A little less than a year ago, we hit the head to move to live with my mother-in-law, I will immediately say, it was a mistake.
Signs of narcissism It can be easily recognized in a person even of advanced age. In this, in fact, there is nothing surprising, another thing is that few people are interested. We tend to think of middle-aged narcissists, whether they are male or female. Perhaps he is a person who has achieved some success in life, and maybe not. And, of course, narcissism manifests itself in different areas of life. Someone associates it with work, life, hobbies. Cases can be very different.
It is important to distinguish the usual pride of upstarts and real narcissists, who, unfortunately, change their nature very rarely. Because of some important events that happened in their lives. Neither psychologists, nor relatives, nor close friends can significantly influence the nature of these people. And who would want to deal with a person who will translate any topic of conversation only to the question of his own person? For this reason, good friends with narcissists are not often. No matter what anyone says. After all, signs of narcissism make themselves felt at every step.
How many married couples are wrong about their living conditions! I didn’t realize it before, but now I miss my past life in the city of Khrushchev. Why the hell did I give up this country house and a piece of land near it? I lived in peace, I didn't blow my mustache, I dealt with personal problems, and here you are. She changed the scenery, they say, tasted the charms of life without urban noise.
In fact, I tell you the essence of the situation. My husband and I are in our early 40s. Not small children, not old people either. There are dreams, plans. The only son is studying in the capital, and in this regard we do not worry too much about some household things. My husband has two sisters and, most importantly, a living mother. We decided to move to her house less than a year ago. I'll tell you right away, it was a big mistake.
Well, she's an older woman, health is not the same. Her daughters live quite far away, and we are literally half an hour away by car. At some point, Lyudmila Sergeevna began to feel bad, and her husband offered to move to live with her for a while. We will help the old lady in some domestic moments, and we will rent out our apartment. Extra money has not hurt anyone, and the son will be happy to be with his mother. I didn't think it would be any different than I thought. I didn’t see any signs of narcissism.
I'm used to being the only housewife in the house. My husband works almost until the evening. So despite my mother-in-law's spacious choirs, we had to get to know her very closely. And I finally got to know her as a person very well. To my trouble.
This woman is a narcissistic despot and a vain selfish narcissist in one bottle. I'm not kidding, I just don't have the words to tell you how hard every second of my time with her is in the same territory. On its territory, so you understand. Now I see signs of narcissism. I was so blind!
You know, it's not noticeable at first. It's hard to believe that a cute old man standing in front of you will be like this. The very first day she met us, I complimented her on the flowers at her door. Nothing special, a normal flowerbed, but her reaction was at least strange: "Yes, it's petunias, velvets, yes." And here I have a barberry and a periwinkle. When I wanted to compliment my mother-in-law again, she paused on purpose, as if enjoying my words. And then she continued the story of her bed. Just poured from empty to empty, but constantly made it clear that I should praise her even more.
Of course, it didn't end there. The same thing happened at dinner. My husband and I brought food, of course. Got something from the store. And Lyudmila Sergeevna put a jar of two-year jam on the table and always praised herself and her jar all evening. No one has ever done this before or since. Ambrosia. As long as you believe her words. From the next place, the husband continued to praise his mother and also crumbled in compliments. It's like he's been replaced by someone who's always cynical. But I thought he just really missed his mother.
And then it all started as an adult. You know, it's like a toothache. If it passes quickly, it can be tolerated. But it does not work like this, it aches and aches, moving to the adjacent jaw and even turning into a headache. They leave no chance for a normal existence. Cure or rip out a tooth for the damn mother!
I cut my hand once when I was cooking. I'm seriously hurt, but it happens. A month and a half later, she fell unsuccessfully in the corridor and dislocated her leg. It happens, too, nothing. My husband was very worried, even told his son on the phone. But my mother-in-law began to remember my youth and only rebuked my generation for being so tender. I had to be mutilated, then I would definitely be worthy of her attention for at least a moment. Here are all the signs of narcissism on your face!
She also loves her son with a special love. I never saw in her words or her behavior a mother's tenderness. Just the need to be adored and admired for everything she has or had in the past. God, she didn’t even hesitate to brag to us about the number of men she had. And he did not hesitate to talk about future “achievements”.
The house, by the way, she left her ex-husband, before he left for the other world. I'm not even surprised he didn't make it to his sixth decade. But thanks to his money, the “burning” widow was able to keep the house more or less in order. I had to hire workers, but what difference does it make, because this flower has a decent flower garden. But the children of Lyudmila Sergeevna left early. Neither my husband nor his sisters could bear the peculiar character of their mother. Tired of clapping her hands every word, apparently. I have to.
Speaking of which. My husband’s sisters came to visit their mother. I haven't been too close to them before. But this time I even understood why. They also felt normal when, getting up from the table, did not bother to even clean the dishes. Why, there's me. And anyway, at least they kept talking to me, asked some questions. At least they pretended they were interested in me. Their mother didn't even try.
You know, there was a time when I felt a little sorry for my mother-in-law. The only one, really. But he helped me understand her better as a man of her complex, even unbearable nature. My husband found an old family photo on the closet. Where was he, his mother, his father and his sisters? And some dog was present. And then I wanted my son to give my mother another compliment, which knocked the old woman out of the saddle.
"Mom, look. Remember that year? You were so beautiful then, I remember. In the dress Dad gave you for your birthday.
Yeah, you probably got it right. My mother-in-law, instead of once again nostalgizing about past times, as any normal woman would do in her place, completely went crazy:
What do you mean, Oleg? Are you saying I look worse now? By the way, I'm even going to fit into that dress today. I haven't gained a pound since then. Oh, honey, you've eaten a lot. Puzo grew. Although, for your information, it's my health problem. I can't even go outside normally!
Then there was a futile apology from my husband, which was no longer surprising to me. Compressions, pleas for reconciliation. And yet, I saw that Lyudmila Sergeevna, in fact, just an ordinary touchy old woman. Now. But earlier she could show her character when and how much she wanted. No one could say anything to her.
Unfortunately, according to the conditions of renting an apartment, I have to endure a couple of months at home with my mother-in-law. Then the tenants will move, the son will come, and it will be easier. But at this point, as you can see, I'm not in the most welcoming company of my husband's mother. And she's not happy that she invited us to her place. She showed her weakness, and even in front of a stranger. And now I annoy her even more. So, new comments about and without will not take long to wait. There. I tried to write briefly, but something came over me. As you can see, I'm not perfect. But at least I can admit it to myself.

It is important to distinguish the usual pride of upstarts and real narcissists, who, unfortunately, change their nature very rarely. Because of some important events that happened in their lives. Neither psychologists, nor relatives, nor close friends can significantly influence the nature of these people. And who would want to deal with a person who will translate any topic of conversation only to the question of his own person? For this reason, good friends with narcissists are not often. No matter what anyone says. After all, signs of narcissism make themselves felt at every step.
How many married couples are wrong about their living conditions! I didn’t realize it before, but now I miss my past life in the city of Khrushchev. Why the hell did I give up this country house and a piece of land near it? I lived in peace, I didn't blow my mustache, I dealt with personal problems, and here you are. She changed the scenery, they say, tasted the charms of life without urban noise.
In fact, I tell you the essence of the situation. My husband and I are in our early 40s. Not small children, not old people either. There are dreams, plans. The only son is studying in the capital, and in this regard we do not worry too much about some household things. My husband has two sisters and, most importantly, a living mother. We decided to move to her house less than a year ago. I'll tell you right away, it was a big mistake.

Well, she's an older woman, health is not the same. Her daughters live quite far away, and we are literally half an hour away by car. At some point, Lyudmila Sergeevna began to feel bad, and her husband offered to move to live with her for a while. We will help the old lady in some domestic moments, and we will rent out our apartment. Extra money has not hurt anyone, and the son will be happy to be with his mother. I didn't think it would be any different than I thought. I didn’t see any signs of narcissism.
I'm used to being the only housewife in the house. My husband works almost until the evening. So despite my mother-in-law's spacious choirs, we had to get to know her very closely. And I finally got to know her as a person very well. To my trouble.
This woman is a narcissistic despot and a vain selfish narcissist in one bottle. I'm not kidding, I just don't have the words to tell you how hard every second of my time with her is in the same territory. On its territory, so you understand. Now I see signs of narcissism. I was so blind!

You know, it's not noticeable at first. It's hard to believe that a cute old man standing in front of you will be like this. The very first day she met us, I complimented her on the flowers at her door. Nothing special, a normal flowerbed, but her reaction was at least strange: "Yes, it's petunias, velvets, yes." And here I have a barberry and a periwinkle. When I wanted to compliment my mother-in-law again, she paused on purpose, as if enjoying my words. And then she continued the story of her bed. Just poured from empty to empty, but constantly made it clear that I should praise her even more.
Of course, it didn't end there. The same thing happened at dinner. My husband and I brought food, of course. Got something from the store. And Lyudmila Sergeevna put a jar of two-year jam on the table and always praised herself and her jar all evening. No one has ever done this before or since. Ambrosia. As long as you believe her words. From the next place, the husband continued to praise his mother and also crumbled in compliments. It's like he's been replaced by someone who's always cynical. But I thought he just really missed his mother.

And then it all started as an adult. You know, it's like a toothache. If it passes quickly, it can be tolerated. But it does not work like this, it aches and aches, moving to the adjacent jaw and even turning into a headache. They leave no chance for a normal existence. Cure or rip out a tooth for the damn mother!
I cut my hand once when I was cooking. I'm seriously hurt, but it happens. A month and a half later, she fell unsuccessfully in the corridor and dislocated her leg. It happens, too, nothing. My husband was very worried, even told his son on the phone. But my mother-in-law began to remember my youth and only rebuked my generation for being so tender. I had to be mutilated, then I would definitely be worthy of her attention for at least a moment. Here are all the signs of narcissism on your face!
She also loves her son with a special love. I never saw in her words or her behavior a mother's tenderness. Just the need to be adored and admired for everything she has or had in the past. God, she didn’t even hesitate to brag to us about the number of men she had. And he did not hesitate to talk about future “achievements”.

The house, by the way, she left her ex-husband, before he left for the other world. I'm not even surprised he didn't make it to his sixth decade. But thanks to his money, the “burning” widow was able to keep the house more or less in order. I had to hire workers, but what difference does it make, because this flower has a decent flower garden. But the children of Lyudmila Sergeevna left early. Neither my husband nor his sisters could bear the peculiar character of their mother. Tired of clapping her hands every word, apparently. I have to.
Speaking of which. My husband’s sisters came to visit their mother. I haven't been too close to them before. But this time I even understood why. They also felt normal when, getting up from the table, did not bother to even clean the dishes. Why, there's me. And anyway, at least they kept talking to me, asked some questions. At least they pretended they were interested in me. Their mother didn't even try.
You know, there was a time when I felt a little sorry for my mother-in-law. The only one, really. But he helped me understand her better as a man of her complex, even unbearable nature. My husband found an old family photo on the closet. Where was he, his mother, his father and his sisters? And some dog was present. And then I wanted my son to give my mother another compliment, which knocked the old woman out of the saddle.

"Mom, look. Remember that year? You were so beautiful then, I remember. In the dress Dad gave you for your birthday.
Yeah, you probably got it right. My mother-in-law, instead of once again nostalgizing about past times, as any normal woman would do in her place, completely went crazy:
What do you mean, Oleg? Are you saying I look worse now? By the way, I'm even going to fit into that dress today. I haven't gained a pound since then. Oh, honey, you've eaten a lot. Puzo grew. Although, for your information, it's my health problem. I can't even go outside normally!
Then there was a futile apology from my husband, which was no longer surprising to me. Compressions, pleas for reconciliation. And yet, I saw that Lyudmila Sergeevna, in fact, just an ordinary touchy old woman. Now. But earlier she could show her character when and how much she wanted. No one could say anything to her.

Unfortunately, according to the conditions of renting an apartment, I have to endure a couple of months at home with my mother-in-law. Then the tenants will move, the son will come, and it will be easier. But at this point, as you can see, I'm not in the most welcoming company of my husband's mother. And she's not happy that she invited us to her place. She showed her weakness, and even in front of a stranger. And now I annoy her even more. So, new comments about and without will not take long to wait. There. I tried to write briefly, but something came over me. As you can see, I'm not perfect. But at least I can admit it to myself.
When my daughter went to university, I couldn’t be happy, I thought she would find a job and be able to help me, but it wasn’t there.
The psychologist told you what to do with a person who hurt you