Why You Should Soak Food in Milk
Soaking in milk is a fairly simple manipulation, which in some cases helps us get rid of unwanted properties of products, and in others allows you to improve the taste of ready-made dishes.
How, why and for how long is needed milk Different products will help you understand "Site".
How to make meat juicy
Should I soak? Everyone decides for themselves, but the use of milk can significantly improve the taste of many dishes. Our easy-to-use tips will definitely be useful to you in the kitchen. Bon appetit!
How, why and for how long is needed milk Different products will help you understand "Site".
How to make meat juicy
- Liver
Many housewives refuse to cook the liver due to the fact that it is bitter, it turns out dry and hard. To make the liver tender helps soaking in cold milk. Someone will be enough 30 minutes, and those who like softer, will have to soak the liver 1-2 hours. And the editorial board. "Site" He knows how to make delicious beef liver in the oriental style.
- Ground bun
To give ready cutlets softness and juiciness, a bun for them is advised to keep in milk for 5-10 minutes. However, not all experts in cooking agree with this. So, chef and popular TV presenter Ilya Latherson is sure that milk has no place in the list of ingredients that make cutlets really tasty.
- Dried mushrooms
Dried mushrooms retain most of the nutrients and can greatly diversify our diet. But not everyone knows that before cooking they must be washed with hot water, rolled with boiling water and soaked for 1-6 hours. You can do it in cold water or you can use milk. Mushrooms soaked in milk become unusually tender and tasty.
- Salted herring
Housewives soak salted herring not only for the sake of taste correction. Excess salt has an unpleasant tendency to retain water in the body, provoking edema. For soaking herring in milk, an average of 6 to 12 hours is enough. Keep in mind that this will affect its taste, make the flesh slightly milky. Such fish will be especially good with a side dish of boiled potatoes.
691934 - Kidneys
The abundance of trace elements and B vitamins make the kidneys one of the most useful by-products. But here's the unpleasant smell... In order for the taste of the product not to disappoint real gourmets, the kidneys should be pre-soaked. Experts say that milk copes with this task much better than plain water.
In this case, harmful substances are removed completely, and the product itself becomes much softer. The temperature of the milk should be room temperature, and time will take 2-3 hours, while the milk must be changed periodically.
- Sour cottage cheese
If cottage cheese does not please its taste, this advice will help: mix cottage cheese and milk in a ratio of 1: 1. After throwing the cottage cheese on the coop, let the milk drain and put it under pressure. The remaining milk from the procedure can be used to prepare a pancake test. "Site" I collected 10 recipes for pancake dough that never breaks or sticks to the pan. It is possible to arrange Maslenitsa at least every day!
- Fish fillets
An hour in milk will not only make the fish juicy and fragrant. You will also have a nice bonus in the form of a delicate golden crust on the finished roasted fillet!
- Hard meat
If you come across a carcass of an old rooster or silky beef, and you want to make it edible, milk will be useful. 8-10 hours in milk can give meat softness and improve its taste.
Should I soak? Everyone decides for themselves, but the use of milk can significantly improve the taste of many dishes. Our easy-to-use tips will definitely be useful to you in the kitchen. Bon appetit!