Not much time left for the holidays, it's time to learn how to make cookies from protein residues

Fans of cooking homemade pastries often face a situation where only a certain part of eggs, such as yolks, are added to the dish by prescription. Where to put the squirrels, not throw them away? The easiest way to save them is to pour them into a small container with a lid and send them to the freezer until the opportunity. But if you have the time and desire to indulge your family and yourself with a delicious dessert, we will tell you, How to make merengue.

The basis of merengue (beze) - proteins whipped with sugar or powdered sugar in a thick persistent foam. To get a multi-colored meringue, meringue can be divided into parts and add food dyes.
Merengha according to the French recipe is made with only two products!

The ingredients
  • 100g protein
  • 200g sugar sand

  1. Proteins are poured into dry dishes and begin to beat with a mixer at low speed. Then gradually increase the speed and introduce sugar to proteins. The finished meze should be thick and contain no sugar crystals.
  2. The pan is covered with parchment paper and put on it a merengue spoon or confectionery bag.

  3. Dry merengue should be in the oven, heated to 100-120 degrees for at least an hour. Then turn off the oven, and when it cools a little, take out the finished dessert.

Swiss confectioners borrowed the recipe of merengue from the French. But before whipping proteins with sugar, they heat the mass to 50-70 degrees above the water bath. The Italians went even further and cook meringue based on proteins and sugar syrup

The ingredients
  • 100g protein
  • 200g sugar sand
  • 100 ml of water

  1. In Sotheinika, we heat water, add sugar and, reducing the fire, boil the syrup. When the temperature of the liquid exceeds the boiling point of 20 degrees, remove the steak from the fire.
  2. Meanwhile, we're starting to whip up the squirrels. Syrup is injected along the wall with a thin trickle to the proteins.

  3. Such bezel confectioners are not overdried, but used soft in desserts. To do this, they roast it with a burner or under the grill.

For greater originality, dry ingredients are added to the meringue, most often these are nuts. To merengue rose well, nuts need to be dried in the oven or pan, but pour them into dessert should be cooled. You can use almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts or walnuts. We suggest making a delicious merengue with nuts and chocolate chips.

The ingredients
  • 100g protein
  • 200g powdered sugar
  • vanillin (on the tip of the knife)
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 20g cornstarch
  • 70g chopped nuts
  • 50g shredded chocolate
  • pinch

  1. Turn on the oven so that it warms up to 100-150 degrees. Then we start whipping the proteins with a mixer at low turns in clean dishes, adding a pinch of salt. It is better to take products at room temperature. Then the speed can be increased. In the raised foam gradually introduce powdered sugar and vanillin, continuing to whip the air mass.

  2. Add lemon juice at the end. It's got to be persistent foam. Further, we pour corn starch into the mass, smoothly mixing.
  3. Now we add nuts and chocolate. Stir everything neatly.
  4. We cover the tray with parchment paper and put a meringue on it with a spoon. Put it in a warm oven for half an hour. During baking merengue oven cannot be opened!

  5. Before removing the merengue, the door should be opened a little so that cold air gradually leaks into the oven. After a few minutes, we get the dessert.

Do not be lazy and please your loved ones with such a delicacy. Sweet life and delicious desserts!


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