What ruins us

In any business there are mandatory spending - production, taxes, rent and so on. But there are additional costs, the cause of which - the behavior of their employees. Here are 14 facts, as employees are forced US employers spend billions of dollars a year extra.
1. Insomnia employees. Losses: $ 3, 2 thousand., Based on each employee
The company's expenses are down to $ 2, 5 thousand, if instead of insomnia in workers just a bad dream. People with insomnia miss five extra days a year, so that the total amount of losses may be even larger.
2. Replacement of one employee. Losses: $ 3, 5 thousand.
This includes the costs of the search for a new man, interviews, training, and even a low employee performance at first. And among the many other studies is one of the most optimistic. According to other estimates, the replacement of low-skilled workers is 40-50% of his annual salary, mid-level employee - 150%, to the highest level - 400%.
3. Stress workers. Losses: around $ 200-300 billion annually
This is the cost of health care, time off, low productivity and so on. Affected employees stress costs companies an average of 40% more expensive than their more staid colleagues.
4. Bullying in the workplace. Losses: $ 16 million turnover or $ 8 billion due to lower performance
Office hooliganism - is verbal abuse, threats or intimidation and obstruction of the work of all kinds. For large companies like bullying translate into major losses. Reduces efficiency, turnover drops, appear legal costs, have to pay compensation for disability.
5. Smoking. Losses: about $ 2 thousand. From each smoker
Smokers employees work less due to illness (losses from diseases caused by smoking amounted to $ 92 billion over the past four years), they need special ventilation in the office, their bulls, and the smoke they spoil the property to the same sick or dead from smoking employees you need to look for a replacement, which is also required on the extra money.
6. Smartphones, surfing on the internet and gossip. Losses: about $ 650 billion
53% of employees believe that the gadgets wean their attention from work and reduced productivity. But more and more people say that gadgets help to work better.
7. excessive fullness. Losses: $ 73 million annually
The better you are, the more expensive for the company.
8. Alcohol and drug abuse. Losses: $ 7 thousand. In the year + productivity 33% lower than in healthy peers
Because of the alcohol company sustained a loss of about $ 119 billion in one year alone. But employees who use drugs often cause accidents, are more prone to disturbances and require more medical costs.
9. Injuries and occupational diseases. Losses: $ 48, 6 million
The total economic cost of deaths and injuries at work in 2004 (in the US) - $ 142, 2 billion and 120 million working days lost.
10. Violence in the workplace. Losses: $ 36 billion annually
In 2002, it recorded 609 murders in the workplace.
11. Mountain. Losses: $ 75 billion a year
Subject ambiguous, but the grieving employees costly business.
12. Domestic violence. Losses: $ 727, 8 million
44 employers recognize that their employees are suffering from domestic violence: More than 1 million women each year are victims of persecution in the United States, more than a quarter of them passed because of this job.
13. Theft and fraud. Losses: $ 600 billion
Most often, they steal people without criminal records. University of Florida study found that 48% reduction in property companies accounted for theft. The money is about 15 billion a year.
14. Refusal to work from home. Losses: potential savings on fuel 3, 9 billion
Nearly 25% of employees could work from home, but only 11% use the opportunity. Moreover, 9% of the 11% working remotely, only one or two days a week.