How to make a potato casserole with chicken

What to enjoy for dinner home, if in the refrigerator, in addition to potatoes, there is a piece of chicken, cheese and several sheets of tortilla or lavash?

Today. "Site" will tell you how to prepare a hearty potato casserole "Curtilla", the recipe of which is not very complicated, and the taste can pleasantly surprise you.

Potato casserole recipe with chicken Ingredients
  • 400-500g chicken fillets
  • 500g potatoes
  • 150g cheese
  • 1 bulb
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp sour cream
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • pinch
  • salt and pepper
  • 3-4 tortillas

  1. Slice chicken fillet slices and thin slices of potatoes.

  2. Send meat and potatoes to a bowl, add eggs, sour cream, most of the grated cheese.

  3. Sprinkle and pepper, spice paprika and chicken spices, mix well.

  4. Put a tortilla or a lavash leaf on the bottom of the mold. Put a piece of ground on it, evenly distribute it over the entire surface. Earlier we shared a selection of snack rolls from lavash with the most popular filling. They are suitable for all occasions: a full lunch or dinner, a snack for her husband at work or a buffet for unexpected guests.

  5. Put another tortilla on top and repeat the whole procedure until the filling is finished.
  6. Send the baking form to the oven heated to 200 degrees. Depending on the oven and the number of layers, cooking will take you 1.5 to 2 hours. At the initial stage, the casserole can be covered with foil.

  7. Before ready, sprinkle curtil with the remains of cheese and send it back to the oven.

  8. Serve hot by cutting into portioned pieces.

  9. Potato casserole with chicken and cheese ready. Bon appetit!

Such a casserole is possible to prepare even a person far from cooking. The original dish will be convenient to take with you on a picnic. You can at home ready to wrap in foil, and in nature put in coals.


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