Learning to be easier

Probably everyone at least once in their life experienced a feeling of complete hopelessness, a state of despair, dejection, meaninglessness of existence. At such moments, as a rule, such as themselves give up, do not want to do and do not want to go.
Familiar? Such thoughts go to each of us at certain points in life. And the question arises: what to do? As of this state safely exit? Easily!
1. There is nothing worse than becoming easier
Have you ever met people easily related to their problems, cheerful, energetic, cheerful? Probably acquainted with them, you have decided that easy - it is an innate property of their character, and become the same can not be intentional. But in actual fact, in joy, too, need to practice. The ability to be happy requires training. It is a conscious choice of the person. He is not easy, but possible. It consists in finding lightness of being, the ability to step back from the problems.
"How to do it? - You ask - Look for reasons to rejoice in all things. In that breathe, live, move, contemplate the phenomena of nature. " Wise Dalai Lama said: "If the problem can be solved, do not worry about it. If the problem is insoluble, it is pointless to worry about. "
Release your problem, trust life, and then your problem will be resolved best way for you »
2. Do not partes, be happy!
«Do not Worry, Be Happy», as sung in the famous song. Treat your life simpler and easier, fostering a sense of humor, because humor - this is our shield in front of all the trouble, it allows to take them less seriously. Your head - not the trash that is permissible to score junk: resentment, feelings, fears and expectations. Scoring "garbage" his head, wasting energy on empty troubles, you let a favorable change in your life. Do not cling to the "garbage" are exempt from it as soon as possible and not be afraid of change. They always for the better!
3. Life-style light
This means an easy attitude to life. Unloading mental, non-load unnecessary problems and experiences. Life in the style of light - it is all sorts of pleasures, joys, pleasures ... Happy smiles on the faces of passers-by, colorful windows, walking in the evening city.
This life-like ironic film. Whimsical, happy, free, live for fun - so we all need to become, at least briefly. Learn the easy attitude to life, see more good comedies, read a book, filled with humor. Laugh in the face of failure, and they simply can not scare you anymore.
4. Take a deep breath!
Relax. Calm down. Now you do not run a race with himself at the finish should not be judge, counting every second. You - not a marathon, not a participant in sports competitions and have every right to rest. Otherwise the finish line just does not make it. Find yourself a soothing melody and merge with the music, the solution in it. Listen to your breathing, align it, feel the heat wave and the rest spread over your entire body. Learn to relax and imagine that you are already in the desired future. What is it? And what feelings while you are experiencing? Merge with a success.
5. Arrange a feast!
Our stay in this mortal world is temporary, and this is known to every one of us. We have set a goal to strive for something, often living their days in the hustle and bustle, forgetting to look, what a beautiful sky above us, what different people everywhere. All life - an endless miracle, and they can not stop admiring.
"Although life is not tied bow, it's like a gift" (Regina Brett). Therefore celebrate their stay in this world! Celebrate your victory! Remember everything pleasant, what happens to you, all your successes and achievements, you will find that you have much to thank life.
6. Do not ask the impossible!
Discard the criticism from the reproaches of meaningless expectations. Take life as it is. It is versatile. And the people in it are different. They do not need you, do not have to be what you want them to. Treat your life easier. Learn it, and then it really becomes easier, nicer and happier.
Be happy in the present! Currently - the only thing that you have. Past in the past, and the future has not yet arrived. Every moment of your life is unique, invaluable and unique. Enjoy them!