Cocoa and chocolate cookie recipe
The name “Kiss the Diaphragm” is related to cinema, not what many people think. This expression appeared in the professional slang of filmmakers in the days of silent cinema, when lovers in the final scene. At the same time, a special camera technique was used - dimming, when the aperture of the camera lens was covered, reducing the amount of light falling on the film, and the filmed plot was taken into darkness.
The audience with a sinking heart waited for the moment when the couple merge in a sensual kiss. Just as sweet and sweet is this cake with chocolate. A thin crispy crust, melting filling in the mouth, airy consistency and a pleasant color - just a fairy tale! Besides, it's being prepared. biscuit It's ugly and simple. There are only 4 ingredients in the recipe that give a real explosion of taste!
Cocoa cookie ingredients
The taste of this charm is similar to a meringue, but inside is liquid chocolate. Delightful cakes: exquisite, moderately sweet, with a breathtaking chocolate aroma! Such cocoa The perfect solution for those who are tired of high-calorie flour baking. And with a cup of fragrant morning coffee - just unearthly bliss!
We hope this appetizing idea inspired you to cook. Try to surprise guests by serving potato roses on the table, which can not be distinguished from a sweet meringue.
Beze, or merengue, translated from French means “kiss”, which fully conveys the sensuality of this gentle delicacy. The culinary world is rich in original names. For example, we previously published a recipe for a salad “French mistress”. What a furor will make a festive table, completely filled with such unusual dishes!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

The audience with a sinking heart waited for the moment when the couple merge in a sensual kiss. Just as sweet and sweet is this cake with chocolate. A thin crispy crust, melting filling in the mouth, airy consistency and a pleasant color - just a fairy tale! Besides, it's being prepared. biscuit It's ugly and simple. There are only 4 ingredients in the recipe that give a real explosion of taste!
Cocoa cookie ingredients
- 50g chocolate
- 2 egg whites
- 100g sugar
- 1 tbsp cocoa powder
- Turn on the oven to 150 degrees. Rub the chocolate on a fine grater.
- Separate the proteins from the yolks into a dry clean bowl. Blow the mixer into the foam, then start sprinkling sugar in small portions. Keep whipping until peaks form.
- To the mixture add sifted cocoa, grated chocolate and mix thoroughly.
- Cover the pan with baking paper and lubricate it with vegetable oil.
- The resulting protein-chocolate mass is transferred to a culinary bag and squeezed onto a bowl in the form of small livers. You can take a cellophane bag, cut the tip and use instead of a cooking bag.
- You can place meringues close to each other, as they do not increase in size. sushi protein-chocolate meringue 20 minutes in the oven at 150 degrees. The drying time depends on the capabilities of your oven and the size of the meringue.
- When they are crusted and easily separated from parchment paper, dessert is ready! At your discretion, cookies can be lubricated with any cream or melted chocolate and glued in two.
The taste of this charm is similar to a meringue, but inside is liquid chocolate. Delightful cakes: exquisite, moderately sweet, with a breathtaking chocolate aroma! Such cocoa The perfect solution for those who are tired of high-calorie flour baking. And with a cup of fragrant morning coffee - just unearthly bliss!

We hope this appetizing idea inspired you to cook. Try to surprise guests by serving potato roses on the table, which can not be distinguished from a sweet meringue.
Beze, or merengue, translated from French means “kiss”, which fully conveys the sensuality of this gentle delicacy. The culinary world is rich in original names. For example, we previously published a recipe for a salad “French mistress”. What a furor will make a festive table, completely filled with such unusual dishes!
Photo by depositphotos preview.