When a woman lives alone or lives without a man ...
1. It can sleep across the bed, wrapped in a roll of blankets, podpihnuv a pillow under the stomach, and the second - under the head. When you are not around, we always sleep.
2. It can make the world's smallest trash - and still it will always be half empty. After all, no one to fill it with beer bottles and tons of bones of cattle.
3. Her cat walking on the tables and chairs with head held high, and does not live in the wild stress and humiliation under the sofa.
4. Sitting on a diet, it does not feel pangs of tantalum, opening the refrigerator.
5. It is regularly engaged in morning exercises, because no one staring at her breasts jumping, red face and old sweat pants.
6. It is easy to move around the apartment without bumping now and then bulky exhibits in the house-museum of real men - snowboards, drills, wheels, black leather jackets, and grinders.
7. It can be applied before bed to the face and body is the most smelly substance, not caring what the person and the body will be to the taste, if someone will meet their Duty to kiss.
8. She does not call your mother, your mother does not call, do not call your mother.
9. She quickly and deftly changing a light bulb, without any strategic thinking about the fallacy of their actions in terms of a fair sharing of domestic responsibilities.
10. Hanging on the phone as long as desired.