Why do those who studied in the Soviet school still praise the school uniform that it is so special
School uniforms of the USSR never differed originality and practicality. It was copied from the outfits worn by students of pre-revolutionary gymnasiums. After the events of 1917, the Bolsheviks began to abandon everything reminiscent of the recent past, and the usual form for students was canceled. But soon the authorities had to return to thinking about uniform uniforms for schoolchildren, because in the absence of a standard uniform, it was difficult to demonstrate that “all are equal.” They did not invent anything, but modernized the former style.
Today's edition. "Site" A little remember the history of school uniforms of the USSR and find out whether it is worth longing for.
Actively introduce uniform clothing for Soviet schoolchildren began in 1935. But the war made its own adjustments, and the students were dressed in the generally accepted form only in 1947. Thanks to school outfits, the children in the class looked the same, but decent.
GettyImages Boys dressed in trousers and gymnastics. They were accompanied by belts with large plaques and caps with cocards. They put on their feet mainly shoes. After some time, the boys removed their belts and caps, and the gymnasts were replaced with shirts and gray jackets.
School uniforms of the USSR for girls consisted of a brown dress and a black apron. The only decoration was white collars and cuffs. To make the sleeves wear less and the cuffs stay clean longer, schoolgirls used satin armlets. On holidays, a snow-white apron was put on top of a nondescript dress, white golfes were pulled on their feet, and beautiful ribbons in the form of a bow were knit on their heads - the students instantly transformed. When corrugated cloth for bows appeared on sale, it gained incredible popularity.
GettyImages The uniform for schoolchildren corresponded to GOST. It was made of wool fabric with a slight admixture of lausan, because such material was less crumpled and was wear-resistant. In winter, the thin fabric did not warm properly, and in summer it was hot in such clothes. But the children had no right to refuse it: school uniforms in the USSR became an obligatory attribute of the student. Without it, children were not allowed to study, and then they could call their parents to school. The administration of the educational institution strictly monitored the appearance of students and punished for the slightest deviation from the norm.
The school uniforms were the same. On chubby children, the form cracked at the seams, while on thin girls it hung like a sack. They bought clothes for the students. But for poor Soviet citizens it was more profitable to buy one uniform for the whole school year than to figure out what he would wear next week. The good quality of the materials ensured the durability of the clothes, and the younger children had to wear the shape of older siblings.
During the Soviet period, the form for school-age boys changed more often than for girls. Fashion is quite fleeting, and in the 80s, the guys began to wear flared trousers, tightened shirts and grew hair. Schoolgirls' wardrobe has not been changed. They were dressed in closed brown dresses.
In order to somehow diversify their school uniform, the girls began to shorten her hem and trim her sleeves, thus turning her into a summer version. Students were allowed short haircuts, but wearing cosmetics and high heels was forbidden. For boldly applied makeup, for example, a young beauty could wash in front of the whole school.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a uniform uniform for all schoolchildren was abolished. Some educational institutions have begun to introduce their own distinctive clothing for students, but this is not practiced everywhere. And it seems to us that it is time to eradicate all this nostalgia for Soviet school uniforms. It is time to move on, because there is nothing to regret. What do you think of that?

Today's edition. "Site" A little remember the history of school uniforms of the USSR and find out whether it is worth longing for.
Actively introduce uniform clothing for Soviet schoolchildren began in 1935. But the war made its own adjustments, and the students were dressed in the generally accepted form only in 1947. Thanks to school outfits, the children in the class looked the same, but decent.

GettyImages Boys dressed in trousers and gymnastics. They were accompanied by belts with large plaques and caps with cocards. They put on their feet mainly shoes. After some time, the boys removed their belts and caps, and the gymnasts were replaced with shirts and gray jackets.
School uniforms of the USSR for girls consisted of a brown dress and a black apron. The only decoration was white collars and cuffs. To make the sleeves wear less and the cuffs stay clean longer, schoolgirls used satin armlets. On holidays, a snow-white apron was put on top of a nondescript dress, white golfes were pulled on their feet, and beautiful ribbons in the form of a bow were knit on their heads - the students instantly transformed. When corrugated cloth for bows appeared on sale, it gained incredible popularity.

GettyImages The uniform for schoolchildren corresponded to GOST. It was made of wool fabric with a slight admixture of lausan, because such material was less crumpled and was wear-resistant. In winter, the thin fabric did not warm properly, and in summer it was hot in such clothes. But the children had no right to refuse it: school uniforms in the USSR became an obligatory attribute of the student. Without it, children were not allowed to study, and then they could call their parents to school. The administration of the educational institution strictly monitored the appearance of students and punished for the slightest deviation from the norm.

The school uniforms were the same. On chubby children, the form cracked at the seams, while on thin girls it hung like a sack. They bought clothes for the students. But for poor Soviet citizens it was more profitable to buy one uniform for the whole school year than to figure out what he would wear next week. The good quality of the materials ensured the durability of the clothes, and the younger children had to wear the shape of older siblings.

During the Soviet period, the form for school-age boys changed more often than for girls. Fashion is quite fleeting, and in the 80s, the guys began to wear flared trousers, tightened shirts and grew hair. Schoolgirls' wardrobe has not been changed. They were dressed in closed brown dresses.
In order to somehow diversify their school uniform, the girls began to shorten her hem and trim her sleeves, thus turning her into a summer version. Students were allowed short haircuts, but wearing cosmetics and high heels was forbidden. For boldly applied makeup, for example, a young beauty could wash in front of the whole school.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a uniform uniform for all schoolchildren was abolished. Some educational institutions have begun to introduce their own distinctive clothing for students, but this is not practiced everywhere. And it seems to us that it is time to eradicate all this nostalgia for Soviet school uniforms. It is time to move on, because there is nothing to regret. What do you think of that?
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