Why during an argument silent men and women cry?

American psychologist John Gotman brought in their research that men are more emotionally vulnerable and staying longer in suspense.
So, at the beginning of a quarrel men dramatically quickens the heartbeat and blood pressure rises. At the same time in such a state they are a much longer period of time than women. Therefore, men are more likely to suffer from heart attacks, their internal fuse just does not stand up. During the "serious talk" man's heart begins to beat at 20-30 beats more than the norm. Changes in his body are extremely fast, often a man can not come to his senses and after a quarrel.
Women in most cases the pulse is unchanged, indicating that it is much more comfortable to express their grievances and that in speaking of them, she feels at ease. If a woman is silent about their grievances, they can develop into prolonged depression and even diseases such as stomach ulcers and colitis. Woman can not hoard a negative emotion, to release them from the same herself she can only talk about their experiences.
Men, on the contrary, prefer to remain silent in the main not to give away yourself and once again not to expose your heart and brain excess stress. In many cases, men do it on a subconscious level. In addition, men are not as vindictive as a woman, so it is easier to forget about the problem than to raise it in conversation.
Psychologists advise couples still remain silent and not talk about their problems, because the only way they can be solved. However, this should be done gently, without using negatively stained replica and as infrequently as possible to use the pronoun "you", replacing it with impersonal words.