I recently invited a matchmaker and a snuckle to visit, we sat well, but then I accidentally heard their conversation.
Madame Anna, grabbing her biggest fan and her own mint-pineapple ice cream, went to another class with her friend Madame Alexandra. However, it seemed that the mood to study French evaporated. In response to a mute question from a friend, the woman sighed: “I think, Anjechka, what words can be found for an adult son to make sure that everything is okay with me.”
Words to an adult son
- And what happened? - Anna Porfirievna agitated, - while you are choosing the right words for an adult son, I am ready to panic.
- Sorry, honey. I don’t think it’s a big deal, I’ve been sleeping badly for a few nights now.
- Did you look for all the words to the adult son? - Madame Anne's tone felt ironic.
- Please, no sarcasm. Do you remember that Shurik and Lena got married seven years ago on August 23?
Of course, the friend remembered, because she helped organize a cozy, cheerful and touching holiday for two interns who, despite their youth, became successful neurosurgeons and for the second year more than half the time operated in frontline hospitals. And now they're on a ten-day vacation. And the brass (or wool) wedding anniversary, the guys decided to celebrate in their favorite Carpathians.
Well, since we could not be with them, I invited matchmakers to celebrate a significant date for our families here. While sitting at the table, watching photos and videos from the wedding, it seemed that all three sincerely rejoiced, joked, remembered ... — the voice of Alexandra Fedotovna trembled: — But as soon as I went over the ice into the kitchen, the sage began to wash my bones. And don't look at me like that, I accidentally heard...
It is clear that Anna had to learn the story about the overheard conversation of matchmakers, although they hardly wanted him to “spot” his daughter’s mother-in-law.
- Imagine, Valya somehow offended, with a claim said to her husband: “Well, why would she be alone in such choirs?” Four rooms in the "Stalinka" - it is as long as you restore order here, no forces will remain. Why do you think she met us in shorts? I didn't have time to change into a dress! She barely manages everything, would take the children to her, otherwise she would sell the papa’s inheritance, would divide in half. So no! A dog in the hay. Wearing fancy shorts. And children in a rented apartment live for seven years.
- What, the matchmakers do not know that you have repeatedly offered both options to the children, but they decided to live separately, while they are more busy with work, internships, now they have become military surgeons? And that Shura flatly refused to sell his grandfather and grandmother an apartment, and Lena supported him in this?
- So they don't know. I could not put myself and the matchmakers in a stupid position, saying that I unwittingly caught them in duplicity. But it seems to me that Valya felt something, they were going home too quickly.
- You can often read a lot on your face... Only you didn't get upset because you didn't hide unexpected feelings.
- Not because. After leaving the guests cried, even the cleaning did not calm down. Seven years of accumulating resentment, not even trying to talk to me about it. Yes, Valya was also outraged that Shurik allegedly had to endure our idea with you to study Spanish, Italian and French, pays for an online school.
Learning languages is certainly not her business! snorted Madame Anne. - Your Shurik knows our dream when we retire, to live a month or two in Spain, Italy and France. Yes, so as not to go on excursions, but to taste the real life in the countries of our almost childhood dream. And for this you need to learn at least a little language.
- Yes! - Madame Alexandra was encouraged. By the way, it is their Lena who has the idea that we learn languages by decade. And in the decade of Spanish they became seigneurs for each other, then in Italian - signors, and in the French ten-day period - bonjour, madam! And to play different situations, absorb words, intonations, pronunciation ... She was so excited about it that we accepted her idea.
- Which, thanks to Lena, works well, said Anna.
- You know, Anush, I thought that all these seven years, the relationship with matchmakers was double bottom, and I started crying. How not to understand, not to feel falsehoods, pretenses? What if Lena, like her mother, is one in the eyes, and another in the eyes? How to feel joy and happiness, knowing that everything is fake?
Words to an adult son: search for a solution And then it was shameful that I could think badly about my daughter-in-law... In short, when the kids called in the evening, I looked like both of them were asking why I was crying. I promised to tell you later. So I am still looking for words to my adult son, so as not to harm him.
Anna gently stroked her friend:
Let’s eat a masterpiece of ice cream and at the same time talk in French about our children, trust and sincerity. We can do this.
And why do you think there is falsehood in the relationships of close people? How to determine whether the interlocutors are sincere? And in this situation, how to do Alexandra Fedotovna? Pretend you didn't hear anything? Or is it to reveal a wave of false affection? Is it possible to compromise with yourself?
Words to an adult son

- And what happened? - Anna Porfirievna agitated, - while you are choosing the right words for an adult son, I am ready to panic.
- Sorry, honey. I don’t think it’s a big deal, I’ve been sleeping badly for a few nights now.
- Did you look for all the words to the adult son? - Madame Anne's tone felt ironic.
- Please, no sarcasm. Do you remember that Shurik and Lena got married seven years ago on August 23?
Of course, the friend remembered, because she helped organize a cozy, cheerful and touching holiday for two interns who, despite their youth, became successful neurosurgeons and for the second year more than half the time operated in frontline hospitals. And now they're on a ten-day vacation. And the brass (or wool) wedding anniversary, the guys decided to celebrate in their favorite Carpathians.

Well, since we could not be with them, I invited matchmakers to celebrate a significant date for our families here. While sitting at the table, watching photos and videos from the wedding, it seemed that all three sincerely rejoiced, joked, remembered ... — the voice of Alexandra Fedotovna trembled: — But as soon as I went over the ice into the kitchen, the sage began to wash my bones. And don't look at me like that, I accidentally heard...
It is clear that Anna had to learn the story about the overheard conversation of matchmakers, although they hardly wanted him to “spot” his daughter’s mother-in-law.
- Imagine, Valya somehow offended, with a claim said to her husband: “Well, why would she be alone in such choirs?” Four rooms in the "Stalinka" - it is as long as you restore order here, no forces will remain. Why do you think she met us in shorts? I didn't have time to change into a dress! She barely manages everything, would take the children to her, otherwise she would sell the papa’s inheritance, would divide in half. So no! A dog in the hay. Wearing fancy shorts. And children in a rented apartment live for seven years.

- What, the matchmakers do not know that you have repeatedly offered both options to the children, but they decided to live separately, while they are more busy with work, internships, now they have become military surgeons? And that Shura flatly refused to sell his grandfather and grandmother an apartment, and Lena supported him in this?
- So they don't know. I could not put myself and the matchmakers in a stupid position, saying that I unwittingly caught them in duplicity. But it seems to me that Valya felt something, they were going home too quickly.

- You can often read a lot on your face... Only you didn't get upset because you didn't hide unexpected feelings.
- Not because. After leaving the guests cried, even the cleaning did not calm down. Seven years of accumulating resentment, not even trying to talk to me about it. Yes, Valya was also outraged that Shurik allegedly had to endure our idea with you to study Spanish, Italian and French, pays for an online school.
Learning languages is certainly not her business! snorted Madame Anne. - Your Shurik knows our dream when we retire, to live a month or two in Spain, Italy and France. Yes, so as not to go on excursions, but to taste the real life in the countries of our almost childhood dream. And for this you need to learn at least a little language.

- Yes! - Madame Alexandra was encouraged. By the way, it is their Lena who has the idea that we learn languages by decade. And in the decade of Spanish they became seigneurs for each other, then in Italian - signors, and in the French ten-day period - bonjour, madam! And to play different situations, absorb words, intonations, pronunciation ... She was so excited about it that we accepted her idea.
- Which, thanks to Lena, works well, said Anna.
- You know, Anush, I thought that all these seven years, the relationship with matchmakers was double bottom, and I started crying. How not to understand, not to feel falsehoods, pretenses? What if Lena, like her mother, is one in the eyes, and another in the eyes? How to feel joy and happiness, knowing that everything is fake?

Words to an adult son: search for a solution And then it was shameful that I could think badly about my daughter-in-law... In short, when the kids called in the evening, I looked like both of them were asking why I was crying. I promised to tell you later. So I am still looking for words to my adult son, so as not to harm him.
Anna gently stroked her friend:
Let’s eat a masterpiece of ice cream and at the same time talk in French about our children, trust and sincerity. We can do this.
And why do you think there is falsehood in the relationships of close people? How to determine whether the interlocutors are sincere? And in this situation, how to do Alexandra Fedotovna? Pretend you didn't hear anything? Or is it to reveal a wave of false affection? Is it possible to compromise with yourself?
When things went bad in the family, I remembered the piece of paper my mom gave me before the wedding, which was the only thing that saved the marriage.
A reliable way to recognize a witch and protect yourself from her evil deeds, just repeat the ritual.