When things went bad in the family, I remembered the piece of paper my mom gave me before the wedding, which was the only thing that saved the marriage.

I left work early today to search for a prayer. I went through book after book on the shelf, but I could not find the cherished piece of paper. He had a prayer for the preservation of the family written by his mother's hand. My mother wrote it down from memory and handed it to me when I got married. I thought it was stupid, but out of respect for my mother, I didn’t throw it away. Her mother claimed that this prayer helped her keep the marriage alive. But at that moment it seemed to me that it was not a matter of prayer, but of the mother’s desire not to lose her husband and her ability to compromise.

Editorial "Site" Today I will tell you a story about prayer.

It has been five years since my mother passed away. Until the last minute he and his father lived in the soul. When they were young, they did not like it. In difficult moments, my mother turned to the holy intercessors for help, and I also instilled faith in higher powers. I am baptized and go to church on big holidays, but until recently I was quite skeptical about my mother’s words. As they say, until the thunder comes, a man will not cross himself!

“Thunder broke out” in the tenth year of our happy family life: my husband Vadim began to look at an unmarried neighbor who rented an apartment on the floor below. It is not surprising: I plunged into the care of the family and the child, and then there was a carefree beauty in a short skirt! My husband got cold and stayed longer at work. Small domestic quarrels gradually turned into loud scandals. That's when I remembered my mother's note.

This prayer for the preservation of the family was hidden between the pages of one of the books, but I forgot which one. I had to revisit my little library twice, and it was only then that I found my mother's message. I picked up a lit candle, crossed myself, bowed before a small icon of the Mother of God, presented to the wedding by my parents, and began to read.

Holy Mother of God, hear my prayer! Be the protector of my family and give us family happiness. Give us patience and mutual love. Give us the strength to forgive all offenses unwittingly caused. Make my husband wise and guide him to the right path, and cast out of his head the thought of adultery. May peace and love dwell in my husband's heart. Protect us from the temptations of the devil and the fall of the grave. Teach us to live in harmony with our loved ones. Do not allow incurable diseases, sudden death and cruel separation into our family. Save our house and all who live in it from fire, flood, fierce hatred and envy of man. Dear Mother of God, instruct us to live according to the commandments of the Lord! Mother of God, save and preserve my family! Amen!

A powerful force prayed, and it became easier on the soul. His son was on vacation, and his mother-in-law took him to her house for a couple of days. I have free time to reflect on the situation. I cooked dinner and headed to the living room to wait for Vadim from work at the TV. I looked at myself in the mirror in the hallway. I did not like what I saw, and I put myself in order: changed clothes, combed my hair and slightly put on makeup.

When my husband came home, I met him at the door. He was pleasantly surprised by the changes in my appearance and manner of communication: I felt more confident and calmer.

I prayed every day and noticed that my relationship with Vadim had changed. The spouse began to spend more free time with the family, and quarrels happened less and less. Our neighbor soon found a rich lover and moved out of our house. We're happy again! I now know my mother’s prayer by heart.


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