Rich Svatya put her conditions before the wedding of children, and I found myself in a desperate situation.
Independent human activities It is the basis of individual development and self-determination. In other words, “how much I worked, so much I earned.” Unfortunately or fortunately, this formula doesn’t always work. A classic hard worker can work in three shifts and get a penny. And the creative lazy will break the jackpot.
Because of such social inequality, household misunderstandings often arise. It is not clear to the older generation why their children do not want to work with their hands. And the younger generation, in turn, increasingly turns into unadapted to adulthood infantils. Why is that? Because these days people's work is paid unevenly.
My husband, the kingdom of heaven, was a very intelligent, honest and hardworking man. Unfortunately, he left us 14 years ago. Since then, our family has been in trouble. Igor held a good post in the city council, was a very respected person in his post. For this, even during his lifetime, our state allocated him a three-bedroom apartment in a good neighborhood.
We still live in this apartment. I mean myself and my two daughters, Oksana and Masha. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a job. When I was young, I only managed to finish high school, and there were not enough budget places for higher education. And then I met my future husband, so there was no time to learn a good profession.
Well, as a widow, I was legally entitled to financial support. That's where we lived for a while. Then a former acquaintance of my husband put me in a part-time office, and financially it was easier. I respect men who appreciate old friendship. I’m 56 years old now and I’m facing a new challenge I’ve never thought about.
The thing is, my daughters have grown up, and obviously they have boyfriends. The eldest daughter Oksana decided to get married. I saw her boyfriend several times and he seemed like a pretty good guy. A dentist with the prospect of becoming a doctor. Maybe I don’t understand some of the world’s issues, but it has always been very expensive to cure teeth. So I really liked this option.
Peels The main problem, but again, there were problems. The most basic of them is Galina Nikolaevna, my smitya. A rather peculiar woman with a special character. She came from a village family and because of lack of money at some point decided to go abroad to work. There she was lucky enough to cling to somewhere in a good place, and after 16 or 17 years she came home with the money. I invested in the business and now felt very good.
But due to the fact that at one time she had the opportunity to snort grief, now she treated everyone around with undisguised pride and contempt. At least I thought so much. We met with Galina in a cafe to discuss all the issues related to the wedding. And I'll tell you frankly, this woman can push morally and find profit better than any man. Just trust me.
The matchmaker began by understanding the financial situation of our family. And in this regard, I agree to pay for a luxury wedding in the best restaurant in the city. The food, the drinks, the show, it'll all be on the groom's side, and no problem for us. But the young people will have to live somewhere. And space should be abundant. After all, in a year or two children will go, and living in a cramped family is the worst thing that can be.
Therefore, she invites me to meet the happiness of my daughter. I want to exchange my apartment where I live and which I got from my husband. Either I give it to my daughter and her fiancé, and my mother-in-law finds the best option she can. Or I sell this apartment to her, and I dispose of the money at my discretion.
Of course, due to the fact that her side is calculated for the wedding, and she also has a gift for the young, she will not pay the full price for my apartment. But she said it would be a good compromise for all of us. So anyway, Masha and I, my youngest daughter, are losing our homes.
I do not want to leave my beloved apartment, which I inherited from my husband. I didn't pay for it all this time just to move now. Masha and I like it, the area is good, the infrastructure. I understand that we will certainly be able to exchange it for a good “two” with a profitable surcharge. But it's not going to be the same. But what if Svatya doesn’t agree to something else, and Oksana already asks me to make a deal?
I even got the impression that this Galina Nikolaevna fundamentally seized on our property so that her son could live in it as a commoner in the royal castle. Otherwise, I see no reason for such principledness. But anyway, something has to be decided. I'm not ready at all. Making an important choice is definitely not mine. In any case, my decision will only lead to a strong discontent of one of the daughters. I wouldn't want that.

Because of such social inequality, household misunderstandings often arise. It is not clear to the older generation why their children do not want to work with their hands. And the younger generation, in turn, increasingly turns into unadapted to adulthood infantils. Why is that? Because these days people's work is paid unevenly.
My husband, the kingdom of heaven, was a very intelligent, honest and hardworking man. Unfortunately, he left us 14 years ago. Since then, our family has been in trouble. Igor held a good post in the city council, was a very respected person in his post. For this, even during his lifetime, our state allocated him a three-bedroom apartment in a good neighborhood.
We still live in this apartment. I mean myself and my two daughters, Oksana and Masha. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a job. When I was young, I only managed to finish high school, and there were not enough budget places for higher education. And then I met my future husband, so there was no time to learn a good profession.

Well, as a widow, I was legally entitled to financial support. That's where we lived for a while. Then a former acquaintance of my husband put me in a part-time office, and financially it was easier. I respect men who appreciate old friendship. I’m 56 years old now and I’m facing a new challenge I’ve never thought about.
The thing is, my daughters have grown up, and obviously they have boyfriends. The eldest daughter Oksana decided to get married. I saw her boyfriend several times and he seemed like a pretty good guy. A dentist with the prospect of becoming a doctor. Maybe I don’t understand some of the world’s issues, but it has always been very expensive to cure teeth. So I really liked this option.

Peels The main problem, but again, there were problems. The most basic of them is Galina Nikolaevna, my smitya. A rather peculiar woman with a special character. She came from a village family and because of lack of money at some point decided to go abroad to work. There she was lucky enough to cling to somewhere in a good place, and after 16 or 17 years she came home with the money. I invested in the business and now felt very good.
But due to the fact that at one time she had the opportunity to snort grief, now she treated everyone around with undisguised pride and contempt. At least I thought so much. We met with Galina in a cafe to discuss all the issues related to the wedding. And I'll tell you frankly, this woman can push morally and find profit better than any man. Just trust me.

The matchmaker began by understanding the financial situation of our family. And in this regard, I agree to pay for a luxury wedding in the best restaurant in the city. The food, the drinks, the show, it'll all be on the groom's side, and no problem for us. But the young people will have to live somewhere. And space should be abundant. After all, in a year or two children will go, and living in a cramped family is the worst thing that can be.
Therefore, she invites me to meet the happiness of my daughter. I want to exchange my apartment where I live and which I got from my husband. Either I give it to my daughter and her fiancé, and my mother-in-law finds the best option she can. Or I sell this apartment to her, and I dispose of the money at my discretion.

Of course, due to the fact that her side is calculated for the wedding, and she also has a gift for the young, she will not pay the full price for my apartment. But she said it would be a good compromise for all of us. So anyway, Masha and I, my youngest daughter, are losing our homes.
I do not want to leave my beloved apartment, which I inherited from my husband. I didn't pay for it all this time just to move now. Masha and I like it, the area is good, the infrastructure. I understand that we will certainly be able to exchange it for a good “two” with a profitable surcharge. But it's not going to be the same. But what if Svatya doesn’t agree to something else, and Oksana already asks me to make a deal?

I even got the impression that this Galina Nikolaevna fundamentally seized on our property so that her son could live in it as a commoner in the royal castle. Otherwise, I see no reason for such principledness. But anyway, something has to be decided. I'm not ready at all. Making an important choice is definitely not mine. In any case, my decision will only lead to a strong discontent of one of the daughters. I wouldn't want that.
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