What products are we preparing incorrectly
It is good if you eat deliciously cooked homemade food every day. But are you cooking it right? Today's edition. "Site" We’ll talk about foods that our grandmothers didn’t cook properly. Home cooking These are not only delicious ingredients, but also their proper heat treatment technique.
The thought of a hot home dinner warms the soul on the way home. Here you go and think whether you should eat buckwheat with milk or do a light vegetable salad. Just how to cook: boil, fry or bake? We have prepared a selection of 10 dishes that may not be as useful as you think.
Now household It'll do a lot more good. It is interesting that we do not even think about such trifles as cooking buckwheat or tea, but these little things can play a cruel joke with us. Not to say that eating all these dishes is dangerous, but it is better to limit their use for your own benefit and find a tasty alternative to such food. And what would you not be able to refuse from the listed products?

The thought of a hot home dinner warms the soul on the way home. Here you go and think whether you should eat buckwheat with milk or do a light vegetable salad. Just how to cook: boil, fry or bake? We have prepared a selection of 10 dishes that may not be as useful as you think.

- Buckwheat on milk
Since childhood, this dish is well known to everyone. The benefits of cereals are known even to those who neglect buckwheat in their diet. But nutritionists are sure that the combination of this porridge with milk is undesirable. Different enzymes in the human body are responsible for the digestion of buckwheat and milk, and if these products are consumed simultaneously, this can provoke a disorder. The iron contained in buckwheat does not allow calcium to be absorbed from milk. It is better to use these products separately, but if you can not do without your favorite dish, then you should limit its use to 1 time a week. - Peelless young potatoes
Those who care about the figure, know that eating potatoes is often not worth it. But if there is, it is better young and skinned. It is in the skin that potassium, iron and magnesium are contained. Well, if you peel, there's only starch left. Pay attention to the fact that it is better to avoid buying potatoes with greenish skin, in such a root crop there is a lot of solanine poisonous for humans. - Cabbage stew
It is best to use cabbage in its original form, since during heat treatment this vegetable loses most of the nutrients. It is best to prefer stewed sauerkraut, because it contributes to the digestibility of heavy food. - Peelless pumpkin
It is in the peel of the pumpkin that the vegetable protein inhibits the reproduction of the fungus. And even compared to the flesh in the skin is much more zinc. It is better to try to minimally trim the top layer of pumpkin before cooking, or even bake it together with the skin, for example. Another good option is to make candy from pumpkin peel. - Fried eggplant
Fried blues with vinegar and garlic are loved by many of us. Those who prefer fried eggplant baked, will receive from the vegetable more potassium and less nitrates. - Bran and milk muesli
It may seem that muesli with milk will only be more useful, but it is much better to pour them with ordinary boiling water. Muesli and bran themselves are long digested, and in combination with milk they can cause heaviness in the lower abdomen and bloating. Muesli on the water can also be delicious, just add berries and honey, dried fruits or nuts to them and enjoy a nutritious breakfast. 380868 - Raw tomatoes
It is believed that raw fruits, vegetables and berries have much more vitamin than thermally processed ones. Things are different with tomatoes. It is during steaming or stewing that tomatoes are enriched with micronutrients. - Black tea with milk
The English tradition of adding milk to black tea was loved not only by the British. Only because of milk, all the antioxidant properties of tea evaporate. You may have to taste aromatic tea with honey, citrus or mint. This drink is much more useful. - Garlic in dishes
Whole slices of garlic are able to give a spicy aroma to dishes, and crushed it is not everyone likes the taste. But it is when cutting garlic from it that you can get much more benefit than from the whole. - Roasted broccoli
Broccoli should be cooked very carefully and not for long. A big mistake of chefs is roasting cabbage, which causes a lot of vitamin C, chlorophyll, protein and sugar to evaporate.
Now household It'll do a lot more good. It is interesting that we do not even think about such trifles as cooking buckwheat or tea, but these little things can play a cruel joke with us. Not to say that eating all these dishes is dangerous, but it is better to limit their use for your own benefit and find a tasty alternative to such food. And what would you not be able to refuse from the listed products?