How to prepare a protein cream with citric acid

If you want to learn how to decorate cakes, try this cream! It was suggested to me by a friend who has been working as a pastry chef in a good restaurant for more than 15 years.

Protein cream "Wet Beze" It will delight anyone! And all thanks to his amazing taste. The cream resembles a protein custard, but unlike it, "Wet meringue" is whipped with a mixer in a water bath and it is impossible to spoil it if you follow the recipe exactly.


Wet bezel cream After application cream cream is covered with a light crust, and inside remains soft, which gave the name of the cream "Wet meze". Cream ingredients are simple and accessible to everyone. I'm sure you can easily find them at home, because you only need protein, sugar and citric acid.

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you how to make a delicious and simple cream "wet beze". To decorate and fill any baking!

DepositPhotos Ingredients
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1/4 tsp citric acid


  1. Separate the proteins from the yolks. Put the yolks aside and use them for another dish. Mixer slightly beat the squirrels.

  2. In parallel, prepare a water bath. To do this, put a pot of water on the stove. While the water is heated, add sugar and citric acid to the protein container. Beat all ingredients with a mixer for 1-2 minutes.

  3. Put the container with cream on the water bath (so that the water is already boiling) and beat the mixer for another 10-15 minutes. The mass should be white and lush. 545760

  4. When the cream appears traces from the corolla (cream begins to turn on the corolla), remove it from the pan and whip for about 3-4 minutes.

  5. That's it, cream's ready. Wait until it cools down and enjoy decorating their pastries. By the way, if desired, the cream after cooking can be colored with food dyes.


Editorial advice I also suggest you learn how to make meringue in the microwave. Amazing: only two simple components can create an exquisite sweetness!

Personally, after watching this recipe, I had a desire to finally buy this very microwave to make my life easier and sometimes cook such lovely dishes.


This is a truly universal cream for baking! It is low-calorie, very tasty, perfectly keeps shape (even flowers are made of it), is prepared easily and simply from improvised products, does not melt in the sun and does not spoil without a refrigerator. By the way, in scientific terms, “wet beze” is also called Swiss meringue.


Swiss meringue traditionally cakeCakes and cupcakes. For example, a sour cake with apples will taste a million times better with a cap of sweet tender meringue.

Share a delicious recipe with your friends, they will definitely thank you for it!


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