The Parable of the merchant who sold the dead donkey
The merchant had bought for a hundred rubles a donkey from an old farmer. The farmer had to bring him a donkey the next day. The farmer came as agreed, but no donkey.
- I'm sorry, but the donkey podoh!
- Well, then return my $ 100!
- I can not, I have to spend it.
- Well, then just leave me the ass.
- But what do you do with it? - Asked the old man.
- I play it the lottery.
- But you can not play the lottery dead ass !?
- I can believe. I just will not tell anyone that he was dead.
A month later the farmer met a merchant:
- What happened to that a dead donkey?
- I played him as saying. I sold five hundred lottery tickets for two rubles apiece and as a result has received 998 rubles of profit.
- And that, no one protested?
- Only one guy. Those who won the ass. He was very angry ... until I apologized and gave him back his two rubles ...
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