This substance will just wash away everything superfluous! The gut is completely clean.

In my 60s, this plant improved vision, healed the liver and cleaned the intestines.

Beets are a vitamin bomb! She's your first helper in the fight against obesity and liver disease, thanks to the betaine it contains. Beets save from a hangover, gives energy, cleanses the body. Eating it is useful for children, pregnant women, and especially the elderly!

Health and fragrance dish from this root will saturate the body with the necessary substances at any time of the year. Rouge root vegetable can be safely cooked, baked and stewed, because it does not lose its useful properties during heat treatment!

I try to often add this root vegetable to my diet, because it normalizes the work of the intestines. For a noticeable effect, it is recommended to eat 100-150 g of boiled beets per day. Here's my favorite. saladThe one I cook for my family.

The ingredients
  • 3 beets
  • 2 bulbs
  • salt
  • first-press olive oil
  • vinegar

  1. Peel the beets and boil them in water with a pinch of salt.

  2. Cut the onions and boiled beets in cubes, put them in a salad bowl.

  3. Add some olive oil and vinegar, salt to taste and stir the salad.

  4. Light spring salad ready!

Each hostess has its own tricks of cooking beets, but not everyone can cook it correctly. So how cook And easy?

How to cook beets
  1. The classic way
    This is how our grandmothers cooked this vegetable. Pour beets with cold water and put on fire for 2-3 hours. Long, but it's tested!
  2. Like a professional.
    Cooks boil beets like this: let it boil for 30 minutes, and then drain all the water. Then put the root crop under a stream of cold water for 15 minutes. Such a sharp change in temperature brings the vegetable to readiness. Total: 40-45 minutes.

  3. In 30 minutes!
    Very fast method for those who are lazy or do not have time for the arrival of guests. This is done as follows: put beets on a large fire, leave the pan open. There should be plenty of water so that it does not boil until the vegetable is ready. After 15 minutes, remove the pan from the fire and put the beets in ice water for 15 minutes. That's the express method!
  4. In the microwave
    It'll take a little longer, but you'll be surprised how delicious the beets will turn out. Put the root vegetable in a baking bag and put in the microwave for 25 minutes. The temperature should be 200 degrees. If the beets are very large or old, you will spend a little more time.

Benefits of beets invaluable! It can be added not only to borscht and salads, but also make delicious drinks and desserts from it.


See also

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