A parable about a donkey that helped a friend get out of endless debts
In the past, when there was no Internet or television, and when there were no newspapers, people shared different instructive stories. Here we are today. parable - one of those. True wisdom from past, very ancient times.
Some conclusions, probably, everyone has the right to do for themselves. But we must understand that some aspects of our morals and life in general can change. But the basic idea remains unchanged to this day.
Now, this is an old Jewish parable in which, as it seems to us, a pinch of wisdom still remains. An ordinary story from which you can draw some unexpected conclusions.
A farmer had a donkey fall into a well. At first, it seemed like a great grief to the farmer, but after thinking about it, he decided that he could get rid of two problems at once. First, the donkey was very old and could no longer cope with the work that was assigned to him. And, secondly, the well has long dried up, so that the animal fell on very dry soil.
It was decided, as horrible as it sounded, to just fill the well with the poor animal inside. The farmer called the neighbors, gave each a shovel, and the people got to work. Donkey also understood his fate and began to scream with all his donkey voice. It took some time and the sound stopped coming from the well. The farmer decided to check how things were going and looked inside the parched pit.
What a surprise he was when he saw his donkey unharmed, far above where he had been half a day before! It turned out that the intelligent animal stopped screaming and instead began to tramp with hooves every new portion of earth falling on his head. Little by little, the ground level in the well began to rise, but the donkey played only into the hands.
Then the farmer called more neighbors with shovels, and almost by the end of the day they threw the well completely. The donkey, don't be a fool, as soon as he got the opportunity, jumped out of the hated pit, shook off and went away. Even the youngest and toughest neighbors of the farmer could not catch up with him. There he was, and there he was.
The farmer thought the donkey was old and weak. Maybe it was. But even an old and infirm donkey in a critical situation can show ingenuity. And also show good physical training, since no one could catch up with him. When we need to act quickly, we can show amazing results.
And if we compare the parable with real life, it becomes obvious that life or fate often throws us new clumps of earth. And if you do nothing about it, accept it, then you can drown in them with your head, so much so that no one will even remember. And if you try and fight to the end, salvation will come. There are no bottomless wells.
We wish all our readers not to bend to the whims of life and not to give up, no matter how many trials fate sends them. Everything in this world is cyclical, and if it is especially cold now, then soon the thaw will begin, and life will become better. Patience and confidence are our best friends. Good luck to everyone!

Some conclusions, probably, everyone has the right to do for themselves. But we must understand that some aspects of our morals and life in general can change. But the basic idea remains unchanged to this day.
Now, this is an old Jewish parable in which, as it seems to us, a pinch of wisdom still remains. An ordinary story from which you can draw some unexpected conclusions.
A farmer had a donkey fall into a well. At first, it seemed like a great grief to the farmer, but after thinking about it, he decided that he could get rid of two problems at once. First, the donkey was very old and could no longer cope with the work that was assigned to him. And, secondly, the well has long dried up, so that the animal fell on very dry soil.

It was decided, as horrible as it sounded, to just fill the well with the poor animal inside. The farmer called the neighbors, gave each a shovel, and the people got to work. Donkey also understood his fate and began to scream with all his donkey voice. It took some time and the sound stopped coming from the well. The farmer decided to check how things were going and looked inside the parched pit.

What a surprise he was when he saw his donkey unharmed, far above where he had been half a day before! It turned out that the intelligent animal stopped screaming and instead began to tramp with hooves every new portion of earth falling on his head. Little by little, the ground level in the well began to rise, but the donkey played only into the hands.

Then the farmer called more neighbors with shovels, and almost by the end of the day they threw the well completely. The donkey, don't be a fool, as soon as he got the opportunity, jumped out of the hated pit, shook off and went away. Even the youngest and toughest neighbors of the farmer could not catch up with him. There he was, and there he was.
The farmer thought the donkey was old and weak. Maybe it was. But even an old and infirm donkey in a critical situation can show ingenuity. And also show good physical training, since no one could catch up with him. When we need to act quickly, we can show amazing results.

And if we compare the parable with real life, it becomes obvious that life or fate often throws us new clumps of earth. And if you do nothing about it, accept it, then you can drown in them with your head, so much so that no one will even remember. And if you try and fight to the end, salvation will come. There are no bottomless wells.

We wish all our readers not to bend to the whims of life and not to give up, no matter how many trials fate sends them. Everything in this world is cyclical, and if it is especially cold now, then soon the thaw will begin, and life will become better. Patience and confidence are our best friends. Good luck to everyone!
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