After chatting with a toxic friend, it feels like you've drunk all my life energy.

Negative communicationIt's detrimental to our lives. Sometimes, you communicate with someone, and after a conversation you feel moral fatigue. Congratulations, you're an energy vampire! No matter how much we try to protect ourselves from toxic people, contact with them is always necessary. It’s just important to be able to determine that this person is in front of you.

Today I will tell you what ghosts toxic people possess and how to classify them.

In communication with a toxic person there is nothing pleasant. At first you think it's okay. But the more you contact, the more often you will experience negative emotions. And in the worst cases, you’ll end up in a trap that’s not always easy to escape.

One of the brightest representatives of toxic people. narcissist. This is a conventional name, since such a term exists in psychology and psychiatry. At the domestic level, this is simple.

Imagine you're meeting someone. At first, you think this person is a pleasure to deal with. He can look great and have the best character traits. Besides, he's got a lot to talk to, and you really appreciate it.

But man’s actions speak for themselves. Narcissistic people are fixated on themselves and their problems. They are selfish at the worst of this quality. Together and in joy and sorrow, such a person will never be with anyone. He has no empathy at all.

But the worst part is that narcissists put themselves above other people. And this will soon begin to manifest itself in communication. If you do not want to feel humiliated on any occasion, it is better to protect yourself from contact with such personalities.

Another unpleasant type. energy vampires. It's like they're sucking all your energy out of you when you're communicating. And then you can literally feel tired. But this person, on the contrary, becomes even more cheerful.

They create problems for themselves and constantly focus on the negative. In addition, they will not miss a single opportunity to pin you to your sore spot and remind you of your shortcomings. Energy vampires are well described by the phrase: “In someone else’s eye they see straw, in their log they do not notice.”

Other types of toxic people
  1. Human controllers. The name speaks for itself. If you happen to meet such a person, you will immediately notice his manic desire to control everything. It would seem that this is bad and how can it concern you?

    It's simple. Imagine that such a person is your colleague. He will be involved in any project and take part in solving every problem. Without his participation, no meeting will do, even if nothing is required of him. But the worst thing is that such people behave as if you can’t do anything on your own. It's very unpleasant!

  2. Obsessive liars. These are people who are so deeply immersed in their lies that without it, they can no longer imagine their lives. They are used to manipulating others. In addition, they tend to engage in gaslighting. What this is, I told you earlier.
  3. Envious natures. Such people do not know how to enjoy the achievements and success of others. They blame fate for all their troubles and consider themselves victims even when they are not. It is also common for them to ridicule the feelings of others and downplay their grief.
  4. Drama man. These are people who like to gossip and create a mysterious aura around themselves. There may be no problems in their lives, but they will do everything possible to make them.

    In communication, such a person often puts the interlocutor in an awkward position, doing it as if accidentally. Not everyone can track this trend right away. So keep your ears open and don't take offense!

I wonder what you think of this classification? Have you ever spoken to toxic people?


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