Yegor, sobbing and wiping her tears whispered through clenched teeth: "Beasts! I'll kill everyone. Waylaid alone and kill you! "Wiping the hem of his shirt bloodied lip and eyebrow, he got up and walked slowly to the house. "Again, my mother upset ... And I do blame you?»
Anger slowly passed with the understanding that it does not podsterezhet anyone and no one will kill. So it was already more than once, he was beaten, and he quietly endured, and then made his way back streets to sneak past fixative Grishka and his company would not let him pass as a mama's boy and intellectual snotty ...
It was June nineteen forty-one. Egorka successfully finished Conservatory cello, and he predicted a great future. Paganini, Mozart, Vivaldi. He lived by them and music. Strings instrument vibrated in it the harmony of the soul and dreams of the moment when he was in the glare of the ramp will take the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre, and everyone will say: "Brilliant! Adorable! »
Hall will applaud. And there, on the ground it will sit. Tanya. The girl of his dreams. Braided tresses. Bows with drooping arches. The huge blue eyes and admiration. God ... how he wanted it, but Tanya loved Grishka and Grishka did not like him, calling a coward. He was a coward, because he was afraid to be brave ...
"Mom, do not cry. It's not for long. All children enrolled in the volunteers, I'm afraid, but I want to be with them. And the music? Will wait. Believe me, I'll be right back. We trample fascist! Soon! Very soon! "Yegor hugged my mother and tying the straps of a backpack assembly, slammed the door. The last time ...
In uchebke they stayed three weeks. They were given uniforms, shoes, winding and rifle that was nearly off his growth.
'If more! Butt back! Turn! Forward if! "- Shouted the sergeant. Egorka patiently learned the science and the army, piercing through the scarecrow of straw, was surprised how soft a bayonet thrust into the straw flesh. It was even more pleased and fascinated the knowledge that soon he will pierce so that the body of the enemy who dared to attack his land ...
"Mama. I am fine. We learn everything, and I try to do everything right. The foreman says I'm not a coward, and I was still scared, because I can not imagine how it is to kill a man. Everyone says that it is non-humans, and I think it's all the same people. After all, they have generated great ... Bach, Beethoven and Wagner. And do not worry. They fed us well and soon the battle. Always I remember about you and I am glad that you're my mother! At the farewell, your Egorka ... »
Dug in on the ears, the regiment was preparing for battle. No one knew what was ahead, and what to know what is not known to anyone except God. Egorka carefully paved the parapet and preparing a niche for ammunition, shifting from foot to foot and looked around, watching what guys do.
Terence Shumilo, machine gunner, cursing, all trying to insert a disc into your rebellious "Degtyarev" and Kohl Igityan, a battalion clerk and part-time chief humorist, something softly singing in Armenian and sharpened bayonet - knife. Sad song touches the soul and the fear that small demon bashed Egorka inside, quietly retreated. I wanted to kill ...
And then rained shells. They fell everywhere. All mixed up and cutting in his mind. Howl, stench, fumes and earth. Native Land, which fell on him and suffocated in his arms. Not having time to stand up and shake it again and again plunged into her and beat her in the head, only one thought: "Mom ... Mom ..." But my mother was not, and all sank into the earth mixed with the darkness. Pieces of logs, the remains of his friends. The death of hope. Love and fear. And silence ...
"Prepare for battle!" - Swept cry company commander. Yegor opened his eyes and saw a black soot on the face of the captain Skryagin, whose fighters together, fooling around, called Matryona, especially for his physique. Brandishing a gun, he ran past and ran down the left flank, raising the left and shouting something. What Yegor did not hear. Looking out of the trench, he saw only a slender ranks of German infantrymen walking upright. As the wind came the sound of speech and torn, as he seemed to laugh. "Bitches torn!" - Terence gasped and fell to the machine gun. And then the team: "Fire!»
And so it began ... Yegor did not shoot often, saving ammunition, they had been only twenty pieces. But every shot he carefully vytselivat and did not miss once. The heat of battle captured him nervous trembling passed, and he wanted only one thing to not run out of bullets. But everything always comes to an end. So Terence, mothers sat on the bottom of the trench, his head in his hands, cursing loudly all the quartermasters in the world, Kohl and cooked bayonet smiling and dazzling white teeth, tsedil something important through her teeth.
Egor has not been able to get out of the trench. Guys have Rushed forward, and he shouted in frustration and resentment, all the slip and slide on the walls. "Guys! I'm with you! Boys! "- But the boys already were cut to death, who does what, and Yegor, settling on the bottom of the trench cry of resentment for his small stature and weakness. Gathering the last forces, he jumped and rolled over. "Uraaa!" - Yegor hissed and rushed forward, but ran short. A mine explosion and darkness ...
He woke up after midnight. The stars of the southern sky twinkled loose him about something, but he did not know about. Contused, with broken legs by shrapnel, Yegor turned over crawled to a lone tree. He knew that there is a well. I wanted to drink. It would be desirable so that the collapses all inside. Dizzy and nauseated. "Children. Guys. Live anyone? "- Flashed fragments of thoughts, but who will answer to someone who has himself become dead?
At the well, a little drunk and came to himself, he heard a moan. "Fighter! Come! "Yegor crawled to the voice, and saw lying in the crater of the company commander. "Zavarzin, are you?" - Asked the commander. "I, Comrade Captain." "Crawl here. My brother's bad at all. That belly cutting. I will not last long. Listen to order! In the dugout under the flag of the regiment ammunition box hidden. Find him if you can, take to ours. I will not say anything more. I'm dying. In your ordinary all hope! "" Understood, Comrade Captain! "- Said Yegor and crawled to the dugout ...
"Private Zavarzin Yegor T. was awarded the medal" For Courage ", with the rank of sergeant and appointed commander of the platoon machine gunners" - sounded forty-six days. Days and nights. And then impregnated with fear, hope and blood ...
"Mommy I'm alive, do not worry. I just could not write. I am fine. We are at war, and we beat the enemy on the sly. He started smoking and now I go with a mustache. So solid. I miss and love you. I give a convenient opportunity I could muster. I know you are hungry. Invite your aunt Glasha and Tanya! Eat your fill! Hopefully I am back soon. Always yours Egor »
Many of the boys did not return from the war, and then with the other wars. Our boys. That did not become fathers and husbands and will not support mothers crying her eyes out ... And what still needed the boys, if not to be a support to those who have given their hearts?
© Ruslan Abeliks
Anger slowly passed with the understanding that it does not podsterezhet anyone and no one will kill. So it was already more than once, he was beaten, and he quietly endured, and then made his way back streets to sneak past fixative Grishka and his company would not let him pass as a mama's boy and intellectual snotty ...
It was June nineteen forty-one. Egorka successfully finished Conservatory cello, and he predicted a great future. Paganini, Mozart, Vivaldi. He lived by them and music. Strings instrument vibrated in it the harmony of the soul and dreams of the moment when he was in the glare of the ramp will take the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre, and everyone will say: "Brilliant! Adorable! »
Hall will applaud. And there, on the ground it will sit. Tanya. The girl of his dreams. Braided tresses. Bows with drooping arches. The huge blue eyes and admiration. God ... how he wanted it, but Tanya loved Grishka and Grishka did not like him, calling a coward. He was a coward, because he was afraid to be brave ...
"Mom, do not cry. It's not for long. All children enrolled in the volunteers, I'm afraid, but I want to be with them. And the music? Will wait. Believe me, I'll be right back. We trample fascist! Soon! Very soon! "Yegor hugged my mother and tying the straps of a backpack assembly, slammed the door. The last time ...
In uchebke they stayed three weeks. They were given uniforms, shoes, winding and rifle that was nearly off his growth.
'If more! Butt back! Turn! Forward if! "- Shouted the sergeant. Egorka patiently learned the science and the army, piercing through the scarecrow of straw, was surprised how soft a bayonet thrust into the straw flesh. It was even more pleased and fascinated the knowledge that soon he will pierce so that the body of the enemy who dared to attack his land ...
"Mama. I am fine. We learn everything, and I try to do everything right. The foreman says I'm not a coward, and I was still scared, because I can not imagine how it is to kill a man. Everyone says that it is non-humans, and I think it's all the same people. After all, they have generated great ... Bach, Beethoven and Wagner. And do not worry. They fed us well and soon the battle. Always I remember about you and I am glad that you're my mother! At the farewell, your Egorka ... »
Dug in on the ears, the regiment was preparing for battle. No one knew what was ahead, and what to know what is not known to anyone except God. Egorka carefully paved the parapet and preparing a niche for ammunition, shifting from foot to foot and looked around, watching what guys do.
Terence Shumilo, machine gunner, cursing, all trying to insert a disc into your rebellious "Degtyarev" and Kohl Igityan, a battalion clerk and part-time chief humorist, something softly singing in Armenian and sharpened bayonet - knife. Sad song touches the soul and the fear that small demon bashed Egorka inside, quietly retreated. I wanted to kill ...
And then rained shells. They fell everywhere. All mixed up and cutting in his mind. Howl, stench, fumes and earth. Native Land, which fell on him and suffocated in his arms. Not having time to stand up and shake it again and again plunged into her and beat her in the head, only one thought: "Mom ... Mom ..." But my mother was not, and all sank into the earth mixed with the darkness. Pieces of logs, the remains of his friends. The death of hope. Love and fear. And silence ...
"Prepare for battle!" - Swept cry company commander. Yegor opened his eyes and saw a black soot on the face of the captain Skryagin, whose fighters together, fooling around, called Matryona, especially for his physique. Brandishing a gun, he ran past and ran down the left flank, raising the left and shouting something. What Yegor did not hear. Looking out of the trench, he saw only a slender ranks of German infantrymen walking upright. As the wind came the sound of speech and torn, as he seemed to laugh. "Bitches torn!" - Terence gasped and fell to the machine gun. And then the team: "Fire!»
And so it began ... Yegor did not shoot often, saving ammunition, they had been only twenty pieces. But every shot he carefully vytselivat and did not miss once. The heat of battle captured him nervous trembling passed, and he wanted only one thing to not run out of bullets. But everything always comes to an end. So Terence, mothers sat on the bottom of the trench, his head in his hands, cursing loudly all the quartermasters in the world, Kohl and cooked bayonet smiling and dazzling white teeth, tsedil something important through her teeth.
Egor has not been able to get out of the trench. Guys have Rushed forward, and he shouted in frustration and resentment, all the slip and slide on the walls. "Guys! I'm with you! Boys! "- But the boys already were cut to death, who does what, and Yegor, settling on the bottom of the trench cry of resentment for his small stature and weakness. Gathering the last forces, he jumped and rolled over. "Uraaa!" - Yegor hissed and rushed forward, but ran short. A mine explosion and darkness ...
He woke up after midnight. The stars of the southern sky twinkled loose him about something, but he did not know about. Contused, with broken legs by shrapnel, Yegor turned over crawled to a lone tree. He knew that there is a well. I wanted to drink. It would be desirable so that the collapses all inside. Dizzy and nauseated. "Children. Guys. Live anyone? "- Flashed fragments of thoughts, but who will answer to someone who has himself become dead?
At the well, a little drunk and came to himself, he heard a moan. "Fighter! Come! "Yegor crawled to the voice, and saw lying in the crater of the company commander. "Zavarzin, are you?" - Asked the commander. "I, Comrade Captain." "Crawl here. My brother's bad at all. That belly cutting. I will not last long. Listen to order! In the dugout under the flag of the regiment ammunition box hidden. Find him if you can, take to ours. I will not say anything more. I'm dying. In your ordinary all hope! "" Understood, Comrade Captain! "- Said Yegor and crawled to the dugout ...
"Private Zavarzin Yegor T. was awarded the medal" For Courage ", with the rank of sergeant and appointed commander of the platoon machine gunners" - sounded forty-six days. Days and nights. And then impregnated with fear, hope and blood ...
"Mommy I'm alive, do not worry. I just could not write. I am fine. We are at war, and we beat the enemy on the sly. He started smoking and now I go with a mustache. So solid. I miss and love you. I give a convenient opportunity I could muster. I know you are hungry. Invite your aunt Glasha and Tanya! Eat your fill! Hopefully I am back soon. Always yours Egor »
Many of the boys did not return from the war, and then with the other wars. Our boys. That did not become fathers and husbands and will not support mothers crying her eyes out ... And what still needed the boys, if not to be a support to those who have given their hearts?
© Ruslan Abeliks
