The CHOICE to learn how to use it
The problem is that we often confuse one with the other and take for granted what is our choice, and try to change what is out of our hands.
A famous saying about the wisdom to be able to distinguish one from the other – more relevant than ever.
"Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change what to change in my power. And the wisdom to distinguish one from the other."
There are things unchanged.
For example, the death of a loved. That will not change. And how would not want to create the illusion that all remained as before, once will have to recognize that it is not. And nothing can be done about it.
We cannot change the past. It was what it was.
You cannot stop being a daughter or son to your mother and father. You can't stop being a mother or father to their children, even divorced from your husband or wife. Tribal ties do not change. This level of realities.
You can change the name but the name given at birth, does not change. It was so named. And the past is unchangeable. You can change the gender, change the identity, but the story will remain the same.
There are things difficult, painful, which have to live. Nothing to do with a severe, congenital disease of the child. You can only build your life around it. Nothing to do with the lying mother.
Do not return to the original position youth, beauty. To grow remote on is also impossible. There's something forever and not be going again as it was.
This is very sad.
But with sadness comes the realization and acceptance of what is: their age, their history, their losses.
Not all consistently in our lives.
A big part of who we are, who surrounds us with whom we live, what they do and where they were based – is the result of our choice. And we did this choice to change, if at some point it ceases to satisfy.
You can change the place in which we live? Yes.
Once my husband and I and kids moved out of the small house, where we lived four of us in a spacious new apartment on the river Bank in the prestigious district of the same city. The amount we received for the surrender of the house, was equivalent to that which we were paying for rent. We were lucky, Yes!
You can change the city in which you live? Yes.
I know a lot of people who did it. "Fated to" or consciously choosing a city in which they want to live, they moved the whole family or alone and settled in the new place.
Among my clients a lot of women who changed the country. There are those who did this more than once. One day, arriving with her husband on a distant cold "exile", they saw that it was not for them, and again changed its habitat. Some even with the same man.
"Marriages are made in heaven."
But, nevertheless, they are in the area of free choice of man. To live or not to live with this person, and if you live how it is possible to choose! Yes, Yes, you can!
For women living with husbands-alcoholics, with those who "drink and beats" or with those who have been turned into young child, the question of choice is not worth it. "This is my destiny." "It's my cross and I carry." "It is my destiny to raise him and make him a man." It is important to be aware that it is a choice – with whom and how to live. Every choice has its price. Free elections do not happen. Awareness of prices and willingness to pay it is exempt from wailing "victim" of that "whole life".
The price selection is a separate serious issue.
Whatever you do in life, there are consequences that will be faced. And you choose a price you are willing to pay.For a life without this man for life in a foreign country, in a new town or in someone else's rented apartment. Everything has a price.
But it so happens that the price change frightens people so that they inspire themselves that they have no choice.
I know a family, which in a small private house with a yard, already home to over 40 cats and dogs. "Cat breed, and there's nothing you can do about it". Three women and a boy perceive what is happening as "force majeure" – something from the category floods and earthquakes. What you need to accept and learn to live with it.
More and more mired in debt, poverty, and the impassable mud of so many animals, they with great patience pulling their weight.
Animals getting bigger. Some they picked up on the streets, trying to warm and "give the house" some time to breed up to "planned sterilisation". The entire life of the family is subject to a growing feline family. Probably not – All of my life, time, effort and space they gave to cats.
Like in this situation, the adults comprising this family, lost the right of choice.
As often happens to us when we find ourselves in the position of a "victim of circumstances" or "rescuer" with an exaggerated idea of his own responsibility.
We lose the right of choice where we have it.
Perhaps my article will help you to look at what in your life seems unchanged, and to regain the selection.
We can only learn how to use it.published
Author: Irina Dubova
Also interesting: Laura Schlesinger: 10 stupid mistakes that make women
Ruminate: How to throw a mental gum
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: dybova.ru/news/chto-v-vashej-zhizni-neizmenno-a-chto-vy-mozhete-izmenit/
A famous saying about the wisdom to be able to distinguish one from the other – more relevant than ever.
"Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change what to change in my power. And the wisdom to distinguish one from the other."

There are things unchanged.
For example, the death of a loved. That will not change. And how would not want to create the illusion that all remained as before, once will have to recognize that it is not. And nothing can be done about it.
We cannot change the past. It was what it was.
You cannot stop being a daughter or son to your mother and father. You can't stop being a mother or father to their children, even divorced from your husband or wife. Tribal ties do not change. This level of realities.
You can change the name but the name given at birth, does not change. It was so named. And the past is unchangeable. You can change the gender, change the identity, but the story will remain the same.
There are things difficult, painful, which have to live. Nothing to do with a severe, congenital disease of the child. You can only build your life around it. Nothing to do with the lying mother.
Do not return to the original position youth, beauty. To grow remote on is also impossible. There's something forever and not be going again as it was.
This is very sad.
But with sadness comes the realization and acceptance of what is: their age, their history, their losses.
Not all consistently in our lives.
A big part of who we are, who surrounds us with whom we live, what they do and where they were based – is the result of our choice. And we did this choice to change, if at some point it ceases to satisfy.
You can change the place in which we live? Yes.
Once my husband and I and kids moved out of the small house, where we lived four of us in a spacious new apartment on the river Bank in the prestigious district of the same city. The amount we received for the surrender of the house, was equivalent to that which we were paying for rent. We were lucky, Yes!
You can change the city in which you live? Yes.
I know a lot of people who did it. "Fated to" or consciously choosing a city in which they want to live, they moved the whole family or alone and settled in the new place.
Among my clients a lot of women who changed the country. There are those who did this more than once. One day, arriving with her husband on a distant cold "exile", they saw that it was not for them, and again changed its habitat. Some even with the same man.
"Marriages are made in heaven."
But, nevertheless, they are in the area of free choice of man. To live or not to live with this person, and if you live how it is possible to choose! Yes, Yes, you can!
For women living with husbands-alcoholics, with those who "drink and beats" or with those who have been turned into young child, the question of choice is not worth it. "This is my destiny." "It's my cross and I carry." "It is my destiny to raise him and make him a man." It is important to be aware that it is a choice – with whom and how to live. Every choice has its price. Free elections do not happen. Awareness of prices and willingness to pay it is exempt from wailing "victim" of that "whole life".
The price selection is a separate serious issue.
Whatever you do in life, there are consequences that will be faced. And you choose a price you are willing to pay.For a life without this man for life in a foreign country, in a new town or in someone else's rented apartment. Everything has a price.
But it so happens that the price change frightens people so that they inspire themselves that they have no choice.

I know a family, which in a small private house with a yard, already home to over 40 cats and dogs. "Cat breed, and there's nothing you can do about it". Three women and a boy perceive what is happening as "force majeure" – something from the category floods and earthquakes. What you need to accept and learn to live with it.
More and more mired in debt, poverty, and the impassable mud of so many animals, they with great patience pulling their weight.
Animals getting bigger. Some they picked up on the streets, trying to warm and "give the house" some time to breed up to "planned sterilisation". The entire life of the family is subject to a growing feline family. Probably not – All of my life, time, effort and space they gave to cats.
Like in this situation, the adults comprising this family, lost the right of choice.
As often happens to us when we find ourselves in the position of a "victim of circumstances" or "rescuer" with an exaggerated idea of his own responsibility.
We lose the right of choice where we have it.
Perhaps my article will help you to look at what in your life seems unchanged, and to regain the selection.
- Where to live – what country, what city, what the climate.
- Where and whom to work, what to do and what to devote their time.
- With whom to be together and how.
- Perhaps you will regain the choice of what to eat and how much, how to treat their body and health.
- How to earn and how.
We can only learn how to use it.published
Author: Irina Dubova
Also interesting: Laura Schlesinger: 10 stupid mistakes that make women
Ruminate: How to throw a mental gum
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: dybova.ru/news/chto-v-vashej-zhizni-neizmenno-a-chto-vy-mozhete-izmenit/
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