10 tips on how to change a life

1. Slow down
To change your life, you need time for reflection and meditation. If you are always busy and have no time to even think about how to change your life, you will not have the time and the fact that for this to take any action. Slow down and take the time to apply the tips listed below.
2. Be willing to change
Willingness to change is very important. This is - your life, and no one can change it but you. If you do not want to change anything in this world will not make you do it.
To find the willingness to change, you must first understand that you can always improve their lives. No matter how good it is, it can always get better. If your life does not suit you, do not despair, think about how to change it.
3. Take responsibility
You have to take responsibility for your life. Do not blame your failures of others, the boss or the economy. Rises up your life, or rolling down - depends only on you. As soon as you accept the responsibility, the changes will be available to you.
4. Find the value
Deep in your heart are your true values. Take the time to find them. Do you think that the most valuable thing in life? What principles you need to follow in order to live life polnochennoy? These values and principles, and you should be. Find them and always remember them.
5. Find the cause
Change - it is not easy, because there is inertia, which you need to overcome. Similarly, the shuttle needs a strong rocket to overcome the force of Earth's gravity, you need a powerful source of energy to overcome the inertia of your life to change. Your reason - this is your source of energy. Availability reasons will give you strength.
6. Replace limiting beliefs
Limiting beliefs are the biggest obstacle to change lives. You have to identify them before they start fighting with them. For this track svvoi thoughts containing the phrase:
• "I can not ..."
• "I'm not able to ..."
• "I will always ..."
• "No way ..."
Write them down. After some time, look at the list. This is your limiting beliefs.
After identifying your limiting beliefs, you should replace them with beliefs, opens up new opportunities. Write down positive affirmations opposed to negative, you have recorded previously. Now, based on the new list, the following positive beliefs. Do this every time you realize that triggered your limiting beliefs.
7. Replace bad habits with positive habits
In addition to identifying limiting beliefs, you also have to identify your bad habits. any of your habits put pressure on you? What habits are pulling you down? What are the habits you want to break? List them.
Instead of trying to get rid of these habits, focus on how to create new positive habits that will replace them. For example, a bad habit - watch too much TV. Keep a positive habit to use this time in the best way. For example, start to read more.
8. Find a mentor
A mentor can help you improve your life. Not only that, your mentor can give you valuable advice on how to proceed in a given situation, it can warn you of potential traps in your way. Without a mentor you have to go a lot more difficulties and trials. Having a mentor will save a large amount of your time.
Get a good mentor is not easy. Do not wait for someone to agree to spend your time and effort, nothing in return. At least, you have to show yourself open and intelligent man. Also, try to be helpful to his mentor. Help him, you can make it work better. Thus, you will demonstrate its seriousness.
9. Have the right expectation
Availability originally correct expectations is very important. Otherwise, you will easily be discouraged by the fact that things do not go as you expected. Life change takes time, especially if you want those changes are preserved for a long time. Having the right expectations will give you stability in difficult times.
10. Maintain momentum
The hardest part - it is the beginning. After it left behind will be much easier. The main thing to maintain momentum. This is the same mechanism that car. The most difficult thing - to get the car to start moving. After that it will move fairly easily as long as you do not decide to stop it.