To open the way for money and luck, sprinkle salt on one thing, everything will change immediately.
It happens that you look at a person - everything is with him. And the brain works, hardworking and capable, and he has no luck. It was as if someone had closed all the doors in front of him and blocked all the roads for development. And such a person sits there for years, and he has no career growth, business development. In his personal life, there are only continuous failures, and most importantly, such a person does not know what to do and how to break this circle. What do we do? Is there a ritual to attract money and luck?
Peels Edition "Site" He'll answer that question today.
Attracting money and luck And the essence of this problem is that someone once sent a negative on this person. And this negativity sits in it for years, multiplying and strengthening. Or maybe the man himself created this negative. And put a block on his development and improvement of his life. Often, by our own negative thoughts, by constructing some negative scenarios for a particular situation, we put blocks for development. Our thought images can help us to develop harmoniously and correctly, only we often forget about their power of influence.
To change this situation, a person needs to pull out all this negativity and remove it. And to do it correctly and quickly, there is a special practice to attract money and luck. To perform it, you need to buy at the market or in the construction store an ordinary hinged lock. It should be the smallest and most ordinary. The main thing is that it works properly, was without rust and curvature.
After purchase, it must be closed and kept closed for three days. The lock must be near the person, periodically you need to take it into your hands. It is advisable to carry it with you in your bag or pocket.
When you take this castle in your hands, feel that it is a symbol of your closed roads. Remember and analyze all the brightest situations in life when you refused opportunities. It was as if there was an obstacle or block in front of you. Think about what kept you from accepting the offer, what you didn't do. Put all your thoughts and energy into this castle. On the fourth day, take this castle to nature. It is better to go somewhere away from home in the woods or in the field.
Before you go, bring with you some ordinary table salt, about a teaspoon. Open the lock, put it on the ground and squeeze it into it. Sprinkle the castle with salt on top and say these words: “The castle is shot down, open and rust in the ground.” From now on my path is free.” After that, put somewhere near the castle a small treat, a piece of bread, biscuits or some fruit. And go home.
When you get home, be sure to take a shower or at least just wash yourself with cool water. And in the process of water procedures, they said these words again. And throw the keys to that lock in the trash. And after a while you will notice how new opportunities begin to open up before you. Your financial situation will improve. You will be invited to various events where you can meet new people. After all, now in your life there are no more blocks and obstacles to develop your potential.
Peels Edition "Site" He'll answer that question today.
Attracting money and luck And the essence of this problem is that someone once sent a negative on this person. And this negativity sits in it for years, multiplying and strengthening. Or maybe the man himself created this negative. And put a block on his development and improvement of his life. Often, by our own negative thoughts, by constructing some negative scenarios for a particular situation, we put blocks for development. Our thought images can help us to develop harmoniously and correctly, only we often forget about their power of influence.
To change this situation, a person needs to pull out all this negativity and remove it. And to do it correctly and quickly, there is a special practice to attract money and luck. To perform it, you need to buy at the market or in the construction store an ordinary hinged lock. It should be the smallest and most ordinary. The main thing is that it works properly, was without rust and curvature.
After purchase, it must be closed and kept closed for three days. The lock must be near the person, periodically you need to take it into your hands. It is advisable to carry it with you in your bag or pocket.
When you take this castle in your hands, feel that it is a symbol of your closed roads. Remember and analyze all the brightest situations in life when you refused opportunities. It was as if there was an obstacle or block in front of you. Think about what kept you from accepting the offer, what you didn't do. Put all your thoughts and energy into this castle. On the fourth day, take this castle to nature. It is better to go somewhere away from home in the woods or in the field.
Before you go, bring with you some ordinary table salt, about a teaspoon. Open the lock, put it on the ground and squeeze it into it. Sprinkle the castle with salt on top and say these words: “The castle is shot down, open and rust in the ground.” From now on my path is free.” After that, put somewhere near the castle a small treat, a piece of bread, biscuits or some fruit. And go home.
When you get home, be sure to take a shower or at least just wash yourself with cool water. And in the process of water procedures, they said these words again. And throw the keys to that lock in the trash. And after a while you will notice how new opportunities begin to open up before you. Your financial situation will improve. You will be invited to various events where you can meet new people. After all, now in your life there are no more blocks and obstacles to develop your potential.
On his 51st birthday, Dad announced that he was leaving the family, then his mother gave him only one condition.
To find out who caused the damage, just pour it into the water, the enemy will knock on your house.