How much money you need for happiness

As it turned out - the answer is simple. $ 30 million. If you put it in the bank, you can help out around $ 2, 5 million a year (taking into account inflation coverage - $ 1, 8 million). They spent as follows:
- Property: $ 0, 2 million a year - the payment of a loan at a very good home. Not castle in Normandy, but an enviable home.
- Cars: $ 0, 1 million a year - payment of loans for two cars level Porsche Cayman. For the family is enough.
- Food: $ 50,000 per year - about $ 4,000 a month is enough food at home, and often at good restaurants.
- Apparel: $ 25,000 a year - if not to buy a collection of famous fashion designers, then this should be more than enough for themselves and their families.
- Travel and Leisure: $ 0, 3 million per year - enough for a 4-week trip to exotic countries. First class, of course.
- Entertainment: $ 50,000 per year - enough for almost any hobby.
- Yacht: $ 0, 3 million a year - the cost of coverage of credit and operational. Where do without her big man.
- Little things in life: $ 0, 2 million a year - speakers, laptops, and other pleasant things that will be useful in everyday life.
- Room service: $ 0, 2 million a year - coaches, tutors, cleaner and driver. Make life easier :)
- Family: $ 0, 2 million a year - a good education for their children, helping parents.
- Pocket money: 175 000 dollars a year can be distributed at their discretion. For example, take care of your health or take investment.