Bez for decorating kulich and how quickly to cook it
There are small but pleasant coincidences in life. You look for something in the pantry, suddenly you find a cream nozzle that has not caught your eye for a long time, you remember that there are squirrels in the refrigerator, and immediately an idea arises in your head. For example, how to prepare mezes and decorate future Easter cakes with them.
Editorial "Site" It offers a wonderful recipe. How to prepare meringue at home. If you do it right, it will be music! It's like a composer of the same name. Take your nozzle, we're going.
How to prepare bezel Ingredients
Now you know, How to cook a meringue in the oven! How about fillers and dyes, would you be fair to ask? Let nothing stop your savvy imagination, never be afraid to experiment. And we have a great recipe for kulich, which can be decorated with your bezel. Share the article with others and have a good appetite!

Editorial "Site" It offers a wonderful recipe. How to prepare meringue at home. If you do it right, it will be music! It's like a composer of the same name. Take your nozzle, we're going.

How to prepare bezel Ingredients
- 3 egg whites
- 150g powdered sugar
- pinch
- salt
- As you can imagine, the recipe is simple and easy. Blow the proteins with acid and salt into the foam.
- Gradually add powdered sugar so that the proteins become dense. This will take about 10 minutes.
- Cover the pan with baking paper, it's time to figure out how to make a meringue.
- Pass the protein mass through the nozzle so that figure stars or flowers are obtained. If there is no nozzle, you can use a package with a cut corner. Then you'll get pretty roundies. Size according to your preference.
- All I have to do is dry the meringue in the oven. Do this for an hour or a half at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius.
Now you know, How to cook a meringue in the oven! How about fillers and dyes, would you be fair to ask? Let nothing stop your savvy imagination, never be afraid to experiment. And we have a great recipe for kulich, which can be decorated with your bezel. Share the article with others and have a good appetite!