Motorcycle Ural "Wolf" (7 pics + text)

His appearance in 1999 Ural motorcycle "Wolf" shall first Russian motorcycle club "Night Wolves - Night Wolves MC Russia», which is within the walls of his studio «Wolf Engineering» bike has developed itself, and then, after a long and close association with the factory workers Irbitsky Motoplant, handed it to industrial production. For Irbitsky Motoplant it was a serious bid for access to the sector choppers.

For the first time the plant had no right to make mistakes (including because I stood on the brink of financial collapse) and gave the customer exactly what they want. For the first time fans of domestic oppositi got the right choice. Motorcycle Ural "Wolf" - this is the first beautiful "Ural" original development.

It is worth noting that this is the long wheelbase serial domestic and one of the "outstretched" motorcycles in the world - 1690 mm between the axles only in "Honda GL1500 Gold Wing» and «Harley-Davidson Softail Custom».

Low rise with the possibility of removal of the legs (with duplication of the shift lever and foot brake), high wheel, fork length and wide tire - the unmistakable signs of the breed.

Disc brakes Brembo, plug Paioli, vacuum carburetors Keihin, ergonomic controls Domino, comfortable seat made of genuine leather, electric starter, enlarged fuel tank, plenty of chrome, all these features make the model the only one of its kind among Russian heavy motorcycles.

His silhouette of a motorcycle Ural "Wolf" gives the impression of modern and stylish car, the construction of which is oriented to the American "original" and the Japanese "copy". Professional look exactly defines these two influences. Synthesis of American and Japanese technology distinguishes it from other models of "Ural" in the style of the 50s, serial production of which are still going on in the factory shop.

But if you put aside all the oohs and aahs over catchy (or rather, shiny) appearance, then pops out a number of shortcomings "Russian chopper", are worth paying attention to.
Many of those who ran in "Wolf" agree that the possibility of the engine does not correspond to the potential of transmission, in other words - there is no fifth gear in the gearbox. Like, katish on smart road "120", great weather, the birds are singing, the soul easily. And you can not accelerate faster - the engine is twisted, the roar and vibration ...
Received negative reviews rear suspension. Oak stake standing shock transmitted to the body all the bumps in the road, a stylish leather seat prominaetsya, and the fifth point is in contact with the valve seat.
Front wing cute, but does not retain dirt, even with light rain - all flies on the engine and the driver's feet. Rear fender (mudguard without it) to match the front - when driving in slush splash back instantly.
Has motorcycle Ural "Wolf" and life-threatening defects. Sidestand is not equipped with a sensor, and in fact when the motorcycle worth it - stop - not visible from the driver's seat, and that he was not "complicated", you can easily forget. Also without starter immobilizer in gear.
Battery is clearly not designed to power the electric starter. In the beginning he still works more or less, and then worse and worse ...
There is a motorcycle and "bright spots" - the front suspension and brakes. It is the merit of importing components. Cold start fine, after warming up the carbs kept idle. Light chic, power generator on the "chic" enough. Mirrors are exactly on the go do not jump. "Wolf" appreciate and buy for the abundance of this Irbitsky chromium, which even after a year of operation did not fade.