!
About fool will say: "Man, in his own thinking».
Here's how to cut the truth.
Author: Felix Krivine
Photos in the preview: pinterest
via ru.pinterest.com/pin/279715826828914824/
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